The LORD GOD of creation speaks to the God-fearing people…

This says GOD YHWH, The LORD GOD of creation : 

“Hear, o ye who tremble and fear My holy name and powers and universal Majesty, I AM the Great One who was, is and always will be, although I AM working in the invisible what you will see in the visible.  For there is no sparrow that will fall from heaven unless it was decided by Me. I AM.All the visible and invisible realms/universes or the by My words called into existence ones are under My control although it might seem different because of the workings of the powers of darkness. But I AM the First and The Last, The Alpha and Omega, The One who was, is and always will be… and Who has a plan with and in this temporary creation. I AM. Many of you heard My words already many years ago, but often drifted away. But My holy Faithfulness always sent/sends My holy messengers to awaken you and to bring you back to the Source of LIFE, Who I AM. Soon things will be as We decided them to be. For Our Holy Plan has to be fulfilled according to Our holy revelations and prophecies and words. I AM. Many of the inhabitants of the earth were not prepared to accept Our Good Message to save them when their time had not yet come. But now all people will know for sure in a very short period of time that We are. I AM. For We will increase the workings of Our Holy Ghost in these last days before Our return to the Mount of Olives at the East-Side of Jerusalem in Israel. I AM. Many nations and tribes and even their leaders will know that We are The Rigtheouss  Ones. For We will judge the living and the dead in righteousness. I AM. And no-one will flee that last judgment on Our Day. I AM. My holy call to all was and is and remains : Repent and make the Way of YHWH straight. Quit with evil and seek Me… and Our Holy Will… and understand the days you are living in… and make things right. Get right with your conciousness and life… and with the people in creation… and call on Our Names to be saved by means of Our Giving Goodness/Grace/Love/Mercy… and be baptized in water and Spirit of GOD to The Name of My Beloved and Glorified Holy Child and Son Yeshua HaMashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus The Christ, The Living One. I AM. Read Our Words and understand Our Way  and leave the Broad Road to eternal suffering and destruction… and enter through the Narrow Door, in faith in My beloved Son Jesus The Christ/Jeshua HaMashiach and go that Small Path to Eternal Glory with Him and Me. I AM. Follow Me in Him… and Him in Me… and Our faithfull followers, whose life was also IN Christ’ Spirit/Life-Giving Ghost… by which they were and are empowered to do Our Good Works according to Our Holy Plan and Holy Will for them and creation, so that We and Our love and grace and truth and mercy and all Our works of Salvation and reconciliation and sanctification and completion and glorification are glorified in the earth among all nations and tribes, so that by Our Goodness and love many will be saved for eternity. I AM. For it is Our desire that many will to get to know Our Heavenly Eternal Truth, so that they will be set free from the evil snares of the evil ones by Our TRUTH. I AM. For Only Our TRUTH will set you free from slavery and addictions to the powers of darkness. I AM. He who is set free by Us… will really be free. First seek Us… and the Righteousness of Our Heavenly Kingdom… and all the other things We will add unto you. I AM.”  ;

Says GOD The Father, The Almighty One of creation, The GOD of The True Israel… according to the Spirit of GOD living.

“Glory, Glory, Glory… follow Me” ;

Says the Son of GOD Y.H.W.H. / Yeshua Hamashiach/Hinoshri Wamalech Hayehuddim, ( = Jesus The Christ/The Nazarene The King of The Jews…)

Who was born out of a virgin at the city of King David/Bethlechem-Ephratha in Judea in Israel, The Scepter of Juda/The Lion of Juda, The Lamb of GOD… that was slain for the sins of Israel… and creation, to save all from their sin and punishment/judgments by God , who believe this holy message of reconciliation by the Blood of The Lamb of GOD on the Ark of The Covenant… sprinkled by the High Priest according to the Order of Melchisedek-King of Shalom/Salem  Y.H.W.H., for He went into the Holy Place and Presence of GOD… and purchased all with His Own Holy Blood. For He never transgressed GOD’s Holy words, but fulfilled the promises of GOD concerning the Mashiach… who would save Israel for Eternity… by giving Himself as an atoning Sacrifice to the living GOD by shedding His blood on the Wood of Curses of Calvery, where He was nailed to by the Goyim/Roman soldiers… in order to fulfill the work… to save Israel and all of creation from the everlasting judgments of GOD. He, the Mashiach, The Son of GOD, made peace between GOD and Israel/The twelve tribes of Israel and all of creation, so that He could/can pour out the Holy Gift of God’s Ghost… to make them all to new people, born out of water and Spirit of GOD… to renew their ways of thinking, speaking, willing and doing… to make them all holy to their eternal salvation. For no-one was capable to live a life without trangressing God’s holy words… and no-one was justified in God’s Presence because of his own works according to the Thora. For all fell short of the Glory of GOD and all were guilty and deserved punishment according to God’s holy words/Thora and holy Prophetical words. And Therefore GOD sent His Only True and Holy and Righteous Son from heaven… to become the Savior of Israel by fulfilling the Law/Thora perfect without sinning throughout His whole life on earth… to become the Perfect Lamb of GOD, that would be slain to make things again right with GOD for mankind. Now all are welcome in God’s Holy Presence without being condemned or being consumed by God’s Holy Fire… and He accepts them as His beloved children/sons and daughters IN the faith in this Eternal Fact and Truth… and GOD’s Work to save all who believe in The Perfect Way of salvation/Saving Grace/Love and Truth… and remain in these words of salvation… and work of saving reconciliation in the power of the Blood of the Lamb of GOD, that fled down from the body of Yeshua/Jesus through a split in the Rockbottom of Calvery… to a cave beneath the Crucified One… where the Ark of the Covenant stood waiting for the Blood of The Lamb of GOD… to be sprinkled by God’s Holy High Priest Y.H.W.H. , who made peace in the power of His own blood/soul/life… when it was sprinkled before the holy eyes of the Cherubim and the Holy Eyes of GOD as an everlasting reconciliation. And in This Holy Work and Holy Will He made all perfect and complete and justified in God’s Holy Eyes for all eternity… concerning their position IN MASHIACH/ANOINTED ONE/CHRIST and His Saving work and grace and love and truth and sanctification by the Spirit, words and blood. There is now NO CONDEMNATION/Eternal rejection by GOD for those who are in this by GOD given and created faith IN Mashiach and His Life, words and work of  salvation.”Amen. Hallelu-YHWH. Amen. “;

Says The Holy Ghost of GOD.

The True Heavenly Pesach-Lamb was slain… and Its/His Blood works out that all who hide behind His Blood… in faith in His work of salvation… will not be struck by the angel of death, for YHWH is their LORD and GOD and Shelter/Shield/Place of Refuge. And HE will lead His people out of The Whore Babylon in these last days by His Ghost/Spirit and words/prophecies/revelations and His Mighty Holy Outstretched Arm and Hand. “Amen.” ; Says the Spirit of GOD.

Blessed are all who are called to get to know this Great Work of GOD to save His people in creation for eternity.

Yeshua/Jesus says :

“Remain in Me and remain in My words… and you will be saved and will bear much good fruit, like a branch of a Good VINE. I AM The GOOD VINE, for I AM in GOD and GOD is IN ME. We are One. And all who believe in Me, like My Holy Ghost and words reveal and teach and prophecised and prophecises, are one with Us… and they are in ME and I AM in them. I AM.”

Prophecy and gospel-explanation by God’s Giving Goodness and great Love to Israel and creation.    30.09.2023.

Words by The Candle/Menorah/The Voice in The Wind of the Holy Breath of the Holy Mouth of YHWH-GOD, The True GOD of Israel and of creation, the heavens and the earth, the True Almighty and Allwise GOD and Savior of all who believe this Holy Message of GOD’s gracious, merciful LOVE and HIS TRUTH. Amen. Hallelu-YHWH. Amen.

Message by Jean Martin Peter Schoonbroodt. NL. Vlijmen.




GOD speaks to the churches at Nairobi…

 This says GOD to the churches at Nairobi :

“You heard My voice in the past clearly. But now not anymore. Reason : You drifted away from Me. I AM. Many of you turned to mammon. And  in doing so to the world-wide-web, which stands for the mammon-banking-666-Beast-system, mentioned in Revelation 13. I AM. The Whore Babylon with her “Pharmakeia” turned  many of you away from Me. I AM “;

Says the GOD of creation, of Israel and the 7 churches. The great “I AM”.

Prophecy by The Candle / The Voice in The Wind of Ruach Hakodesh/Holy Breath of GOD.
