The Protector…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation :

Hear, ye inhabitants of the earth, soon I will restore Israel according to My holy former prophecies. I AM. My holy wrath will be poured out upon their enemies, when they will try to devour them. I AM. For I AM the Protector of My holy remnant of Israel in the last days. For they will cry out to Me in those days and will shout : “Blessed is He, who comes in the name of YHVH.” I, the LORD GOD YHVH, AM.

Prophecy 13.05.2020. Received by The Candle.

The Wolve….

This says GOD YHVH :

In these days I see how the Beast is increasing in power to dominate all nations and tribes of the earth by means of her restrictions on mankind. Soon the anti-christ will take all power. He is a religious man, but not born again. He is an enemy of the cross of Christ Jesus/Yeshua ha Mashiach, although he will proclaim to be a minister of God. He is a man in white robes and the false prophet. He is already on earth, but not recognized as being the big deceiver of mankind. He speaks as a lamb, when he speaks to multitudes, but is a wolve in his heart. His heart is not willing to serve Me, the GOD of creation, although he behaves as an angel/messenger of light. He knows how to keep control over the Beast by his manipulation and powers who serve him. I, YHVH know him, for He often blasphemed Me and My holy Son and My holy heavenly powers and saints in heaven and on earth. I AM. Many adore him and admire him as being the “Great Christian Leader”, but he is a false “christ”, the son of perdition. He leads the kings of the earth and they all honor him and his god is Lucifer/satan. His “christ” is not My Christ Jesus. His dedication is to the evil one… and to Mammon/Money/wealth/luxury/worldpower under religious deceit. Many saints, through all ages, were killed by his predecessors. I AM. For their church was build on the blood of saints, which they slaughtered through all ages. I AM.

Prophecy 12.05.2020. Received by The Candle.

Many messengers throughout all ages..

This says GOD :

I, YHVH GOD, was activ during all ages by means of My Spirit and words and revelations and prophecies and dreams and visions and powers etc. “Still many were not reached with My gospel” , some said. But I tell you, that My works were throughout all ages… and all generations were reached with My holy gospel by My holy messengers. Many of them are denied by some history-writers. Many of them were slain like their Master. I AM. Many are now on the road for Me and Jesus the Christ/Yeshua ha Mashiach. I AM. Many preach and teach and… evangelize and prophesy and reveal and share dreams and testify about Us and their experiences with Us… and many are shepherds of the flock of Christ Jesus. I AM. But the time will come, that many will fall away from the truth of Our words and holy testimonies. I AM. Soon you will see it, when the Anti-Christ Beast-system will be revealed in all its satanic/luciferian deceiving evil powers. I AM.

Prophecy 08.05.2020. Received by The Candle.

Many testimonies…

This says GOD YHVH :

Hear, ye nations and tribes of the earth, I AM the GOD of grace and truth and Godly love and true Heavenly Peace and true righteousness and of reconciliation. I AM the GOD who saves people that call on My holy name. For I AM the GOD who cares for all. I AM. Although many don’t know Me, I AM still revealing Myself to them in different ways. I speak by My Spirit to their conciousness. I speak to them in dreams or night-visions or visions or in prophecies or revelations or even in the appearances of Me or of My holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ or of Our holy angels. I AM. Many had contact with My Son and holy saints in heaven after they died. Later on, when their spirit returned to their body, they testified about the heavenly things and the things they saw and heard and experienced. Many testimonies concerning these facts are spread as light in the darkness of this sinful world. I AM. And all of creation testifies about My holy everlasting existence, for I AM the Creator of all. Soon things will drastically change. Some are already prepared. Some not. Evil will even increase under the guidance of “world-peace” and “global-unity” and “world-governance” and a global-religion and “the battle against the invisible enemy”. Many powers are already activ to work this illusion out. Many things of their agenda is already published and is increasingly manifesting. Many long for strong leadership in times of distress or of disasters or pandemics or of catastrophe or rumors of war or of threats of war or impending wars or during times of war. Still I AM GOD. I AM the One who Reigns in the heavens and in the earth according to My holy plan and holy will and revealed words/prophecies or revelations. I AM. My word reveals past, present and future. Blessed are all who are awakened by My Holy Ghost and who are prepared for My holy coming. I AM. For Soon I will come in My holy Son, who is My holy Tabernacle/Temple of My almighty Spirit/Powers. I AM in Him and He is in Me. We are One.

Prophecy 07.05.2020. Received by The Candle.

Are we living in the Last Days/Endtime ?

This says GOD YHVH :

Hear, ye nations and tribes of the earth, I AM the One and Only True and Faithfull God who has a plan with this creation. I AM. Many of you are not aware of My holy plan. I AM. Therefore many err in darkness or are caught up in the temporary worries and anxieties of life. My holy plan is revealed in the holy scriptures of the biblia. I AM. Many are aware of the existence of these books/scrolls, but don’t read them nor are really interested in them. I AM. My holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach will come back to the earth to Reign. Soon I will fulfill the things written in the book of Revelations/Apocalypse. Many see already how things are evolving towards the manifestation of it… and other people know already in which time of the Apocalypse they live… and some are aware of the fact that strange things are going on in creation. Many see and even look for signs to know in what part of the Apocalypse they are living. Many are not aware that they are living in the last days and in the endtime… and some are even promoting the things of the endtime to earn money from it or to make it ridiculous… or to promote their anti-christ agenda and to promote Luciferianism/Satanism as “The new uniting world-religion to bring peace and harmony and enlightement”. Some are even denying the facts… or My Being… and the time in which they live… in such a way, that they are deceiving the christians by means of the preaching that “There is no real prophecy and revelation anymore in these days”. They even use the bible and teach beautifull biblical teachings, but deny the fact that they are living in the endtime. They are like the religious leaders and the pharisees/scribes, who denied God’s power in the prophets and rejected their messages and the prophets… and even tried to silence them… or accused them of heresy… or of causing division… or of sectarism… or of being false prophets… or of being mentally ill… or threathened them… or even persecuted them and put them in prison… and they tortured them, to cause them to deny or renounce their holy message or Sender / LORD… and to make them to take over their religious error and to submit to them or to their “god”. Many prophets and apostles and holy ones were slain by them throughout all ages, like they did to their Holy Lord GOD and Master and Sender : Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ. I AM. The same things are happening in these last days/endtimes… and will happen in near future. I AM.

Prophecy 03.05.2020. Received by The Candle. ( J.M.P. Schoonbroodt. )

Jesus speaks to the Beast.

This says Jesus the Christ/Yeshua ha Mashiach to the New world Order :

Hear, ye liars and deceivers of the Beast/NWO, I know that you are sons of satan/lucifer. I know your hidden works. I know your secrets. I know your bloodshed. I see all and hear all you do. Everything is open and unveiled to Me. Nothing can and will be hidden, for I AM the GOD of exposure. I AM the One who activated/activates the people to make your evil works known to the world. Everywhere on internet I will expose who you are in reality. And no-one will stop it. For I AM the GOD of creation and all My holy angels will reveal your hidden works to mankind. And soon My final judgement on earth will happen. You heard it before. Many of you laughed about it and thought : “This will never happen, for we are the rulers of the world and we will dominate our slaves, haha, for there is no such god. ” But I AM the I AM, the GOD who is Light, Fire, Dynamis/Powers/Energies and I rule all of creation… and I wil prove it to you. Soon I will pour out My holy Godly wrath upon you in such a way, that you all will cry out : “Mountains of the earth, fall upon us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the Throne and from the wrath of the Lamb of GOD.” I, Jesus/Yeshua, AM the GOD of all universal powers, who was on earth in a body of flesh and blood and bones. I AM the Lord GOD YHVH, the Almighty One, and you will experience it very, very, very soon. I AM.

Prophecy by The Candle. 03.05.2020.

G.O.D. = Ghost Opening Dynamis.

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of Israel and creation, the GOD of the heavens and the earth :

Hear, o inhabitants of the earth, I AM the GOD of grace, giving goodness and mercy and eternal love and eternal saving works in lives of people, who call on My holy name or the name in which My holy name is glorified as the One who I AM : Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ = YHVH saves the Anointed One. Jesus Christ/Yeshua ha Mashiach and I are One, for He is in Me and I AM in Him. I AM a living GOD and Person, who is Spirit/Ghost and Opening up My holy secrets of Me and My holy Reign from the beginning till the end by My holy Dynamis/Power/Energies : G.O.D. = Ghost Opening Dynamis = GOD. I, YHVH, AM GOD, who was, is… and always will be… and who will come in My holy Image of My living Son Yeshua/Jesus/Jesous, the True Christos/Christ/Ha Mashiach. I AM. No-one was before I AM. For I AM the Beginning of all existing things in the invisible spirit-dimensions and in the visible material dimensions. I AM the GOD of all heavens and the earth, the GOD of all universes. I AM. Blessed are all who believe in My holy almighty powerfull existence by which I called all things into existence by means of My Word. I AM.

Prophecy 30.04.2020. Received by The Candle.

YHVH returns… to Zion.

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of creation, the GOD of Israel and the GOD and Father of Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ :

Hear, o nations and tribes of the earth and Israel of GOD, I AM the GOD above all gods and godesses, so that you know for sure that there is no almighty God as I AM. Soon things will change. Many holy prophecies and revelations of Our holy scriptures will be fulfilled in very, very, very near future. For I AM the Almighty GOD, who is faithful towards His words. I AM. Many people explain scriptures, while they are preaching or teaching about the end-times/last days, before My return to the earth to start My heavenly Kingdom and its righteousness on earth. Soon, yes very, very, very soon, it will happen that all tribes of the earth will see, that I will descend from heaven with My heavenly holy armies of holy angels and My saints. I AM. We will come down and I will put My feet on the Mount of Olives at the east-side of Jerusalem in Israel. I AM. And We will reign from Zion at Jerusalem and My Temple will be filled with My heavenly everlasting glory. Blessed are all who will be partakers of My heavenly Kingdom, which will last for thousand years. I AM. During these 1000-years Satan/Lucifer will be imprisoned in the bottomless pit. And We will reign and Our word/thora/law/teachings will fill the earth… and all will know, that the GOD of Israel is the only and true GOD of creation and dwells at Zion in Jerusalem in Israel. I AM. And all nations will come to Jerusalem to worship Me and My Son, who is My holy Image in which I AM revealed and glorified in a perfect way. I AM. He is the Radiance of My eternal Glory, the Expression of My eternal glorious Being… and the Carrier/Bearer of My almighty powerfull Word and powers. I AM. And His name is : King of kings and Lord of lords, the Word of GOD. Many of you know Him as : Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ. I AM.

Prophecy 24.04.2020. Received by The Candle.

Rev. 13+14.

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation :

I AM the GOD, who lead the history and leads the future of creation. I AM. Although Satan/Lucifer has the right to tempt people, I AM still in control. Soon the Beast- World-system and the beast (1) and the beast (2) anti-christ/other christ/other mashiach/false prophet will demand, that every-one will be chipped in the right hand or in the fore-head… or will receive a mark/sign/electronic-connected-tattoo or number or name of the anti-christ- world-wide-web-internet- banking-system, which is connected to the 666-barcode-system, without no-one can buy or sell. I AM. MY holy children, saints, will not accept that mark/sign/injection/chip… nor nano-tattoo-ID nor any other electronic RFID- chip or nano-technological or to an artificial-internet connected… or wired… or to satelite connected and new electronic-logistic-ID , which is connected to the world-wide-Mammon-system of Satan/Lucifer. I AM.

Prophecy 23.04.2020. Received by The Candle.

The two Olivetrees will come.

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of Israel :

Hear, o Israel, the days are near that I will visit you by My holy two prophets. I AM. They will appear dressed in sackcloths . I AM. They are the two olivetrees/lampstands which stand in the presence of Me and My heavenly Mashiach. They will prepare you for the true Mashiach, who will come down from heaven with all His heavenly armies to return to the Mount of Olives, where He was also taken up into heaven before the eyes of His followers in His time. I AM. You know who He is, but denied Him during all the ages. I AM.

Prophecy 22.04.2020. Received by The Candle.

Future Destiny…

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of creation to Israel and the nations :

Hear, o Israel and ye nations, I see and know about your struggles and battles and know your future. You know that I AM the GOD that revealed the future already from the beginning/past ? For I knew already all things from before foundation of creation… and I had a plan in creation, which I revealed to My holy prophets and seeers and revelators and apostles from the past. And I worked and work My plan out in the ages, according to My holy will and plan and time-schedule. I AM. For I AM the Almighty GOD of all existing things. No-one will ever be able to stop My work. I AM. Now, in this last age, I AM preparing all things for My visible return in My Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ/Christo Jesu, who will come down from heaven with the holy heavenly armies of holy angels and saints to make an end to the wicked world-system, that denied Me and My holy Reign and holy righteousness and love and holy Gospel of salvation. Many of you were even enemies of Me and My Son and of the word of the crucified Mashiach/Christ… and of the depth of what His suffering really meant for creation. Many of you pretended to be christians, but just were deceivers, whose real god was their belly and their Mammon, money/wealth/luxury and sinful lusts and evil desires and greed and worldly pleasures and sexual derailment. I know who are on the broad road to eternal destruction… and those who are on the small path to eternal glory. I know the true and faithfull ones… and those who are rats and goats and betrayers and wolves, predators. I know who are really willing to do good to glorify Us… and those who just seek their own honor or the honor of men. I know their/your future and their/your eternal end/final destination. I see and hear all things… and all things are registrated in the heavens. Every-one, who ever lived or lives on the surface of the earth, will be confronted on judgement day with all the aspects of their/your lives. Even the smallest parts of their/your thoughts, choices, words, writings and deeds will be revealed to the Holy Heavenly Court/Counsel and Our Holy Heavenly Judgement-Thrones/Seats. I AM. The scrolls/books of their/your lives will be opened to them/you. And all you ever heard or read or saw of Me and My holy Son or of Our holy words and gospel of salvation and of Our saints/wittnesses and their words…. and their/your choices and deeds will be brought into remembrance and they/you will be judged according to what was written in these holy scrolls, according to their/your works. I AM. If their/your name is written in the Book of Life of the Lamb of GOD, they/you will be saved. But if their/your names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb of GOD, than they/you will be cast out into the lake of fire and brimstone. I AM. Blessed are all who will be saved for all eternity, by means of Our giving goodness/grace through faith in Our gospel of saving love and reconciliation and sanctification and justification and completion and glorification in Us : the Father Adonai YHVH, the Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ and His blood… and the Ruach Hakodesh/Holy Breath/Holy Ghost… and Our eternal words. For the heavens and the earth will pass away, but Our word will never pass away. We are YHVH-Elochim, the Almighty Ones in creation in the visible worlds and invisible worlds, in all dimensions… and in this temporary universe… and in all future universes. We are I AM.

Prophecy 19.04.2020. Received by The Candle.

God’s return.

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD and Father of creation :

Hear, ye sons and daughters of My Inheritance, soon I will come to gather you, so that you will be united with Me and My holy Mashiach in all eternity in Our new heavens and new earth, I AM. For I AM the GOD, who spoke in the prophets and wrote by them things concerning past, present and future. I AM. In these days I will restore the fullness of My good news/gospel to those, whom I have elected from before foundation of creation to know the truth. I AM.

Prophecy 17.04.2020. Received by The Candle.

The secret fullfilled.

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation, to the man of GOD in this endtime :

Hear, o prophet of the endtime, I YHVH AM GOD and see your struggle/battle with the powers of darkness, but I have overcome them. Soon you will be taken up into heaven like Eliyah and Henoch. I AM. For, I chose you to be My prophet in this age. I AM. My holy ones are ready to be taken up into heaven, for I have prepared them to look forward to their meeting with Us in the sky/heaven. I AM. Worldwide all born agains will suddenly be taken up according to 1 Cor. 15 ; 50 – 58. and 1 Thess. 4 ; 13-18. as it is written in the original holy scriptures by My holy Spirit by means of My holy apostle Paul. I AM. Soon this secret will be fulfilled. I AM. Many deny this holy fact. But it will happen at the moment that I decide. I AM. My Son Jesus the Christ/Yeshua ha Mashiach will soon be send by Me to the earth with the clouds of heaven… to gather His saints, according to the revelations and prophecies that I gave in the past by means of My holy Ghost and holy angels and holy prophets and seeers and revelators and holy apostles… and by their testimonies and holy scriptures, which are inspired by My holy Ghost in My and Jesus Christ’/Yeshua ha Mashiach’s holy name and grace and truth/reality. I AM.

Prophecy 16.04.2020. Received by The Candle.

The GOD of all dimensions.

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of creation, who appeared IN Christ Jesus on earth :

Hear, o nations of the earth, I AM the GOD of the universes, that I created by My Ghost/ Words. I AM. No-one was My inspirator, for I AM the Inspirator of all that glorifies Me and My Son in creation throughout all ages. I AM. No-one can blame Me for the things that went wrong in creation, for I AM the Holy and Almighty GOD of all existing things. I AM the I AM, who appeared to Moses, the man and prophet of Me, the GOD above all gods and godesses in creation. I AM. No-one is greater than I AM. Although many proclaim to be something, I AM still the One who is in control of the universes. I AM. Although many disobey Me, I AM still in control. For I will lead the things in creation according to My holy plan, which I made before foundation of creation. I AM. For I knew all things already before they came into existence, for I AM the GOD above and of all dimensions from the past, present and future. I AM. No-one will ever be able to understand the fulness of My Being and works, that I did before foundation of creation and during My works of creating the invisible and visible things, unless I will reveal it to him or her. I AM. Soon I will not hesitate to bring My holy furious anger/wrath and vengeance upon mankind, because of their evil and godless way of life… in deniance of Me and My Son and Our holy Reign in creation. I AM. Many will die… and will go down into scheol/hades/kingdom of death/eternal darkness. I AM. Many will fall into the Hands of Me, the Living GOD, who I AM a consuming fire on the day of judgement. I AM. Many, who longed for salvation for eternity… and who accepted Our work of salvation in the crucified Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ, will be resurrected to eternal life in very near future. I, YHVH GOD, AM. Blessed are all, who have this living hope and the living faith in Us… and in Our grace and truth and love and Our work of reconciliation and redemption and justification… because of Our gift of faith in this work of salvation. I AM. Soon Our true sons and daughters IN Christ Jesus will be taken up into eternal glory. I, YHVH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 13.04.2020. Received by The Candle.

Don’t be afraid…

This says GOD YHVH to the inhabitants of creation :

Hear, ye inhabitants of creation, I AM your GOD and Heavenly Almighty and powerful Father of creation. I created you in your mothers womb. I AM your true eternal Spiritual GOD and Father. I AM the One and Only True GOD, who created the visible and invisible things and life-forms. I AM. Many of you heard about Me. Many not yet… or heard, but didn’t believe this eternal fact/reality. I AM. Many of you hesitated to accept Me, for they were afraid of what would happen to them, if they would do so. For many know and heard, that I AM willing to transform their ways of thinking, speaking and actions. And many were/are not willing nor prepared to accept this. Many are partakers or members of social or spiritual or religious or political or economical or financial or cultural or sports or philosophical or scientific or medical or domestic or national or international or global or idealistic groups. Many are afraid to loose them… or are afraid of being excluded… or even of being persecuted by them. Now, I AM GOD All-Mighty, The One and Only Almighty One in creation. Do you think, that I would leave you or forsake you… if you choose/chose for Me and My holy beloved glorified Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ ? I AM the Only Faithful One in creation, who always is faithful towards My holy words and promissess and work of salvation in Christ Jesus/Yeshua ha Mashiach. I AM. I AM the GOD of all blessings in My holy name… and in the name above all other names : Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ. I AM. No-one will snatch My beloved children, sons and daughters, who believe in Us and Our work of redemption and reconciliation and sanctification and of justification and of glorification, out of Our Almighty Hands. For We are ONE. I, YHVH GOD, AM. Trust Us… and Our Good News of Our eternal heavenly love and grace and truth and reward and glory. I, Adonai YHVH, the Lord GOD, AM.

Prophecy 09.04.2020. Received by The Candle.

Why… suffering on earth ?

This says GOD to mankind :

You know Me, for I AM the Creator of all things in the heavens and on/in the earth. I AM. Still you are stubborn and not willing to accept Me as the King and Ruler above all. I AM. You were willing to lust for the beautiful things in creation that I created, but you denied Me and My existence and you were not willing to give Me the honor that I deserve. Therefore you exalted yourself above Me and My creation and My beloved ones, who were My holy ones, saints, believers and witnesses. I AM. Still I AM patient. Still I tolerate you till the day of judgment. I AM. Many will go down into the kingdom of death/scheol/hades. I AM. For I warned you during the former ages and in this age by My holy Ghost and His holy scriptures/scrolls/books/testimonies, concerning My Existence and Being and Almighty Reign in the visible and invisible worlds. I AM. Still you denied it… and rejected it, although I warned you not to do so. Many of you even blasphemed Me and My Son and Our Ghost and Our words and Our saints in heaven and on earth. Now the time has come, that I visit this creation with temporary judgments, because of the wickedness and idolatry and evil and lawlessness of mankind. I AM. Many will again deny this fact/reality… and will say, that it just is nature. Many will point at the environment… and tell that all is caused by mankind, who doesn’t really care about creation/nature and the environment, but will deny Me and My holy Reign and judgments and holy punishments, because of the evil of mankind. O, mankind, how long are you willing to confuse one another with your lies and deception ? How long are you not willing to accept, that your evil and godlessness and wickedness and lawlessness and rejection of Us and Our Reign is the cause of all these plagues and wars and disasters etc. with which I beat you… to bring you to your knees, so that you will ask Us for forgiveness, so that We can heal you and your house/family and your village, city or region or state or country/land/nation ? Are you still willing to deny Us… after having read this message or after having heard this message ? Do you think that We are just a fantasy/an illusion, made up by “religious fanatics” ? O, o, o, you are so deceived by satan/lucifer and the evil spirits in the air… surrounding and influencing you… to your eternal punishment and destruction. When, o when, will you be willing to accept Our Love… and grace and truth of Our Heavenly Good News/Original Holy Gospel… to save you ? How long have We to work in your lives, by means of love and truth and righteousness and mercy and judgments, before your eyes and hearts will be opened to/for Our existence and holy Reign in Our creation/kosmoia ? How long must I hit you with judgments, before you awaken out of your illusions of self-betrayal in the denial of Our Almighty Powerful Reign and righteous judgments ? AM I to hard ? AM I not a loving GOD in speaking in this way to you ? You want a GOD, who is love ? Well I AM the GOD, who is love. But when My children leave Me and become evil and wicked and are not willing to listen to My loving silent voice to their heart and consciousness… and are not willing to listen to My holy voice/words in My holy messages and holy messengers and holy witnesses and holy testimonies and holy scrolls/books/biblia, than I have to use chastisement and punishment… or even judgments… to break their hardened and stubborn hearts. I AM. I AM the GOD and Father of creation. I AM the Father above all fathers… and I AM the best Teacher and Educator in creation. No-one is more wise than I AM. I AM the Holy Almighty All-knowing Righteous GOD above all “gods” and “godessess” of the past, present and future days. I AM. Blessed are all who accept Me, YHVH GOD, as the GOD of saving goodness in My and Jesus Christ’ holy and saving name. I, YHVH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 06.04.2020. Received by The Candle.