Many will hear My words…

This says GOD to the nation of Israel :

Hear, o Israel, I AM your GOD and Fortress. I AM your Shield. I AM your Protector. I AM. Many would like to be protected… and blessed as you are with your knowledge and wealth. I AM. But I chose you to be the land and people that I would/will use to make My holy Person and name known to the utmost parts of the world. I AM. For I like to glorify My holy name and powers and glory in creation to all the inhabitants of the earth, for I AM their Creator and Judge. I AM. For many longed to be used by Me like your former prophets and apostles, who worked mighty and powerful works and signs and wonder/miracles among you and the nations and tribes of the earth in their days. I AM. Many will hear when My words are preached or taught or prophesied or when My holy good news will reach out to them. I AM. For My love and grace and truth will try to bless all nations, who were/are willing to acknowledge Me and My word and Spirit and glorious gospel/message of My saving grace and truth and powers in My and Yeshua ha Mashiach’s holy name. I AM. For the time is near. Soon I will sent Him back to the earth to save the remnant of Israel, who will call on My holy name and His name to their salvation. I AM.

Prophecy 30.01.2020. received by The Candle.

Just One Way…

This says GOD YHWH :

I AM GOD. Repent. For I AM the Judge of the living and the dead. I AM. No-one will be able to get saved for eternity… unless they repent and accept My holy gospel concerning My saving grace and reconciliation IN Christ Jesus. I AM. Many heard the gospel before, but didn’t take it serious. Now I AM adressing all again by this prophecy, which is My own direct speaking to their/your hearts, right here and now. I AM. Those who reject Me and My Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ will remain under My wrath or under My judgement on earth… or will come under My judgement, for I AM the almighty holy GOD of creation. I AM. Soon I will reveal that I AM the One who leads mankind to My truth, so that they will know that I AM… and that there is just One Way to eternal glory and salvation : Jesus the Christ. I AM.

Prophecy 30.01.2020. Received by the Candle.

This temporary… and future creation.

This says GOD YHWH, the GOD of creation :

Hear, ye people of this temporary creation, I AM the GOD of this and future new creation. For these heavens and the earth will pass away, but I will create a new heaven and a new earth, where there will be glory in all eternity for all who believed in Me and My Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ. I AM. Many people will get to know this truth by means of My holy Word of God and holy prophecies and revelations and gospel of salvation… and My holy plan concerning this and the future creation as mentioned in the book of Revelation in the bible. I, YHWH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 27.01.2020. Received by The Candle.

GOD judges…

This says the GOD of the heavens and the earth, the Almighty GOD of creation :

Hear, ye nations and tribes of the earth, I AM GOD. I AM YHVH GOD, the One and Only True GOD of the visible and invisible worlds. I AM. My word is sharper than each two-edged sword, that pierces through… and separates spirit from soul and marrow from bones. I AM. My word is the judge of the living and the dead. I AM. Many already experienced this truth and fact. I AM. Soon I will cause the nations to fear what will come upon them, For I AM the GOD who will judge all nations according to their works. I AM. I will beat the nations with disasters and deseases and several other judgements, because they are not willing to accept My holy gospel. Many love the world and her sinful lusts/desires and evil more than Me. Therefore I will raise from My throne in heaven and will look at those nations and I will have no mercy on the evildoers and wicked and godless and lawless people, who despised Me and My holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ and Our holy message of saving grace… in Christ Jesus’ name preached in creation. I AM. For I AM a holy GOD and hate unholiness and hate those people, who despise Us and Our heavenly perfect love and grace and truth and True Gospel of salvation, although I warned them not to reject Us nor Our holy gospel. I AM. Their own godless proud and stubborn mind thought, that We wouldn’t judge them… and even denied Our existence and Our almighty powers in creation. But soon they all will know that We are… and that We are the Almighty GODS in creation, who will do what We prophesied and revealed and said and preached by Our holy testimonies and wittnesses and prophets and revelators and seeërs and apostles and evangelists and all other holy ministers of Our Spirit and truth/word of GOD. I AM.

Prophecy 26.01.2020. Received by The Candle.


Word to the Maple Leaf.

This says GOD YHWH to the nation of The Maple Leaf :

Hear, o nation of the Maple Leaf, I know your ways and see the struggles and see your iniquities and your evil and wickedness in your nation… and know also those who are faithfull and obedient towards My holy gospel. I know My true faithfull servants and sons and daughters and beloved children…. and those who are envious and who strive for luxury and wealth and worldly riches, but who are poor in My eyes. They can increase in wealth, but have no treasures in heaven. For the day of TRUTH will come. Than I will reveal who were really My faithfull ones… and who were evildoers and selfish people, who were only focussed on earthly riches and power and status, but not willing to acknowledge Me… nor My Son nor Our gospel nor Our heavenly Kingdom and holy Temple. All earthly things will vanish, but the heavenly Spiritual things will last forever. Blessed are all who know Us… and Our grace and love and truth and righteousness… and who are focussed on Our and their heavenly glorious future in YHWH’s and Jesus Christ’ name. Amen.

Prophecy 23.01.2020. Received by The Candle.

God’s love… and righteousness… and Temple.

This says GOD YHWH to Israel and the nations in these last days, before the return of Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ :

Hear, o Israel and ye nations, I AM the GOD who is Ghost, Light and Love and gracious and pure and holy love… and I AM the Righteouss One, who judges mankind according to Our holiness and mercy and truth/gospel/word of God. I AM. Some people don’t understand how We are. They don’t understand how We can be love… and meanwhile judge mankind. They have no really knowledge concerning Our ways with mankind. They often don’t see Our love nor Our mercy and patience nor Our righteousness nor Our judgements. My holy Love gave Jesus’ blood/soul/life as the ransom on the cross of Calvery… to save all who believe in Me and Him. I, YHWH, AM. But when people reject this saving work on the cross… and remain in unbelief and godlessness and evil and wickedness and lawlessness… and are even willing to persecute My beloved ones, who believe, and are even willing to kill or murder other people or tribes or nations… or to destroy the state of Israel and the Israelites and Jews, than I will show My holy anger/wrath to them, for I will judge them with the judgement with which they judged. Vengeance is mine. I AM. My glory is My holiness and righteousness. My love calls all to quit evil… and to believe My holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ and His gospel… and to follow Him. I AM. His teachings and Way of Life and the teachings of Our prophets and apostles are the Foundation of Our Holy Temple, which is the True Gathering of anointed sons and daughters of faith, the True Ecclesia/True Body of Christ Jesus/True Church. The saints of this Gathering are the Spiritual stones of this Spiritual Temple. For this Gathering is the House of My holy Ghost/Holy Spirit. For I AM GOD and Ghost and I dwell and walk in their midst. I AM. My holy Being and My holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ and Our love and grace and truth and work of salvation are glorified in My holy ones, who are set apart in Spirit and grace and love and truth… and who are themselves also Temples of My Spirit. I AM. We, I YHWH GOD and My Son and the holy Ghost and the children of God, are One. Blessed are all who acknowledge Us and Our words and holy saving grace and truth… in Us and Our House/Gathering/Ecclesia/Temple. I, YHWH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 23.01.2020. Received by The Candle.

To the nation of Turkeye.

This says GOD YHVH to the nation of Turkeye :

Hear, o nation of Turkeye, soon I will visit your nation with judgements, for you are very proud. Your leader is willing to destroy Israel. But I AM the One who brought the Jews back into their land. For I AM the Only and True GOD, who promissed the land of Canaan to Israel as an everlasting inheritance, possession, property. For they are the descendants of Abraham, whom I promissed this land as an eternal inheritance for his descendants out of the loans of the promissed son Isaac and his son Jacob, who I called Israel. The land of Israel belongs to the 12 sons of Jacob/Israel. Out of the seed of their loans I created 12 tribes of Israel… and one of these tribes was called Judah. The land/arear that I gave to the tribe of Judah was called Judea. The inhabitants, of the arear which was called Judea, were afterwards called Jews. I AM. No-one will be able to destroy My chosen ones. I, the Lord GOD YHWH, AM.

Prophecy 23.01.2020. Received by The Candle.

God allows mankind to be tested…

This says GOD YHVH to Israel :

Hear, o Israel, your enemies are surrounding you, but I AM your Helper en Savior. I AM your Fortress and Shield now and in future days. I AM. Many knew this, but forgot it. Now I remember you, that I AM in charge of creation. I AM. I AM the GOD above all gods and godesses of past and present and future days. I AM. Don’t hesitate to trust Me, for I AM the Almighty GOD. I AM. Many nations will soon experience that I AM the Only and True GOD, who leads the hearts of kings and rulers like a creek. I AM. I decide what they will do according to My holy plan and will. Even when they are satanists or luciferians, still I AM in controle. Even when they are wicked in their hearts and minds, than I allow this to happen as a test/trial for their opponents or the inhabitants of their countries/nations and for christians. I AM. For satan demanded the souls of those who would deny Me… and who would be disobedient. Meanwhile he tested and deceived mankind by his evil schemes and manipulation. But soon I will make an end to this. For soon I will put him in the dark and bottomless pit… and wil seal above him, so that he will be a prisoner for thousand ( 1000) years. Meanwhile We will reign during this period on earth… and Our Throne will be at Zion/Jerusalem in Israel. I, YHVH-Elohim – the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost- , AM.

Prophecy 22.01.2020. Received by The Candle.

GOD, the Warrior against evil…

This says GOD :

Hear, ye people of these last days/ the endtime, I AM your GOD and Savior in My beloved Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ. I AM. Many know Me as YHVH/YHWH, the GOD of creation and of Israel. I AM. Many don’t know Me, but will get to know Me by means of My words or prophecies or revelations or dreams or visions or appearances of Me or of My living Son. I AM. Many don’t know what My holy will is, although I often spoke to them. But most of them denied Me or My Son or Our words or gospel or Our revelations. Still We are willing to speak to mankind in these last minutes before Our heavenly judgements will be poured upon disobedient mankind. I AM. Sorrows and depression and many ilnesses and deseases and famines and wars will fill the earth. Many volcanos will become more and more active and several will explode. I AM. Many nations will fear and tremble, because of the things that will come upon them, for I AM the Holy GOD, who hates evil and all evildoers who refused and still refuse to repent and to change their mindset. Many will be consumed by fires. Many will die in wars or civil wars, for My Sword of My Spirit will divide nations. I AM the GOD who reveals the hidden evil. I AM the One who causes people to become whistleblowers. I AM the One who causes people to investigate the things going on. I AM the GOD of Truth and Righteousness and I AM the Holy Warrior against the evildoers. I used and will use whomever I want to reveal the secrets of evildoers. I AM. No-one can hide, for My all-seeing eyes and My all-hearing ears are everywhere. I AM. There is no shield nor bunker nor city under the surface of the earth where people can hide, when My holy wrath will be poured out upon them. I AM. For I AM the Almighty One and My Spirit is more powerfull than all powers of the universes or in the universes, for I created them all. And they all only exist in My powers. Like I called them all into existence by My Word, so I can destroy them all by My almighty Word. I AM. For there is no-one in creation as powerfull as I AM. All things in the heavens and in the earth are held in position by My Word, unless I decide to change things. I AM. All the powers of the heavens and on and in and of the earth and of nature listen to My command. I AM. For I AM the Commander in Chief of all existing material- and spirit-worlds. I AM. There is no god above Me… nor will there ever be a god above Me in future. I AM. The day will come, that I will destroy the heavens and the earth in fire by My spoken Word. I AM. And after this event I will judge the dead in front of My heavenly throne. Those, whose names are written in the Book of Life, will inherit the glorious New Earth and the New Heaven… where they will live in all eternity. I AM. Those whose names are not written in the Book of Life… will be cast out into the eternal lake of brimstone and sulpher and fire, where they will suffer in all eternity. I AM.

Prophecy 19.01.2020. Received by The Candle.

God’s glorious love…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One, to the people in the desert of this world, where many are spiritual dead in sin and transgression and evil :

Hear, ye dead people in the desert of this world, if I wouldn’t bring My Spirit of life over you… you would remain dead in evil and godlessness and wickedness and lawlessnes and Satanism/Luciferianism and living your fleshly desires that would lead you to eternal destruction and eternal separation from Me and My Son and Our eternal life and love and glorious light and goodness and complete healing powers. I AM. My glorious eternal love and goodness was willing to sacrifice My only Firstborn of Creation, My holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ, on the cross of Golgatha/Calvery for the sins of creation. His reconciling sacrifice made peace between Me and you.The shedding of His blood was necessary to save your souls and spirit for eternity. His soul/life/blood was poured out on the cross and on the mercy-seat on the Ark of the Covenant to reconcile mankind to Me, so that I can forgive and cleanse and purify and sanctify and justify and complete and glorify them by means of His blood and Our Spirit and words and grace. I AM. Our promiss is eternal life, as a gift of Our saving love and grace and truth and work of salvation IN Christ Jesus/Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos, by means of the gift of faith in this atoning, redeeming work. I, YHVH GOD, the LORD GOD, AM.

Prophecy 16.01.2020. Received by The Candle.

The Sustainers of creation…

This says GOD YHVH to all people in creation in these last days :

Hear, ye people of these last days, I AM the GOD above all existing things in the visible and invisible worlds/universes. I AM. Many of you heard about Me and My Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ. We are the True GODs in creation. We are the Ones who called all things into existence. We are the Ones who are called YHVH-Elohim/the YHVH-Gods, who are the Gods above all other gods. We are the Supreme Gods above all beings in the material and spirit-worlds. We are the Gods who were, are… and always will be. Our heavenly Thrones will last forever and Our heavenly Kingdom and Reign will last forever, for we are the Kings above all kings and the LORDS above all lords… and the Rulers above all rulers. We are Elohim above all elohim, the Gods above all gods. We are I AM. For I, YHVH GOD, and Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ are One. For He is in Me and I AM in Him. We are glorified in the heavens and in the earth by Our Holy Ghost/Spirit and powers and holy angels/sons of God. We are the Ones who will reveal Ourselves to mankind by means of visions, dreams, revelations, prophecies and words of God or holy scriptures… and in all of the created things. For Our creation glorifies Our Existence and creating powers by day and night. For We called all things into existence by means of Our almighty powerfull spoken words in the power of Our almighty Ghost. For We, the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost, are One. We are YHVH-Elohim, the Creators and Sustainers of creation… and the Gods of saving grace and the works of salvation in Our holy names. Amen. We are The Saviors of many people from the past, present and future. We are revealed in creation during all ages by means of Our appearances to chosen ones, who became Our witnesses… and who testified about Us and Our works and love and grace and truth and mercy and judgement and reconciliation and saving grace in Our holy name and in the name of My beloved and glorified Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ. We are I AM.

Prophecy 15.01.2020. Received by The Candle.

Word/prophecy to Elam…

This says GOD YHVH to the nation of Elam :

Hear, ye Elamites, soon I will destroy your pride. I know your ways in the desert and your ways among the nations. I know your idolitry. I know your laws and rules by which you reign. But soon I will make an end to this… for the Evil one, the evil spirit, has made you to an opponent of My Israel and My holy faithfull servants among the nation and nations. Many despise My holy followers, who believe in Me and My holy Mashiach/Christ Yeshua/Jesus, but I AM still their GOD and Savior for eternity. I YHVH GOD, the LORD GOD Almighty, AM. Many will follow the broad way/road to eternal destruction and punishment, for they were not willing to accept Me nor My holy Mashiach. I AM. Many nations are unfaithfull towards Me and My Mashiach, who is My beloved Son. I AM. Many call themselves even “christians”, but are enemies of the Truth that I revealed or spoke to them by My faithfull ones. I AM. Many Faithfull followers are dedicated to Me and My Son, the Mashiach, and Our holy teachings of Our holy scriptures/the bible. I AM. Our true holy prophets and apostles/messengers were willing to follow the example of My holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach. I AM. Soon I will send Him to the Mount of Olives at Jerusalem in Israel, with the holy armies of heaven, to destroy the armies of the enemies of Israel and the Beast and the false prophet… and to save the remnant of Israel and to start with them the Kingdom of GOD, which will last for thousand years. During that time Israel will live in peace and the nations will not war anymore, for Our Reign of righteousness and peace and truth will fill the earth. I, the Lord GOD YHVH, AM.

Prophecy 13.01.2020. Received by The Candle.

The True GOD speaks…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation, to the human beings in this temporary creation :

Hear, ye human beings, soon I will reveal to all My holy Being. I AM. For many heard My holy gospel and words of God and holy messages or read holy scriptures or holy testimonies or read holy chronicles, concerning My holy infuence and work in creation to save elected ones of Israel and the Jews and the nations/goyim and of christianity. I AM. Many had their own thoughts concerning these holy messages and prophecies and testimonies and experiences of these wittnesses or their scriptures. I AM. But know and understand this, I AM the GOD who spoke and speaks to all of mankind, so that they all will know who the True GOD is among all these several “gods” and “godesses” of the past… or of these days. I AM. Many worship and serve idols, blinded as they are in their hearts and minds and understanding by the schemes and evil snares of Satan/Lucifer and their demons. But I AM the GOD of saving grace. I AM the GOD who will take the veil away that covers the multitudes, for I AM the GOD of truth and reality and facts. I AM the GOD who created all visible and invisible material and spirit-worlds/dimensions. I AM. I AM the all-knowing GOD. I AM the Source of all existing things, that I called into existence by means of My almighty powerfull Ghost/Spirit and dynamis/powers/energies. I AM. For I have the powers to speak and to transform My spoken words into existing things in the material worlds and in the spirit-worlds. I AM. I AM the almighty GOD, who is Ghost/Spirit… and I AM the GOD and Father of creation. YHVH/YHWH is My holy name forever. I AM.

Prophecy 09.01.2020. Received by The Candle.

You have a choice… and God will honor it.

This says GOD :

Hear, ye nations of the earth, I AM GOD above all existing things in creation. I AM. Many of you are familiar with christianity, but not with Me nor with My everlasting reign and truth and righteousness nor with My faithfulness towards My holy words and plan and holy will concerning the things that happened and will happen in these and future days. For I AM the Almighty One of creation. I AM the Source of life and grace and truth and righteousness and of goodness and of judgement. I AM. My saving grace and truth and healing love and power is for all who call on My holy name and the holy name of My beloved and glorified Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ. I AM. Many have problems or issues, but I AM the GOD who can save, help, heal or even strenghten the weak, for I AM the GOD of all living creatures that I gave energy and breath to live in the earth. I AM. I AM the Source of all powers in creation. I AM the GOD who is Ghost, light and love and holy. I AM. Let all who call on My holy name depart from all evil, for I hate evil, but allow it to exist… so that mankind can have a choice in this temporary creation. I AM. For I AM the GOD who loves creation and who wants people to have a choice, so that they are also capable to do as they want, even if it is to their own eternal punishment or destruction. For My holy judgements are already on earth active. If people choose for satan and his pleasures and desires, than they will hate Me and My holy words and saints and will become sons of satan and will go lost for all eternity… and will be punished in all eternity, because they were not willing to become sons of GOD YHVH, the only Almighty One in creation. I AM. My holy chosen ones, elected ones, who are submissive to Me and My holy will and words and who accepted My holy saving grace and truth and gospel… and who turned away from evil… and called on My holy name and the name of My beloved Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ to their salvation… and who were baptised to My and His name and the name of the Holy Ghost in water and Holy Spirit… will be glorified and justified in My holy presence, because of their faith in Our Life-giving love and grace and purity and work of salvation in the crucified Christ and the shedding of His blood… to their salvation and reconciliation to Us. Amen. I, the LORD GOD YHVH, AM.

Prophecy 03.01.2020. Received by The Candle.

God’s influence in creation.

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of creation :

Hear, ye tribes and nations of the earth, soon I will intervene in the history of the world. For I AM the GOD who leads the history of the world throughout all ages. I AM. Although My invisible Being is denied by many and My almighty powers are denied by many… and many speak as if nature and mankind would write history, while willingly denying My influence in creation, I AM still in charge of all powers and forces in creation. I AM. Soon I will test all of mankind, for I AM the GOD who tests the hearts of people to see if they are willing to serve Me… or satan. I, the Lord GOD YHVH, AM. Many have already made their choices… and soon it will be visible in how they will act, while being tempted by satan and his demons and unclean spirits. I AM. For many have no controle over their desires and lusts and are evildoers and even wicked people, who do and will do cruel things to each other and other people and children and animals. I AM. Many are worthy to be called sons of Satan/Lucifer, for they do his will and words and evil and wicked and cruel thoughts and instructions… and are slaves of him and the evil spirits. Their destiny will be the place of eternal suffering in the second death, which is the lake of sulpher and brimstone and fire. I, YHVH GOD, AM. Some people have decided to serve Me and My holy Son, the Immanuel/God with us/Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ. I AM. Soon We will come to judge all people worldwide, all nations and tribes of the earth, for We are the GODS of righteousness and truth and holiness and mercy and grace and love and goodness… and hate all who provoked/provoke and blasphemed Us and who denied Us and who rejected Our love and holy saving and life-giving good news/gospel of salvation in Christ Jesus and his blood. I AM. Soon we will reveal the true sons of GOD and the true sons of satan. The True sons of GOD will enter eternal glory and the Kingdom of GOD and paradise and Our holy Temple. The sons of satan will suffer and be punished and tortured in all eternity. I, YHVH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 29.12.2019. Received by The Candle.

The call to all in these last days…

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of the heavens and the earth :

In these last days I will call all worldwide in several ways to repent… and to return to Me and My beloved Son. But I know, that many will not follow the call, but will demand proves for Our existence, although the whole creation breaths that I AM. But I know, that many will inherit the kingdom of God, because of Our work of redemption and salvation in Christ Jesus. I AM. Many people out of many nations and out of Israel will get to know Us in future days to their salvation for eternity, when they are willing to pick up their cross… and to follow My beloved Son. I AM. Although many are aware of Our Being, they still will refuse to accept Us as their Lords and Saviors. They are hardened in their hearts by means of the snares and evil schemes and evil lusts/desires of satan and the demons and unclean spirits and their deceit and the deceit of their slaves. I, YHVH GOD, AM. No-one will be able to save himself, but only Our work of salvation will save people who will repent from their evil works and godlessness.
We are YHVH-Elohim, YHVH-Gods : The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. WE will save people by means of Our grace through the gift of faith in Us… and Our words… and holy works of salvation and reconciliation. I AM. Many people are already saved. Many are on the small path to eternal life and glory. Our grace and truth and love and mercy will save many. For We are LOVE. Our LOVE is spread as glorious light in creation by the preaching of the good news/gospel. Our love is active by day and night. Our love can be seen in creation by those that we opened/open the eyes to see her. Many are blind although they have eyes. Many are deaf although they have ears to hear. Although they live in their bodies, they are spiritual dead in sin and transgressions and evil and works of darkness. Their hearts are darkened by the powers of evil. Satan/Lucifer and the evil spirits have the right to enslave them, if they refuse to acknowledge Us and Our love and words. I AM. Still We are patient with all… and always trying to reach out for many of them. But, many are not willing to be changed by Us. Many love evil and the works/lusts/desires of the flesh… and sin willingly against God and mankind and creation. And in doing so they are enemies of Us and of Our words and of Our message of the cross/crucified Christ Jesus. I AM. Many people on the surface of the earth tend towards evil and cowardness… and remain, in doing so, in the power and chains of the powers of eternal darkness. I AM. Blessed are all who live life to its fullest by means of faith in Us… and Our work of saving grace and love and truth… and salvation in Christ Jesus and his blood. Amen. I AM. Soon He will come to take His beloved ones home into eternal glory. Amen. Hallelu-YHVH. Amen ; says the Spirit of GOD.

Prophecy 23.12.2019. Received by the Candle.

To Israel : Enemies surrounding you…

This says GOD YHVH to the nation of Israel :

Hear, o Israel, I AM GOD. I AM your GOD and Heavenly Father. I AM. Many of you are My children, spiritually, if they remain in believing in Me and My coming Mashiach/Messiah/Anointed One. I AM. Many nations surrounding you are envious. But still I AM your GOD and Shield and Fortress. I AM. But the time will come, very soon, that several nations will turn against you. But I will reveal in those days that I AM the Living GOD, the GOD of creation and of My Israel. I AM. For I will defeat the enemies of Israel according to My former prophecies. I AM. For all mountains and hills are My work in creation and I AM the GOD who laid the foundation of creation. I AM the GOD who made the pillars of the earth. I AM the GOD who can cause earthquakes to punish people or even to destroy them. I AM the GOD who has all powers in the heavens and on and in the earth. I AM. I AM the GOD who causes prosperity or adversity. I AM. I AM the GOD who can chastise people or nations or punish or judge them according to My holy word and will and plan. I AM. I AM the Almighty GOD of all existing things and no-one is more powerful than I AM. So Israel… trust Me in all circumstances. For My holy everlasting powerfull name is YHVH GOD. I AM.

Prophecy 22.12.2019. Received by The Candle.

To the nation of Persia.

This says GOD to the nation of Persia :

Hear, o Persia, I AM GOD. I AM the GOD above all. I AM the Creator of all existing things. I AM. My holy name was and is YHVH GOD forever. I AM the GOD of Israel and creation. No-one was before I AM. I AM the I AM, who spoke to Adam and Eve and to all chosen ones of all ages. I AM the GOD of Henosh, the seventh after Adam. I AM The GOD of Noach and Abraham, Isaac and Jacob/Israel. I AM. I AM the GOD of all true prophets and apostles and holy messengers from the past and present and future days. I AM. I AM the Living GOD, who still speaks to people in visions, revelations, dreams and prophecies, like this one. I AM. My holy name is forever YHVH, the GOD above all other gods. I AM. Soon I will sent My beloved Mashiach/Messiah/Christ from heaven to destroy the enemies of Israel… to save the remnant of Israel. I AM. For many nations are willing to attack My Israel and to devour My Jews, but I AM their Fortress and their Shield. I AM. I will not allow nations or tribes to destroy My holy chosen ones. I AM still the GOD of My holy Israel, which exists out of holy people, who fear and honor and serve Me and believe in My holy Mashiach/Messiah/Christ Yeshua/Jesous/Jesus. I AM. For soon many God-fearing Israelites/Jews will experience that I AM their Savior IN and through My holy Mashiach. I AM.

Prophecy 16.12.2019. Received by Jean Schoonbroodt/The Candle.