Former things will be revealed… and judged.

This says GOD YHVH to the nation of Israel :

Hear, o nation of Israel, I AM GOD, your GOD. I AM the King above all kings and the LORD above all lords. I AM the Ruler above all rulers and I AM the GOD of grace and love and truth and righteousness I AM. My holy word is spread amoung the nations and the tribes of the earth by means of My holy messengers and their holy testimonies and holy scriptures and holy chronicles. I AM. Soon I will reveal to all the True Mashiach and His judgement. For I and He are One with Our Ghost and words and true saints from past, present and future days… and our holy chosen angels. I AM. We will reveal the former things… and will judge mankind according to their works. I, YHVH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 08.09.2019. Received by The Candle.

To the emergency-centers of the USA.

This says GOD YHVH to the emergency-centers of the USA :

See and hear and experience that there will be many disasters in the USA, because of the evil and wickedness of many in the USA. I YHVH GOD AM the GOD of eternal judgements on earth and in eternity. I AM. Many are not willing to acknowledge, that I AM already judging. Many deny My almighty power and the fact that I will repay people their evil deeds. I AM. Many states will be hit with several disasters, because of the iniquity and wickedness and godlessness and lawlessnes of the inhabitants. I AM. Many call on God when they are in need, but they don’t commit their lives to Me nor to My beloved Son Jesus Christ. Many seek their own lusts and worldly desires, but deny Me in their words and deeds. Soon I will reveal My holy power to all of mankind. For many desire signs and wonders, but are not willing to quit with evil/sin/lawlessness. Therefore I will sent them a man, who will proclaim to be God, but He will be the deceiver of mankind. He is the image of satan, his son. He will be radiant and a mighty speaker and very intelligent, but will lead many to eternal destruction and punishment by his lying and deceiving words and wonders and miracles and powers. All who didn’t love Me, nor My Son nor Our holy Gospel/Words, will be deceived by this false person and his false prophet. For they will try to rule this world, but they will only succeed for a very short while, for I will destroy them by the Breath of My holy Mouth on the day that I will come down from heaven to destroy them at Jerusalem in Israel. I AM.

Prophecy 04.09.2019. Received by The Candle.

The Sword of the Spirit… and the Iron Rod… of GOD.

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation :

Hear, ye nations of this endtime, the time is near, that I will take up My holy Sword of the Spirit of GOD/the Word of GOD… and the Iron Rod… to hit the nations. For many are godless, idolators and evil and wicked in their ways of life. I AM. Soon I will show to all of mankind, that I AM the Holy One of Israel… who will punish the enemies of Israel and of My holy ones and chosen ones out of Israel and the nations. I, YHVH GOD, AM. For many nations persecuted Israel and My holy chosen ones out of Israel and the nations, who are called born again christians. I AM. Hear, ye nations, My chosen ones are the pupils of My holy Eyes. I AM. Woe to those, who touch them or try to harm or to kill them. My holy anger/wrath will fall upon them on My holy day of wrath and revenge/vengeance. I AM. For I AM their holy righteouss GOD and Heavenly Father and their Defender. I AM.

Prophecy 03.09.2019. Received by The Candle.

The True GOD… or strange “gods” and “godesses”.

This says GOD YHVH to the nations :

Hear, ye nations, the time is near, that I will sent My holy Mashiach to Israel. You know Him as Jesus the christ. I AM. Many of you despised Him… or heard about Him and had respect for who He was and what he did, but were not willing to accept Him as your Lord, God and Saviour of your precious souls/lives. Many of you read many books about other cultures and religions and their “gods” and “godesses”, by which you were deceived. Many of you think that most of the several gods are the same as those of the bible. But I YHVH GOD am a jealous GOD, for I AM the Creator… and not the greek “gods” nor the other “gods” of other cultures. I AM. Many of you are lost in knowledge, without the true Light that really enlightens the mind, heart and spirit. Many of you are even worshippers of “gods” and “godesses” which are in reality fallen angels or demons or the spirits of Nephilim, who were no gods, but seed of the fallen angels. I, YHVH GOD, AM. Many of you err and are on the broad way to eternal destruction and judgement. Soon I will come with wrath and vengeance and judgement to destroy the wicked… if they don’t repent. I AM. My holy name is glorified in the heavens and on the earth and in the earth and in the universes, the heavens. I AM. Many people will go down into the dark pit/kingdom of death/sheol/hades. I AM. For I AM a holy GOD, who hates evil. I AM. And those who worship idols or strange “gods”or “godesses” I will not tolerate in My holy Presence. Therefore I ask all of you to repent… and to quit with idolitry… and to call on our holy names to your salvation… and allow Us to change your hearts to your salvation for all eternity. I, YHVH GOD, the LORD GOD, AM.

Prophecy 12.08.2019. The Candle.

To Eritrea.

This says GOD to the nation of Eritrea :

Hear, ye Eritreans, I AM YHVH GOD, the GOD of Israel and creation. I AM the Almighty GOD above all other gods and godesses. I AM. Many of you heard about Me by means of christians amoung you, but alas, many fell back into the world and its evil desires. I YHVH GOD AM. Soon I will come to your nation to visit her with judgements. I AM.

Prophecy 04.08.2019.

Call to the nations.

This says GOD YHVH to the nations :

Hear, ye nations of the earth, I AM GOD and I will bring grace and truth to all of you in the preaching of the gospel and the works and powers of My eternal godly love by My holy disciples. I AM. But many of you are willing to reject it and them… and in doing so you will reject Me. I AM. Cause : Your pride and haughtiness and evil nature and evil desires or godless ambitions. I AM. Many of you were/are worshippers of gods and godesses which were/are in reality demons. Some are worshippers of “wisdom” and “knowledge” or the statues/images which are symbols of them or their “gods”. But soon I will destroy them with holy heavenly fire, when I will come to the earth to start My heavenly holy kingdom of heaven… and than I will destroy all your idols. I AM. The time is near. Be prepared. If you are willing to be saved from My holy eternal wrath… than bow your knees in my holy presence here and now in faith, that I AM a mercifull and gracious GOD, who wants to save you for eternity. And quit with evil. I AM.

Prophecy 30.07.2019. The Candle.

To the Bear…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation, to the nation of Iran :

Hear, ye Bear of Iran, I know your ways in darkness and in light. I know your path in the wilderness. I see your territory and how you are growling towards your enemies and how you are trying to get the honey of the other territories. I see how you are growling and threatning those who are your opponents. I see and hear how the eagles are looking at your flesh to devour it. But I AM GOD and will do the things I want, according to My holy plan. Soon I will devour your flesh according to My prophecies, for I will sent a hunter/sagittarius… who will hunt you. And you will flee your territory to survive his arrows. I AM.

Prophecy 23.07.2019. Received by The Candle.

To the Eagle/Germany…

This says GOD YHVH to the nation of Germany :

Hear Eagle, Germany, your feathers carried you through a storm, but soon I will pull them out… and you will be a naked one. For your sins are like a high wall between you and Me. Many of your inhabitants are godless and evil and love iniquity and are wicked in My holy eyes. I AM. Many of you are lovers of money and economic wealth and growth, but deny Me and My holy Son and Our Reign in the heavens and the earth. Therefore I will show you your evil attitude and your future. I AM. My holy Eyes see all the evil done by your wealthy and influential ones, who are often pedophiles… and abuse teenagers and little children. I AM. Soon I will throw you into exile. For My holy wrath is coming upon you in very near future. I AM.

Prophecy 14.07.2019. Received by The Candle.

The Faithfull One…

This says GOD YHVH to the elected ones of creation :

Hear, ye elected ones from before foundation of creation, I AM your GOD and Father. I AM your Saviour and Helper and Provider and Sustainer. I AM. Realize, that I AM above every situation. I AM your GOD. I AM your Shield and I AM with you wherever you go. My holy angels will guard you and My holy Spirit and holy angels will guide and lead you according to My holy will and plan. I AM. Remember My faithfulness to you in the past. I will never leave you… nor forsake you. I AM YHVH GOD, the Almighty One of creation, the GOD of Israel. I AM the One who gave His Son into judgement and death on the cross for your sins… and as a reconciling sacrifice to save your souls for eternity. I AM. My everlasting love to you will never end. I AM. Remember My great love to all of you… and towards My holy remnant of Israel… and know that I AM GOD. I AM. Many of you will be tested in future days, but not above the measure that I will allow. I AM. Your faith in Me and My Son and Our gospel and holy promisses and Our faithfullness towards you will make you stand firm in days of persecution or of tribulation. I AM. No-one will be able to separate you from My holy love towards you. I AM. No one can snatch you out of My Sons Holy Hand nor out of My Holy Almighty Hand. I AM. For We are faithfull in all circumstances. I, YHVH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 12.07.2019. received by The Candle.

Word of God to Israel… and Netanyahu.

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation to the nation of Israel and to Netanyahu :

Hear, o nation of Israel… and Netanyahu, My holy plan exists. Soon I will return to Israel in great glory and power in the Image of My holy Mashiach, who will come from heaven with all holy angels and holy saints. For My True Mashiach was already amoung the Israelites and Jews in the past. He was known as the Rabbi of Nazareth of Galilee, who was crucified by the Jews in His time. But it happened according to My holy plan, for He had to become the Lamb of GOD, who would be slain and whose precious innocent blood fled out of His wounds to reconcile Israel and creation to Me, the Living GOD. I AM. I forgave mankind their sins on the stake/cross of Calvery/Golgatha to save all who believe in Me and Him as their Savior. I AM. I showed in the Tabernacle, that Moses brought from the Mountain and was build in their midst… and by the offerings done by the priests and the High Priest, that there is no forgiveness of sins/transgressions of the Thorah… than by the blood of the sacrifices, which all were shadow-images of the True Lamb of GOD, that would take away the sins of Israel and creation, by the shedding of Its/His blood, which was/is/remains Yahushua ha Mashiach, for His sacrifice on the stake/pole/cross of Golgatha/Calvery and His blood, that fled out of His wounds and fell to the ground and fled through a split in the earth/rock to the mercy-seat and place of atonement and reconciliation on the holy Ark of the Covenant, which was hidden beneath the place of His crucifixtion, made peace between Israel and creation and Me, the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob/Israel. I AM. Several of your leaders and rabbi’s and scientists knew this/know this, but kept it/keep it hidden from Israel and the nations. But I reveal it by My Spirit and holy prophets of this endtime. I AM.

Prophecy 09.07.2019. Received by Jean Schoonbroodt.

To the prophet…

This says GOD to the prophet of the endtime, who will soon appear in Jerusalem in Israel to be one of the two witnesses/olivetrees/candles/prophets… according to Revelation 11. :

Hear prophet, the time is near that I will send you to Jerusalem in Israel to be My holy wittness. I AM. Be ready. I AM. Your co-worker, the second prophet is also already prepared. I AM. You will soon meet him at Jerusalem. I, YHVH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 07.07.2019. Received by The Candle.

Life… or destruction.

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation :

Hear, ye Israelites and Jews and people of the nations, ye are still living in the endtimes, although many of you are not willing to acknowledge this. But I AM GOD and I will bring all of you the truth by My Spirit and angels and My holy messengers from past, present and future days. For many of them spoke and wrote My words as a testimony to all on the surface of the earth. I AM. Many knew Me and My Son, but were not willing to accept Our holy Authority. Many were/are not willing to accept Us as the GODs of creation who will judge them according to their words and deeds. I AM. Many want to live free without bondages nor authority above them, but in reality they are seeking for death. For the road to destruction is paved by selfishness and idolitry and greed and lusts/desires and haughtiness/pride without restraints. I AM. Satan deceives all people with the thoughts that “they are really free if they reject God and His words” or “restrictions”. In reality they reject life, for I, YHVH GOD, AM the Giver of Life and of abundance and of mercy and grace and true LOVE. Many err in this maze of deception, created by satan to make them all his slaves and puppets. I AM. Many will enter into the kingdom of death/scheol/hades. I AM. Only those who accept Our offer of forgiveness and repentance and the gift of eternal life and of justification through faith IN Christ Jesus and His reconciling sacrifice on Golgatha/Calvery on the cross… will be saved from eternal punishment. I AM.

Prophecy 01.07.2019. Received by The Candle.

God revealed Himself to Israel… and to Goyim.

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation to the nation of Israel :

Hear, o nation of Israel, I, YHVH-GOD, AM your LORD and GOD. I AM your Eternal GOD and Father. I AM your Helper en Saviour. I AM. Hear, o Israel, I AM the GOD of all things that existed or exist, that I created by My word in the power of My Breath/Ruach/Ghost/Dynamis/Power. I AM. Many heard about this, but didn’t believe this fact, although I often rebuked them by My holy people, the saints of past, present and future days. I AM. Many of you heard about Me, but neglected the fact that I always called people during all ages to be My faithfull believers and wittnesses, yes even amoung the goyim. Many hate the goyim, but I AM the GOD of all tribes of the earth. For I created Adam and Eve and out of them I created mankind. Although not all tribes know Me as their GOD, I AM still their Creator. Repent from your hardened hearts, o Israelites, and accept that I revealed Myself… not only to Israel in the past, but also amoung the other tribes and nations… and yes, even today, I AM still revealing Me and My True Mashiach to many people, even amoung the goyim. I AM.

Prophecy 27.06.2019. The Candle.


This says GOD YHVH to the endtime-churches of Christ Jesus :

Hear, ye endtime-churches of Christ Jesus, I YHVH AM your GOD and Father. I AM your LORD GOD, I AM the I AM. Many were seeking for the truth, but found lies, betrayal, greed and haughtiness amoung you. Many were dissapointed in you, therefore I will restore them in a way that only I can do. I AM.

Prophecy 25.06.2019. The Candle.

The everlasting Kingdom of GOD.

This says the GOD of creation :

I AM the I AM, the GOD of Israel and creation. Soon I will reveal Myself to creation in My holy Image/Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ. I AM. Many will be amazed and shocked when they will see Him coming with the clouds of heaven. I AM. But I AM the GOD of revelation and of prophecy, who always revealed Myself to creation during all ages by means of My words, Spirit, Son or holy angels and saints to chosen ones, who I ordained to holy prophetic or apostolic holy ministries amoung the people during all ages. I AM. Their holy scriptures are amoung you according to the grace I gave/give to you. I AM. They all glorify Me and My holy Son and Our reign from eternity to eternity. I AM. Our Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom from eternity to eternity, for We were the Creators and Kings throughout all ages, although many denied this… and still people are denying this. We were amoung our chosen people of Israel in the past as We chose to be, according to our words and promisses. I AM. When We left them, than it was often to their chastisement or temporary judgement. I AM. But We will show to all that We are the YHVH-Elohim. I, YHVH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 23.06.2019.

God speaks to the United Nations and their leaders.

This says GOD to the United Nations ( UN ) :

“Hear, ye United Nations, I AM the GOD of creation. My holy name is YHVH-GOD, the GOD of Israel and creation, the GOD of the universes and of all the things in the visible and invisible material and spiritual worlds. I AM. No-one can blame Me for the evil that you did or will do, if you denied/deny My holy existence and universal Reign. I AM. Many of you despised/despise Me and My holy eternal values written in Holy scriptures of the Bible. Many of you were not willing to obey Me nor My holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ nor Our Holy Words nor Gospel-teachings. Many of you chose godlessness or idolitry by even worshipping “gods” and “godesses”, who were/are in reality demons or satan and Lucifer or Baal/Bale or fallen angels. Your GOD is the Dragon/Satan/Lucifer/the old snake, the fallen one, because you loved/love Mammon/Gold/wealth/luxury, earthly power and sex and sexual abuse and manipulation more than Me… and My Holy Godly Eternal Righteousness. But soon I will make an end to this idolitry, when I will pour out My holy judgements upon you, for I AM a jealous GOD, who will not give His own honor to statues or images of “gods” and “godessess”, which were/are fallen angels or demons or images of people… who sinned against Me and My Son and Our Eternal Almighty Reign, by making themselves to “gods”, who despised Us… and deceived people, by turning them away from Us. I, YHVH-Elochim, AM. Many will die and will be thrown into eternal darkness… and will suffer in all eternity, after being judged in My holy Presence, unless… you repent and accept Us as the True GODS of creation : YHVH-Elochim. WE are : GOD the Father, The I AM YHVH, and the Son YHVH saves the Anointed One/Yahushua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ… and the Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit/Holy Breath of YHVH. Hear, ye nations, the time of My holy Judgement is very near. Prepare yourselves, ye leaders of the nations, and prepare the people of your own nation, for Our return to the earth is near. Soon, WE will come down from heaven with great Power and Authority and Glory to judge all nations and their leaders and inhabitants. I, YHVH GOD, AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, Adonai YHVH/YHWH, the GOD of creation and of all universal powers and of all powers of nature.

Prophecy 09.06.2019. Received by The Candle.

O, Jerusalem…

This says GOD to Jerusalem in Israel :

O Jerusalem, how often did I try to gather you under My holy Wings, but you didn’t want to come to Me. Now, hear Jerusalem, My holy Two Wittnesses will come very soon to you to demonstrate My holy powers… and power to judge… and to preach/prophecy to you concerning the Truth. Soon you will know who the True Messiah/Mashiach is. I YHVH GOD AM.

Prophecy 24.05.2019. Received by The Candle.

The two prophets at Jerusalem.

This says GOD YHVH to the nation of Israel in this age :

Israel, You will hear that I will send two wittnesses/two Olivetrees/two prophets in these last days before the return of Mashiach from heaven. I AM. Many Don’t know this. They will have the same power as Moshe/Moses and Eliyah. I AM. Soon they will appear at Jerusalem in Israel. I AM. Many will hear their loud voices when they will proclaim the gospel in Gods power and authority for the nation of Israel and the other nations of the earth. I AM. Many will fear and tremble when they will punish the nations with judgements and plagues and powers. Many godless and wicked people will hate them. I AM. Many will start to seek Me and My Mashiach in honest prayer, because of their powerful testimony. I AM. But only the chosen ones will be heard and saved. I YHVH GOD AM.

Prophecy 21.05.2019. Received by The Candle.

The Two Olivetrees…

This says GOD YHVH the All-knowing GOD of Israel and creation :

I AM the Only One who is without sin. I AM. Soon I will send My Holy Two Olivetrees/Wittnesses/Prophets/Candles, who will testify and prophecise during 3,5 years in Israel at Jerusalem, who is also called in the heavens and on earth Sodom and Egypt. I AM. MANY OF ISRAEL AND THE NATIONS WILL SEE AND HEAR THEM AND THEIR MESSAGES and will fear them and their holy powers, for I will give them the powers which were also in Moshe/Moses and Eliyah. I AM.

Prophecy 19.05.2019. Received by The Candle.

I will bring disasters…

This says GOD YHVH the Almighty One of Israel :

Hear, ye nations and tribes of the earth, I YHVH AM GOD and I will bring disasters upon the nations who rejected Me and My Son Y.H.W.H. and My holy gospel… and who were willing to destroy Israel and the true saints and chosen ones out of Israel, the nations and christianity. I AM. My holy word will be fulfilled… and the holy prophets and apostles and the holy angels/messengers from heaven and their messages/words/promisses will be fulfilled. I AM. Soon the time will come that I will go into judgement with the EU and The USA and the UN and with many nations and tribes of the earth. I AM. Reason : Their godless attitude and wickedness. I AM. For many despised Me and My Son and were willing to sacrifice little children to Baal. I AM. Many sacrificed lives to this fallen angel. I AM. Therefore I will consume them with fire on My day of judgement. I AM.

Prophecy 19.05.2019. Received by The Candle.

God heals and restores…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One :

Hear, ye nations and tribes of the earth : I YHVH GOD AM the GOD on the Throne in heaven. I AM. I AM also near those who are broken in their heart and depressed in their spirit. I AM. I AM the GOD who heals and gives new hope and new life. I AM. Many, in creation, were lifted up by My Love and Spirit and truth and holy eternal promisses. I AM. Many were raised up as children of Me, although they were My enemies in their sinful nature, but I was willing to reveal My love and goodness and grace to them in forgiving them… and in restoring them, so that they would become My beloved children, sons and daughters. I AM. Come to Me, ye nations and tribes, come… and accept My True Heavenly Love in your personal lives. I AM.

Prophecy 14.05.2019. Received by The Candle.