Profetie door God’s Geest via Jean MP Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
Profetie door God’s Geest via Jean MP Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
Message by Jean MP Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
Published her on the 12.09.2022.
This says GOD YHVH :
‘I AM the I AM, also called YHWH/ YHVH/ LORD GOD of Israel and creation, the Almighty One . I AM. Many heard about Me throughout all ages, but not all were willing to accept Me as the Only True holy and righteous GOD of creation. Many thought that there were/are other gods or godesses, which were/are more important than I AM. But they erred and were false witnesses throughout the ages… and they were idolaters and worshippers of sinful man and of animals or of birds or of living creatures/created beings or of angels and/or of their statues and of ‘gods’ and ‘godesses’ , which were in reality just fallen angels or demons or fallen people, who chose the side of Satan and Lucifer and all fallen ones. I AM. Even in these days, modern times, people are still doing this in secret or in public… and are still serving these powers of darkness, while denying My holy almighty Person and existence. I AM. Still I AM activ in creation by My Holy Ghost and holy angels and holy messengers and holy witnesses and holy scriptures. I AM. For I AM the GOD above all and I AM the Supreme One above all… and I gave and give light in the darkness by My Holy Ghost and words and Son Jesus the Christ/ Jahshua HaMashiach and all the with Holy Ghost anointed prophets, seeers, revelators and apostles and evangelists, teachers, shepherds, elders, deacons and all saints and their holy scriptures or testimonies and or holy, by My Holy Ghost inspired, writings or music and songs and activities… and or by holy powers of My Holy Ghost and by Him performed miracles, signs and wonders, healings and driving out of demons out of possessed people… and speaking in new tongues/languages, that they never learned by people… but were/are the workings of the Holy Ghost… as a testimony that people were/are accepted by Me and were/are sealed with the promissed holy Ghost, but also as a testimony to Israel that I accepted the gentiles too… as the ones that I also purchased by the Blood of The Lamb of GOD and reconciled to Me and forgave their sins and accepted as My beloved sons and daughters, because of the work of salvation that I worked out In Christ Jesus/ Jeshua HaMashiach for the twelve tribes of Israel and the gentiles, for I was reconciling all of creation to Me by the blood of the lamb of GOD. I AM. The gift of tongues, worked by My holy Ghost, was also meant to be the way to communicate to gentiles the True Gospel of Salvation and to glorify Me, the GOD of creation and My Son in all languages, but also to pray in tongues/languages of holy ghost/holy angels to Me… in a secret language, that only they and I know, so that people would not know about the secrets of human lives, that they bring to My heavenly Throne. I AM. The gift of tongues/languages , worked by the Holy Ghost or holy angels, is also active to prophecise/reveal the words, that I give to My sons and daughters in Christ Jesus/Jahshua HaMashiach, when neccessary to teach, encourage them… or to show them what will happen. I AM. But in the True Body of Christ Jesus/ Jahshua HaMashiach, during the gatherings of the saints they should be translated by the power of the Holy Ghost, by those who have the gift to do that, according to My holy will and holy original unfalsified apostle-teachings, so that all will be build in the true faith and will be encouraged… or whatever My Holy Ghost wants to communicate to the Ecclesia. I AM. There are many gifts/charisma’s and ministries of My Holy Ghost still active in creation in My Holy Temple/Tabernacle/Ecclesia/Gathering of people, set apart by My Holy Ghost and words and grace and love and truth and Our gift of Faith and the holy blood of Jesus the Christ / Jehoshua Hamashiach / Jahushua HaMashiach / Jeshua HaMashiach/ Jahshua Hamashiach/ Jesous Christos/, which make people capable to minister or to communicate or to do My works in their midst… or in creation. I AM. Remember that I AM speaking here… and not a human failing person. I AM. I even quoted here some of the several names, by which My beloved Son is called in gatherings of Our holy/sanctified people/saints of this endtime/last days. I AM.’ ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, the Great I AM, the GOD of the heavens and the earth, The Eternal One, the Almighty One, the GOD and Father of Jesus the Christ/ Jeshua HaMashiach / Jesous Christos, The Holy One of Israel and of His True Temple/Tabernacle/Ecclesia, The Living One, who was, is and always will be The Same, the Great ‘I AM who I AM… and who I always will be.’, The Savior of all who believe Him and His Holy Ghost and His words and His Son, who was, is the Word of GOD that became flesh and blood, The True Lamb of GOD… and the Lion of Juda, who has overcome. ‘Amen. Hallelu-YHWH. Amen.’ ; Says the Spirit of GOD.
Prophecy by The Voice in The Wind / The Candle.
Received by Jean MP Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
Received by : The Voice in The Wind / The Candle / JMP Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
Message by The Candle / The Voice in The Wind.
Message by The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / Jean MP Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
Message by The Voice in the Wind / The Candle. NL. EU. /JMPS.
Message by The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.