GOTT spricht zur Ecclesia/Gemeinde Jesu…

So spricht GOTT :

“Ihr habt Mich anerkannt, behauptet Ihr in eure Gemeinden, dennoch sind viele von euch anti-charismatisch. Viel behaupten sie würden nicht mehr existieren… weder noch notwendig sein, da man ja alles in de Bibel hat. Jedoch muss ICH euch zurechtbringen, denn Ihr irret. Denn ICH bediene Mich noch immer aller Geistesgaben, D.h. ICH gebe die Gaben des Geistes Gottes wie ICH will… und lasse sie wirken wie ICH will… zur Errettung von Sünder und zur Erbaaung des Leibes Christi / Des Tempels Gottes/ der Ecclesia. ICH BIN.”

Weissagung/ Prophezeiung Gottes am 1-9-2022.

Empfangen durch Die Stimme im Winde Gottes / Der Leuchter / Jean MP Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.

Serious words of GOD to Israel, the nations and the Global Elite…

This says GOD YHVH to Israel and to the surrounding nations… and to the Global Elite :

‘Hear, o Israel and the surrounding nations and Global Elite, I know what you are doing. I know the plans of all of you, but My holy heavenly Counsel and plan exists and no-one of you will be able to hinder Me to fulfill My heavenly holy Counsel and judgments, concerning all of you according to My holy prophecies and revelations that I gave and give to My faithfull ones, who are My messengers throughout the ages. I AM. Their holy scriptures reveal My work in creation, although many of you deny Me. I AM. No-one will be able to follow the instructions of those in charge when I decide that it will happen in a different way than your world-order intents, according to their plan or agenda or counsel. For I AM the Almighty One and not you. And if I allow the counsel of nations to fulfill their plans, than it is because I will give even Satan/ Lucifer and the fallen ones the opportunity to fulfill their evil and wicked schemes by those of you who are under their “chain of command” to be a rod of judgment in My Almigthy Hand. I AM. And this I allow… or even decide that it will happen… so that all will know that I AM the Almighty Ruler and LORD and GOD and King above all kings and Lord above all lords. I AM. And I will allow the evildoers and wicked people to reign for a short while… till I will punish them and will judge them and will destroy them and will throw them into the kingdom of death/ scheol/hades, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth and where they will suffer in flames of fire… and where the worm of accusation in their hearts, souls, mind will never end to speak and to punish them… or where the worm of hell will never cease to gnaw at their pierced conscience. I AM. Blessed are all who repent… and allow Me to change their vision and their way of thinking, speaking and writing and doing… according to My True Good News/ Gospel of Salvation, for I AM a gracious and merciful GOD towards all who call on My holy name… and are willing to quit with their evil mindset and words and actions. I AM aware of the seduction and deception by Satan / Lucifer and the fallen ones. Therefore I can be patient with people and their ignorance or weaknesses. But if they hear My Voice in the prophets and their words and their warnings and call to repent… to turn around 180 degrees from doing their own selfish and global godless and thora-less will to My holy will and words and Good News, to be saved, and to quit with all evil and to seek the good for all people and creation and start to bear good fruit in My grace and love and true care and true faith… but reject their holy messages, than I will show them no mercy nor grace anymore… and I will spit them all out… and I will throw them into eternal suffering. I AM.’ ;

Says the LORD GOD Almighty, The Great I AM, Adonai YHVH, The GOD of Israel and creation, the Great I AM, who has the power to build or to tear down and who has all universal powers to give life or to take it away and to give prosperity or to take all away from those who thought that they owned something or had “power”.

Prophecy/Words of GOD by : The Candle / The Voice in The Wind /

Jean MP Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.


Words of GOD… to the prophet EL-I-JaH…

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of creation, the Almighty One :

‘Hear, o messenger of GOD , who is called in the heavenly worlds El-i-JaH, I AM your GOD and I want you to reject those who are not willing to leave the barcode-666-linked-world-wide-web- Beast-Mammon-system, also called New-World-Order, which is not new at all, but just the creation of the former old Babylonian and Egyptian despotian culture, with one world-kingdom-ruler, who wants to elevate himself and his co-workers and slaves and manipulated ones above all other slaves of his world-global cruel system. I AM. Be aware of this reality… that you are facing now. Soon I will send you to Sodom and Egypt, where your Lord was crucified. I AM.’ ; Says the Almighty One, The Great I AM, who was, is … and always will be.

Words of GOD to the prophet, olivetree, witness, candle… EL-I-JaH.


Received by : The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / Jean MP Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.

A part of the Revelation 13 revealed…

This says GOD YHVH :

‘Hear o ye nations and tribes of the earth, I AM YHVH, the GOD of creation, the Almighty One. I AM. Many heard about Me, but were not willing to get to know Me when they started to focus on earthly desires and lusts of their flesh… and in doing so… often did the works of Satan / Lucifer and the fallen ones. I AM. My Holy Ghost has revealed to many throughout all ages the TRUTH concerning ME and My holy Existence and almighty powers and reign in creation in the heavens and on/in the earth. I AM. Many left Me, even after they got to know Me and My beloved One, Jeshua Hamashiach/ Jesjoea HaMashiach /Jesous Christos/ Jesus the Christ, My holy glorified Son in heaven and in the earth. I AM. He is the heir of all of My Holy Kingdom and of creation and of the New Heaven and the New Earth. I AM. Many dwell with their hearts and minds on Mammon/Money/wealth/luxury and the desires of the world, while accepting the deception and the lies and the seduction by Satan/Lucifer and the fallen ones and their slaves or co-workers of their darkness and evil and wicked works, while even filling their hearts with the poison/vomin/filthy water of the Old Snake/Satan and his evil thoughtpatterns… and his evil abusing and raping and hating and jealous and aggressive and immoral ways of thinking, speaking and writing and doing. I AM. But My holy will exists. I will try to save as many people as possible out of the powers of the Old Serpent/ Old Red Dragon / Satan / Devil / Lucifer, the fallen ones… as long as My holy Grace is still being revealed and poured out upon those that We will save… as long as they are not willing to return back into the snares of the Evil One… and are not willing to get caught or remain in his world-wide-web of the Spider and its barcode-linked-666-money/Mammon-anti-christ and anti-God-worldwide-global-total-control-system, also called The Beast of Revelation 13. I AM. Many were already deceived… and many know it… and many will have to face that fact, for the Whore Babylon… under the leadership of the false prophet of Rome… has deceived all by her Pharma-keia… The number of the name of the False Prophet of Rome, The anti-christ/other anointed one, who claims to represent GOD/Christ on earth, is 666, as all can know for sure, if they investigate the number of his Roman/Latin titles of his office. I AM. He is the little horn of Daniel 7, who remains in power till the return of My Holy Son from heaven, Who will come … to destroy the Beast and the anti-christ and their armies… and to save the remnant of the True Spiritual Israel, that espects their Savior/True Mashiach from heaven… and to start Our heavenly Kingdom on earth at Jerusalem in Israel, that will last for thousand years. I AM. He, the false prophet of Rome, is the beast out of the earth with two horns like a lamb, but speaks with his mouth like a dragon… as it is revealed in Revelation 13. I AM.’ ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, the Creator of all, the Great I AM.

Prophecy/Words of GOD 16.08.2022.

The Voice in The Wind / The Candle / Jean M.P. Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.