So spricht GOTT zu den Luciferianen/Satanisten :

“Sehet, höret und verstehet, ICH habe euch lange genug ertragen. Jetzt aber bringe ICH Mein Zorn-Gericht über euch und eure Habe. ICH BIN.” ; Spricht der Hoch-Erhabene der ganzen Schöpfung, YHWH-Elohim. “Amen”, spricht der GEIST GOTTES.

Weissagung am 25.06.2022.

The Voice in The Wind / The Candle / The Menorah.

The days you are living in…NOW…

This says GOD :

“In these last days of this End-time, you will face many trials, temptations… and even persecution in several ways, for the Beast and the Whore Babylon are still active… and will remain active till the last of the words of My revelations and prophecies will be fulfilled. I AM. Many think that the Book of Revelation already was fulfilled in the past… and some that things are now starting to evolve… and other know already by My True Teachings and by present holy Prophecies and Revelations and revealing holy dreams and visions and heavenly Wisdom and True Godly knowledge and True history and knowledge of the things now going on in creation, that already many things of the Revelation are fulfilled… and are now being further fulfilled till all is fulfilled. Well, I tell you all : Be awakened. For you are living in the further fulfillment op the Apocalypse. Those who deny this reality and facts are disguised false messengers of the Luciferianism, conciously or unconsiously, willingly or unwillingly… or forced to do not preach the whole truth, because they are under the powers of darkness by those who are their represents by being members of secret/occult societies, who worship and honor and serve Satan/ Lucifer and the fallen angels and demons and unclean spirits. I AM. Do not believe each “good preacher” or “honored man or woman of God” or “church-leader” … if they reject this holy prophecy out of My Holy Heavenly Throne and Holy Heart and Mouth and Holy Ghost. For I AM YHVH/YHWH, the GOD of creation and of the True Israel… that obeys Me and My True holy message concerning the True Mashiach : Yeshua HaMashiach / Jesous Christos / Jesus the Christ, the Son of Me, the GOD and Father of all visible material dimensions and things and living beings… and of the invisible spirit-realms/dimensions/worlds and of all spirits. I AM. I AM the GOD and Father of all holy chosen angels and of all holy people of Israel and out of the nations and tribes of the earth. I AM. I AM the GOD and Father of all holy prophets, seeërs, revelators and apostles and holy witnesses. I AM. And I AM the Source of Truth and grace and love and mercy and compassion and of True LIFE and even Eternal LIFE and of reconciliation and of forgiveness and New LIFE and sanctification in Spirit and truth and justification, because of True Faith in Me and My beloved glorified Son Yeshua HaMashiach / Jesus the Christ. I AM the GOD of completion of My True chosen ones… to their eternal glory with Me and My Son… after they have overcome this evil world by their by Me created and given and strenghtened faith in Us and Our works of saving grace and love and truth and of reconciliation in the crucified One… and the shedding of His Blood and the sprinkling of His Blood on the mercy-seat / place of reconciliation of the Ark of The Covenant on Golgatha/ Calvery, that was hidden in a cave under the crucified Yeshua / Jesus, My beloved One. I AM. Those who reject this message as being a false prophecy, will be judged by Me and My Son Jesus the Christ as being false teachers and preachers and false and misleading evildoers, who lead people to eternal destruction and to second death. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD, the Almighty and Holy One of Israel and creation… and of the True Israel/ The Holy Spirit-filled faithfull and obedient Israel, the True Bride of Yeshua HaMashiach/Christ Jesus and of the True Godly Holy Spirit-filled and obedient Body of Yeshua HaMashiach/ Jesus the Christ, the Great I AM.

The Voice in The Wind / The Candle / The Menorah / The Tabernacle of the Living GOD.


Received by Jean Martin Peter Schoonbroodt.NL.