Adonai YHWH speaks to Israel/Jews and Noahide-law-enforcers …

This says GOD YHWH to Israel and the Jews… and the Noahide-law-enforcers :


“Hear, O Israel and Jews… and all Noahide-law-enforcers, you heard My Voice to your heart by the teachings of the New Covenant-preachers of the True faithful Israelites or Jews … and even Goyim-preachers of christianity. Still you remained stubborn… and think now that you can establish a new-world-order, that will completely be yours. Well… let Me share this : You are deceived by Luciferians/ Satanic powers of darkness, evil religious spirits… that fell away from Me, the Living GOD of creation. You are on the way of eternal suffering. Soon all the nations will turn against you… Your wish to complete your agenda’s without acknowledging Me, Adonai YHWH-Elohim, and My True Mashiach, who came from Heaven to the earth… and incarnated in a virgins womb… and was born at BethLechem Ephratha in Judea, according to the words of the prophets to fulfill the words of the prophets to save Israel and the Jews from their transgressions of the Thora and My holy Judgments… by giving Himself to Me as a living sacrifice for your sins, as The Lamb of GOD that was slain for your transgressions, so that by the shedding of His Blood you would be reconciled to Me, the Holy GOD of Israel and creation. I AM. In His Blood is the atonement for your sins and drifting away from Me, the True Source of Light and Love and Grace and Righteousness and True Faith to your eternal salvation. I AM. My Mashiach died on the wood of curses at Golgatha/Calvery, after He was rejected by jealous scribes and spiritual leaders of the Jews, who hated Him, because He was very gifted, powerfull and very charismatic by the fulness of My almighty Being, by My Holy Ghost upon, in, over, with, around and through Him working to preach, prophecise and live My holy will in a perfect way… to become the Pesach-Lamb of Me, to save all who believe in Me and My Way to save them from their evil/transgressions and eternal separation from Me, because of their sins/iniquities/evil/unbelief and unfaithfulness. I AM. Only by the Blood of My Lamb you will receive forgiveness.. and He is the ransom for your lives/soul to purchase you and get you out of the evil one… Satan/Lucifer/fallen angels/demons. His blood ran down from His wounds on the wood of curses through a split in the rock-bottom under the wood to a cave… where the Ark of the Covenant was waiting for His blood… to be sprinkled before the eyes of the two Cherubim and the Eyes of Me, Adonai YHWH, who I was enthroned above the Cherubim at that moment of reconciliation of Israel and all of creation to Me. I AM. By this complete/perfect reconciling-Sacrifice and His blood, given by/in the power of Eternal Holy Ghost of Me and My True Mashiach,  Jom-Kippur was at that moment completely fulfilled for all eternity. For the blood of animals can not in reality take away the sins of human beings … therefore a more and perfect sacrifice had to be given. A perfect man, a second Adam, should die/had to die for the transgressors of My holy words. Yahshua HaMashiach became that perfect Lamb/Sacrifice for your sins… and the sins of creation… to save all that believe in Us and Our Way to save them. Only The Blood of Yahshua HaMashiach made and makes/gives peace between Me and you… and in Him I AM YHWH-SHALOM/Salem/Peace. I AM. Without the Blood of This Perfect Lamb of GOD, that fulfilled all the demands of the Thora… and never transgressed… and fulfilled all the words of the prophets concerning the Savior/Mashiach, there is no forgiveness of transgressions … but just an expectation of a consuming fire, that will consume all that reject My holy Way of saving grace and of reconciliation by the Blood of My Perfect Lamb of GOD, that was slain for the sins of Israel/Jews and of creation … so that all who believe – in Our Way to save them- will be saved and will be justified by Us as being holy righteous people, because of what We did for them to save them … and not because of what they did for Us. I AM. Our grace and love and Giving Goodness and truth will set you free from your self-righteousness, that has its origin in pride and ignorance. For many of you never really understood the True Message of Our holy prophets concerning the True Mashiach. I AM. All the rituals … of the Tabernacle in the desert and in the temple at Jerusalem … were just shadow-images of The True Sacrifice : Y.H.W.H = Yahshua Hinoshri Wamalech HaYehuddim or Yahshua HaMashiach Wamalech HaYehuddim, the Son of God, the son of men, The Scepter of Juda/Lion of Juda , The Star of Jacob/Israel, who has overcome… and is now seated at the Right Hand of Me in heaven … and is One with Me,  glorified by My holy Spirit and holy angels and true holy people and all that has breath of life in creation… on the day that I give them the inspiration to Glorify Him and Me, for WE ARE ONE – YHWH-ELOHIM.  Hear, o Israel, YHWH-Elohim your Elohim is ONE. I AM.” ;

Says The EL-Shaddai- EL-Elyon, Adonai YHWH, the great “I AM”, who spoke to Moses -the man of GOD- who was sent with Aaron to Egypt to deliver Israel out of the hand of the pharao of Egypt… and to lead them to the promised land under His Hand.

Words of GOD YHWH-Elohim, the Elohim above all elohim, the great “I AM”.


GOD to the wicked slaves of Satan/Lucifer …

GOD TO THE WICKED SERVANTS/SLAVES OF SATAN/Lucifer … and fallen angels/demons/”aliens”.




This says GOD to those who mixed/mix human blood with the blood of unclean animals … and injected/inject it in human bodies and experiment in a cruel way with people and animals etc. :

“I , the LORD GOD YHWH saw your evil and wickedness in this and so I will bring to you this holy message by My holy prophet EliYah-Elohim :

When you will go on in experimenting, with mixures of human blood and animal blood and with gen-manipulation and with creating new beings according to Satans/Lucifers agenda … and will go on in doing cruel things to babies in their mothers womb and after their birth or to little children… and by manipulating minds and raising up anti-christs and Nicolaites and Jezebels and by forcing people to give their children to other people “who will take care of them”/foster-parents, who are partakers of your Satanic/Luciferian agenda, who abuse and rape them and torture them to make them to split-personalities, who than can be “raised” to all that you want them to be in secret and in public… to manifest your “kingdom” and the reign of Satan and Lucifer to destroy and influence and deceive and betray christians/christianity and all other opponents, than I will send a messenger … who will send you fire from heaven to consume you…  to give you eternal fire in which you will be tormented in all eternity. I AM.” ;

Says The Almighty GOD YHWH of all of creation, the Holy One of the True Holy Remnant of The True Heavenly Israel.
