Seek the Highest Level … ( Part 1 + 2. ) (Part 1. ) ( Part 2. )
Messages with old notebook / laptop . But still a blessing to all who understand.
After having heard the messages… please read the Gospel of John … and Matthew. 5 – 7.
and Phillipians 2. and Revelation 4 + 5.
God bless you all in Jesus Christ’ holy and gracious and saving and healing and transforming to salvation’s name. Amen. Hallelu-YHVH. Amen.
Message by Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
Letter to the Angel of the Ecclesia of Connecticut / USA … in these last days …
This says GOD to the Angel of the churches/gatherings/assemblies/Ecclesia of this Endtime / Last days … in Connecticut / USA :
“Hear, o Angel of the Ecclesia at Connecticut / USA,
you are very good in serving the people with advices how to keep going on in difficult circumstances/situations by showing them My holy promises of My holy words of the Old and New Covenant books/scrolls/holy scriptures. But I AM not pleased by your evil that is allowed by you in your gathering, by allowing people to go with the flow of the Beast of this endtime and by allowing yourselves and the members of your gathering to be conformed to this world and its lusts and desires of the flesh … and by accepting the wrong attitude of those who love the riches of the world and mammon more than My holy Heavenly Riches/ Holy Gold and Holy Treasures of Heaven. I AM. You are labouring by day and night to supply the desires of those who are in reality worldly focussed, but not really Heavenly Focussed. I AM. You are pretending to serve Me, but you are a slave of the addictions of people who love this world more than Me and My Heavenly Kingdom and Our Heavenly Righteousness. Repent. Turn around and focus only on Me and My Heavenly Righteousness and Holiness and serve Me above all other things. Many tried to get you to the point to become as luke-warm as they are. Many pretend to be faithful believers, but are walking in darkness… while pretending to walk and to spread the light of the true gospel of salvation … while walking on the broad road to eternal suffering. They all heard the good news and even knew/know the words of GOD, but their heart is filled with the desires of the world and they deceived and deceive one-another by giving in to temptation… and even to allow the Whore Babylon to enter their houses and hearts to darken their hearts, so that they have no real light anymore, but are going with the flow of this New World Order on the Broad Road to eternal suffering and second death. I AM. My faithful sons and daughters of My holy Kingdom of Heaven and of My real Holy House/Temple/Tabernacle will leave the Whore Babylon and The Beast to become like My Holy Son Yeshua HaMashiach/Jesus The Christ was/is with His True Disciples. They all left/leave all… and became/become True Heroes Of Faith and were/are despised and hated by the world… and were/are even rejected by leaders and co-workers, that wanted/want to be the ones who really control the synagogues/places or gatherings where MY words were/are taught. In the same way, now in these last days, many are willing to take over the gatherings… or already took over the gatherings… to promote themselves and to seek their own succes and even wealth and even to show their managing qualities and their power and control of their slaves, who have to obey their instructions more than MY holy call and revelations and holy prophecies and true words and holy mindset. Their self-esteem is more worth to them than My holy Godly Heavenly Humbleness and Loving and True Caring Attitude that I showed to all and still will show to all in Christ Jesus/Yeshua HaMashiach… as it was/is revealed/written/prophecied and testified by My holy Spirit in those who are really led and filled with/by the True Holy Spirit. I AM. Many spoke/speak about “pentacoast”, and “being born again”, but than suddenly start to battle against The-True-Born-Agains and Spirit-Filled Servants of Me and My Beloved Glorified Son Y.H.V.H. / Yeshua HaMashiach Wamalech HaYehuddim / Jesus The Christ The King of The Jews. I AM. It is, as My Spirit spoke and wrote by the apostle Paul, that in the last days there will be people who have the shine of being godfearing people, but they deny Our Power and Authority in and by The Holy Spirit and even quench Him and reject His powers and workings and charisma’s and revelations and prophecies … and by this make people uncertain about their call or even make them weak… or even bring them to the point that they start to fight the Holy Spirit in themselves and even to deny Him and even to blaspheme Him, by which they came/will come under My chastisement or even judgment… and will even derail and even will become enemies of My True Reign in their lives … and many became/will become spiritual wretches/mentally ill. Woe to all the evildoers who battle against Me and My Son and Our Holy Spirit and His Holy Gifts/charisma’s and workings in Our beloved sons and daughters. Although Satan is defeated… by Me and My Son and Our Holy Ghost and Our grace and love and truth and faith and powers and work of reconciliation and salvation … he still enters churches/gatherings to rob the truth out of the hearts of church-members and uses and abuses even churchleaders, by their pride and self-exploitation in this age of “self-esteem/selfrealisation” and desire to be great and famous and wellknown national and international as “great men or women of God” with a great audiance and many followers to be admired. My Faithfull Wittness and Son Jesus The Christ/ Yeshua HaMashiach was never focused on fame or adoration, but just on doing My Holy Will … till the end. I AM. Read and see and understand and accept and focus on His Mindset and Heart and True Love to Me and the Flock, that I entrusted Him. I AM. Follow that Perfect One, who followed ME. For HE did… what He saw Me doing in The Holy Spirit. I AM. He was humble, meek, loving, caring, blessing, healing, but also holy and righteouss and continually led by My Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit to do My holy Works … and hated unrighteousness and loved My Righteousness… and therefore He was anointed with more happiness and joy in the Holy Spirit than all other people in His days. I AM. His true disciples became like He was/is … and spread Our LIGHT FROM HEAVEN in the darkness of their age in the power of Our Gracious Holy Spirit and all His Ministries and Gifts / charisma’s/powers/workings to Glorify Us and Our Reign and Our Works of Salvation. Those who fight against the Holy Spirit are enemies of Us … and Our Holy Heavenly Reign. I AM.” ;
Says the Almighty One of creation and of Israel and of The True Holy Gatherings/Tabernacle/ Temple/ Ecclesia of the Living GOD and his Living Son Y.H.V.H., The Word of GOD/Logos … that became flesh and blood… and who became a LIFE-Giving Holy Spirit in His True Followers/brothers and sisters IN Christ/ IN Mashiach. Christ is their life .. and they were/are being led by the Holy Ghost/ The Spirit of Christ/ The Spirit of GOD … according to :
John 3. + 14 – 17. Acts 1 – 2 + 5 +8 + 10. Eph. 1 ; 13 + 14. + 1 ; 3. + 2 + 3 ; 14 – 21. Rom. 8. 2 Cor. 3. 1 Gal. 5 : 22. 1 Cor. 3 – 7. + 12 – 14.
Please read the complete book of Revelation… written by GOD’s Hand as a testimony and revelation by His servant, the apostle John, to His servants.
to strenghten your faith and dedication… and be encouraged and look forward to His RETURN…
GOD and Jesus Christ never change. Rev. 1 ; 1 – 8 + Hebrew 13 ; 8. + Mk. 16 ; 15 – 20. + Matth. 28 ; 18 – 20.
So also The Way They Build Their True Temple/
Tabernacle/ Gathering / Ecclesia /House of GOD’s Presence … by His Ghost and holy Angels and Living Stones/True Saints, who build faithful on the Eternal Foundation/ Rock of Salvation, The Word of GOD of the prophets and apostles of The Lamb of GOD… and all the holy scrolls/holy scriptures of with Holy Ghost anointed people.
Prophecy by God’s Holy Ghost …
By a servant… of the Lamb of GOD, The Lion of Juda who has overcome, and of His Heavenly Glorious Holy Almighty Powerfull GOD and Father of creation :
The Great “I AM” , who spoke to Moses the Man of GOD, who delivered by GOD’s Holy Hand Israel out of the slavery to Egypt… and led them to the promised land.
Jean ( = Yochanan /John) Martin Peter Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
GOD’s Giving Goodness…
Who is the TRUE MASHIACH … ? ( CLIP )
Jezus Christus spreekt tot de Kerk-/ Gemeente-leiders / engelen … ( Dutch.NL.EU )
JEZUS CHRISTUS SPREEKT … tot de Gemeenten…
Dit zegt Jezus Christus tot deze Laodicea-eindtijd-engelen en hun Gemeenten :
Dit zegt HIJ, die het ware goud en witte klederen en ogenzalf geeft aan hen … die zich bekeren en trouw zijn :
“Ziet, hoe gij ijvert om Mijnentwil. Ik ben. Desondanks heb ik tegen U, dat gij de eerste liefde hebt verlaten, doordat gij mammon meer lief had dan mij door het aanvaardden van het charagma/merk/teken en/of stigma/het aan of inbrengen door een puntig scherp voorwerp… en het getal van de som van de naam… en/of de naam van het Beest en van de anti-christus/valse profeet van Rome. Ik ben. Mijn Geest is vertoornd jegens allen, die dit deden, ongeacht hoe lang of hoe trouw ze ooit waren. Woedend ben ik op de lauwe christenen, die Mij minder belangrijk achtten dan hun mammon/bankrekening en geld en goederen/bezittingen en hun handel. Ik ben. De ware uitverkorenen zullen behouden en zalig worden, daar zij niet mee doen aan deze eindtijd-mammon-mensheid en haar Beest-systeem van handel en gruwelen. Ik ben. Zie, Ik kom tot allen met Mijn woord op een wijze, dat allen zullen weten dat het oordeel al aan en in het Huis van GOD begonnen is… sinds men koos voor het internet-barcode-systeem van de anti -/andere christus/valse christus/valse profeet en zijn 666/www.-internet van alle dingen, hetgeen het beeld is van het beest dat een geest heeft gekregen… en dat maakt dat allen het getal/nummer, merkteken of naam van de anti-christus nemen, omdat men zonder dat geen handel kan drijven noch kan kopen of verkopen. Ik, Jezus De Christus van GOD YHVH, ben.” ;
Zegt de Eniggeboren Zoon van GOD, de Erfgenaam van alle dingen, het Lam van GOD en de Leeuw van Juda, het vleesgeworden Woord/Logos van GOD, die overwonnen heeft… en de verlossing en verzoening heeft bewerkt voor allen, die de uitverkorenen zijn van vóór grondlegging der schepping.
Profetie d.d. 27.10.2024.
Door de Geest van GOD gegeven… via Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.