The Name of Hashem…

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of Israel :

“Hear, o Israel, I AM GOD and My name is YHVH. I AM. Many of you heard this before, but denied it. Reason : Fear of people/men… and fear of Me. I AM. But I don’t deny My holy name. My holy name stands for Yeshua Hinoshri Vamalech Hayehuddim or Yeshua Hamashiach Vamalech Hayehuddim. I AM. Soon I will come down from heaven to start the Kingdom of GOD visible on earth at Jerusalem in Israel, according to My holy promises. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD YHVH, the GOD of Israel and creation… and of all true prophets and seeers and revelators and apostles/messengers and holy anointed ones from past and present… and future days.

Prophecy by The Candle. 25.07.2020.

The return of the son of David…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation, glorified and appeared in Christ Jesus :

“Hear, ye nations and tribes of the earth, I AM Adonai/Lord/Master YeHoVaH/YHVH. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty, the God of Israel and of creation. “I AM the One, who is Light and Love and Ghost and Dynamis/Power/Energies and glorious righteousness and peace and the Source of all Truth and True Life and the GOD of all reality and facts… and who reveals them to all that I love. For I AM the GOD of all True Revelation and True Prophecy and of The Spirit of heavenly Revelation and Prophecy and Truth, which is the testimony of My holy Mashiach/Anointed One with Holy Ghost/Christ… Yeshua/Jesous/Jesus, My beloved Son, who was in glory with Me from before foundation of creation, and who became flesh and blood, born by a virgin out of the tribe of Juda… and raised by His foster-father Joseph, who was also out of the tribe of Juda. HE, Yeshua Ha- Mashiach/Jesus the Christ, is the Lamb of God… that was slain for the sins of Israel and creation… to save them from their sin and to save their precious souls for all eternity in the power of His atoning sacrifice and blood on the wood of curse on Golgatha / Calvery… and by the sprinkling of His reconciling and cleansing and sanctifying and justifying blood on the mercy-seat of the Arc of the covenant on earth… and in heaven, to make peace between them and Me for all eternity. There, on that despised wood of curses and that despised cursed crucified One of Golgatha/Calvery, I forgave Israel and all of mankind their sins/transgressions of the Thora/Mosaic Law… and all that they did wrong in My Holy Eyes and Holy Ears, because of their ignorance and the weakness of their flesh. I AM. The Innocent Perfect Son of Me, Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ/The Perfect Lamb of God who never sinned, took the judgment and punishment and the curses… that I had to pour out upon sinful mankind… upon His holy Innocent Body and was made by Me to SIN. I struck Him with My holy terrible judgments, so that I would fulfill the words written in the book of the prophet Isaiah, so that I can now offer all the forgiveness of their sins and My love and eternal life by means of faith in This Work of saving grace. Now they can enter into the holy of holies/most sacred, without being consumed by My holy fire or judgement. For I love them with eternal love, so I gave Him as a ransom for their souls… to purchase them out of judgment and out of the powers of darkness/the evil spirits and their snares/schemes/chains of hell and slavery to sin… to set them free for all eternity, if they remain in this word of God and word of salvation and of grace and faith and saving knowledge… and allow Me to renew their ways of thinking, speaking and actions/deeds by the power of My holy Ghost and Our heavenly words… to change them into sons and daughters of God… so that they will become like My holy Son is…. if they remain in this faith till the end… and endure persecution for Me and My holy Mashiach/Christ’ sake… till they end with Us in eternal heavenly Glory. I AM. For I, YHVH GOD, AM their GOD and heavenly Father. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty. “HE, Yeshua Hamashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ is The Lion of Juda, Who has overcome…. and He died on the wood of Calvery, was buried… and was resurrected, on the third day, from the dead… and came alive out of His grave… appeared visible to His followers in His days… ate and drunk with them on earth… and was taken up into the sky/heaven, before the eyes of his disciples, on the 40 th day after His resurrection… and was/is seated since that day at My Right Hand in Heaven. We poured out the holy Ghost, into the hearts of those who believed in Me and Him as the Saviors of Israel and creation, on the 50 th day… and they became His witnesses in Israel and among the nations. He is seated at My Right Hand in heaven… and We are glorified in the heavens and in the earth by Our holy Ghost/Ruach Hakodesh/Holy Breath and by all of Our heavenly holy angels and true holy ones/saints in heaven and on earth. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD YHVH, the Almighty One, the God of Israel and of creation. “He was born in Beth-Lechem in Judea in Israel, according to the holy scriptures of My holy prophets, and was/is the son of David, who will sit in all eternity on his throne in My and His future Kingdom of God for Israel, according to My holy prophecies and holy scriptures. I AM. Soon He will return from heaven to start Our holy heavenly Kingdom and its Righteousness on earth, visible, at Jerusalem in Israel, when We will reign, with all Our holy ones… from Jerusalem in Israel, the whole creation during 1000 years. And Our Peace will fill the earth… and Israel will live in Peace forever. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty, YHVH-Elochim.

Prophecy 23.07.2020. Received by The Candle.

God speaks to the UN… 2020.

This says GOD to the nations of the earth of the United Nations :

“Hear, ye United Nations, the time is now that I AM revealing who you are and what your plans are… and what you did and will do in near future… and what your future will be. For I AM GOD. I AM the One, who will show you that I AM the GOD of prosperity and adversity. I AM. No-one will replace Me, for I AM the Almighty One. Your false prophet/false mashiach/anti-christ/other christ and ruler of the Whore Babylon and of the Beast-Kingdom/Beast-system and of the beast/world-ruler and of the nations and tribes of the earth is already exposed… by Me, to those who know the truth and to whom I revealed who he is… and who you are in reality. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation. “Soon I will intervene in a very special way, which almost no-one will expect. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty, the GOD of the heavens and the earth. Amen. “Even those who expect something awful to happen, will not know at what moment it will happen. And those who know what will happen… even don’t know the day, the time or the hour that it will happen. And it will happen at a totally unexpected moment, suddenly… and it will shake the whole earth. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty. This says the Lord GOD YHVH, the Almighty One : “For I AM GOD and all heavenly secrets are Mine… according to My holy plan and heavenly time-schedule. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty. “No-one understands all that I did and that I AM doing in creation in the visible and invisible worlds/dimensions of the material- and spirit-worlds. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty. “I AM the One and Only True GOD of the many heavens/universes and the earth.” ; Says the Lord GOD YHVH/YHWH the Almighty One. “Ask Me, o ye people, who are really willing to know what is going on… and what will happen in future days… and I will reveal it to you in My due time for you. I AM. Trust Me and not flesh and blood, for people are often like leaves in the wind, blown and tossed back and forth. I AM. For I AM the Eternal and Unshakable Rock of all ages. I AM the GOD of all Reality and Eternal Facts and Truth. I never lie !” ; Says the Lord GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation. “Only Satan/Lucifer and the fallen angels/demons and unclean spirits of eternal darkness and suffering… and those who are under their influence… lie, deceive and seduce and betray… and steal and abuse and kill and destroy unborn babies, born babies… and little children and teens and young and older people… and manipulate people to their eternal suffering and abuse and destruction. I and My holy Son, Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ/Christo Jesu, and Our Holy Ghost and Our Holy Words/Holy Scriptures/Holy Scrolls/Biblia and holy angels and Our saints in heaven and on earth spoke and speak and revealed and reveal and taught and teach the truth to all, that We were or are willing to prepare for this and future times and for eternity. I AM.” ; Says The Lord GOD YHVH/YHWH. “I AM the Almighty One of the heavens and the earth, the GOD of the True Israel of GOD… that believes and trusts and obeys Us and Our holy Ghost and words, according to the revealed Good News/Gospel of Our heavenly Reign/Kingdom of GOD YHVH and of My Holy Heavenly Righteousness and of My holy and beloved and glorified Mashiach/ Anointed One/ Christ… Yeshua/Jesous/ Jesus of Nazareth, born in Beth-Lechem in Judea in Israel. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty, the Creator of all existing things in all dimensions / the heavens and the earth, Adonai YHVH/YHWH, the Lord/Master YeHoVaH/YaHWeH. Amen.

Prophecy 19.07.2020. Received by The Candle./J.M.P. Schoonbroodt. NL.

God’s words to the heavens and the earth…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation :

“Hear, o heavens and the earth, I AM GOD, your Creator. I called all of you into existence by My Ghost and His words, for I AM Ghost. I AM YHVH-Elochim. I AM. No-one was before I AM. Now, hear, ye inhabitants of this creation, I AM the God above all existing things in the heavens and in the earth. I AM. Soon I will come down from heaven to judge the world/nations according to My holy words… and the works of all of you, for I AM the GOD of Righteousness and of Holiness and of Judgment and of Redemption and of Reconciliation and of Grace and of Love and giving Goodness and of real Care and Mercy and of holy Tenderness and of Salvation and of Provision… and of Education in holy righteousness and love and truth and of forgiveness, but I AM also the GOD of wrath and vengeance. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty. “For I AM a holy GOD and not an evildoer or wicked one. I AM. Soon I will show to all, that I AM in charge of all the things going on in creation, for many deny Me, although they all knew or know that I exist. For I revealed Myself to all in the created things in the heavens and in the earth… for they are the works of My Hands. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty, YHVH-GOD, the God of the heavens and the earth and the God of Israel. “Amen. YeHoVaH/YHVH is GOD and LORD and Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ is Lord and God. Amen. ” ; Says the Spirit of GOD.

Prophecy 16.07.2020. Received by The Candle.

Word of God to the nation of Iran…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation, to the nation of Iran :

“Hear, o nation of Iran, I AM GOD… and I created the heavens and the earth. I AM. Many of your inhabitants are shocked by all that is happening in your nation and in creation. But soon I will send My holy Anointed One with My holy powers upon and in and working through Him. For He is My holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach, also called Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ, the Messiah. He will come from Bosra in glory and power to beat all those nations, who were not willing to accept Him as the True Mashiach. He is My holy Image, which means : Those who see Him, see Me, for I AM in Him and He is in Me, we are One. I AM the Almighty GOD, who will judge all nations by Him… to whom I have given all powers in the heavens and in the earth. I AM.” Says the Lord GOD Almighty, The Creator of all that was, is… and ever will be.

Prophecy 14.07.2020. Received by The Candle.

Word of God to the churches of the end-time…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation, to the churches of this endtime :

“Hear, ye churches of the endtime, I YHVH GOD AM the GOD of creation. I AM the One, who leads creation according to My holy plan and holy will and holy words, revealed by My holy prophets and apostles and seers and revelators and anointed ones with holy Spirit. I AM. Many of you are not completed in holiness in My holy eyes. For I AM the One, who walks among you by My Holy Ghost and holy angels. I AM. Many of you err in their ways of thinking, speaking and actions/deeds/works. Many of you deny even Me and My holy will and plan and words. Many are even sectarian in their ways how you look at things and how you deceive your church-members or one-another. Some are even churches of satan. Yes, maybe you are shocked by this, but it is reality. Many churches are under the influence of satanists or Luciferians, who are sons of satan and his slaves. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty. Not every church-building is a “house of God”. My true church is not a building of stones, but a gathering of saints… or of holy people… who are doing My holy will as prophecied or revealed or taught by My holy prophets and apostles in their holy teachings and scrolls/books/biblia. I AM. Many of you were in the beginning true and faithful, but became often luke-warm, which I hate, as you know and you can read in the letter to the angel of Laodicea in the book of Revelation. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty. “Therefore I ask you to turn back to your First Love, to rededicate your hearts and souls to Me and My Beloved Son and Our Holy Ghost and Our holy words, by means of Our grace/giving goodness to you. I AM. For We know that no-one will separate from evil, unless We will work it out in their hearts, souls and body. For We are The Elohim above all elohim, the GODS above all gods. We are YHVH-Elohim, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. We are One. I AM.” ; Says the Lord God Almighty. “Many church-members will leave churches, when they will not find the true love and truth of God’s words. Others will leave churches, because they love the world and its sin more than Us. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty. “Still We love Our chosen/elected ones, which We chose from before foundation of creation, which We shall lead and guide to eternal glory. I AM. ” ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty.

Prophecy 08.07.2020. Received by The Candle.

The great Spider…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation :

“Hear, ye people of this end-time, you are watching Tee-Vee and are looking on the internet and its world-wide-WEB of the great Spider, who will suck you out by its evil mindset, if you are caught in her web. She will catch you in her sticky threads and wrap you with them and hang you in her net … to eventually digest you with her bite and inject the digestive juices to suck the life out of you until your death / destruction, when she becomes hungry for your blood / life / soul. I AM.” ; Says the lord GOD YHVH. “The Spider is the Beast of Revelation 13., which has been/is lead by the Whore Babylon, the religious world-system, and its false prophet/anti-christ/other christ.” ; Says the Lord GOD YHVH, the Almighty and All-knowing GOD of His creation. “Many of the tribes and nations are already caught in her web. Many are on the broad road to eternal destruction and suffering and condemnation. I AM.” ; Says the GOD YHVH. “Soon I will reveal, that I AM the One who allowed her to do her work… to reveal, who was really willing to follow My holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ… and who not. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD YHVH, the Almighty One and All-knowing God of the visible and invisible worlds.

Prophecy 04.07.2020. Received by The Candle.

GOD’s return…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of Israel and of creation :

Hear, o Israel and ye nations and tribes of the earth, I AM YHVH-GOD, the God of the heavens and the earth. I AM. Soon I will return, for I prophecied this by all of My holy prophets and apostles and holy messengers of past, present and future days… till it will be fulfilled. I AM. My holy remnant of Israel… and out of the nations and tribes will be saved by grace through faith in Me and My holy name and My holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ and Our holy Word of God/Good News/Gospel of Our holy heavenly Kingdom and Our heavenly righteousness. I AM.

Prophecy 01.07.2020. Received by The Candle.