This says GOD : I AM the GOD of all existing things in creation, which are the work of My Hands. I AM. I called all things in the visible and invisible worlds in existence by My almighty Ghost and His words. I AM. […]
Category: Uncategorized
To the man of God in the NL..
This says GOD to the man of GOD in the Netherlands : Hear, o prophet, I AM your GOD. YHVH is My holy name forever. I AM. Return to your ministry. For many years I isolated you from churches, because of your calling. Many […]
The Door to Heaven…
This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One : I, adonai YHVH, GOD… know your circumstances. I know your heart and mind and your pains and sorrows and anxieties and worries and fears concerning this endtime… and what happens and what will happen in future. […]
Open letter to the very rich Jews and Israelites.
This says GOD YHVH to the very rich Jews and Israelites : Hear, ye very rich Jews and Israelites, I AM GOD, the Creator of the universes. I AM. No-one was GOD before I AM. I AM the GOD who spoke to Moses, the […]
God urges not to remain hardened…
This says GOD YHVH, the Alknowing GOD of creation : In these last days, before Christ Jesus/Yeshua ha Mashiach will return, I will reveal to My apostles and prophets and loyal ones the truth concerning these and future days. I AM. Many thought, that […]
How to be saved for eternity.
This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One, to creation : Hear, o creation of Mine, I AM your GOD. Repent of all evil… and accept Me and My Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ. For the time is near, that I will send Him […]
Don’t play GOD…
This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of creation : Hear, ye inhabitants of the world, I AM the GOD of all existing things, for I created the heavens and the earth. I AM. When people, like scientists, try to change the things that I […]
No-one can stop God’s work…
This says GOD YHVH , the Almighty and alknowing GOD of the universe : Many are “on the road for Jesus” worldwide. No-one can stop My work in creation, for I AM the One who sends My messengers and witnesses throughout the whole earth. […]