This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One, the GOD of Israel and creation : “Hear, ye people of the earth, no-one wil enter My sacred Place, unless He is born again out of water ( 1) and Spirit of GOD (2) and reconciled to […]
Category: Uncategorized
THE LOVE OF GOD… and the grapes of wrath…
This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of creation to the churches world-wide : “Hear, ye churches world-wide, I know your situations. I see and hear what is going on in your midst. Rely on Me and don’t allow satan to deceive you… to think […]
God speaks… to the inhabitants of this creation.
The Almighty One speaks to the inhabitants of this creation This says the LORD GOD YHVH, the Almighty One IN and through Jesus the Christ/Yeshua ha Mashiach IN and by the power of the almighty Holy Ghost, the Lord of hosts and of all […]
Concerning the Two Witnesses… Rev. 11.
This says GOD : “In these days I will reveal the two prophets of Revelation chapter 11. You are living in the days of Moses, My holy servant… and My holy servant Eliyah. Both are two Lampstands, who stand before the Lord of the […]
This says YHWH/YHVH/The LORD GOD : ‘Hear, ye nations, I AM GOD, the Almighty One. I AM not amused by those who amuse people without accepting My holy righteousness. I AM. Many seek the things of this world to become famous or adored… as […]
Please be careful to what you lean your ears to, for not all people in these days have the right gracious and loving and caring mindset as Jesus Christ had/has. Many people in these days, surrounding you, are not always willing to hear the […]
Eternal reality…
This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation, the GOD of Israel : “Hear, ye nations, I AM the One and Only True GOD who created all visible and invisible realms in creation. I AM. Many heard My Voice in the preaching of […]
Words of GOD… and of His Ghost… and of GOD’s Son…
This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty GOD of Israel and creation : “Hear MY WORDS, ye inhabitants of this temporary creation and temporary earthly life, I AM the GOD of the heavens and the earth… and of heaven and the heavenly Kingdom of GOD… […]