The Gift…

This says GOD YHWH, the KING of kings… and the LORD of lords :

Many searched for truth amidst the worlds of lies and betrayal. Many were unfaithfull towards Me and My holy Messiah, but still I AM faithfull towards My Word and creation. Many were aware of the fact, that I AM. Still they behaved as if I wouldn’t be. Now they will receive the eternal consequences for what they did. No one can flee My holy judgements, for I AM GOD and My holy invisible Being is My holy eternal Godhood and Godly power and Majesty. I AM. Many will look upon Him, who they pierced through with nails on the cross, for their sins crucified Him. Many will be astonished, when they see what He had to suffer for them. His love to Me and My holy plan and to His brethren/believers… and to creation… brought Him to the cross… and made Him accept the judgement of God on Himself… instead of them. The Innocent died instead of the guilty. He opened the door to eternal life and eternal glory for every-one… by means of the shedding of His blood on the cross. Trust this eternal fact… and receive the Gift of eternal life, that He gives you right here and now in the power of the Holy Ghost and the Gift of faith in Our love. Amen. I, YHWH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 08.05.2018. The Candle.

God speaks to the nations.

This says GOD to the nations :

Listen, ye nations, I, YHWH, AM GOD, the Almighty. I AM. Many have gods, but not the Only True GOD, who I AM. I created the heavens and the earth and no-one else. I AM. Many despise Me… or My holy name… or My holy everlasting words, but I AM GOD. Look around, what do you see ? Troubles ? Or My creation… or just negativ things… or My glory in all the created things of nature ? Are you still open for My holy silent voice to your heart ? Or do you like rumour and much noise… to deny or quench My silent voice to your heart. Often I speak in the silence with My very soft silent voice to the heart of mankind. I also speak by My Spirit to you through My words/bible, to reveal more about Me… and you… and other people by these holy scriptures, which were written by holy people wo believed in Me by means of My giving goodness to them. I AM. Many know that I AM, but are also sometimes afraid that I might speak to them… or might reveal Myself to them. Some fear Me, some love Me, some hate Me, but I AM still there. Blessed is the soul/person that I bless. Come to Me, ye children of men, for I AM GOD and a mighty Helper en Saviour in times of need or distress or tribulation. I AM the GOD of all grace and true heavenly peace and of reconciliation and of love and forgiveness and of true health and sound mind and of eternal life. I AM the One who says : I AM your Savior IN My holy eternal name… and in the name above all other names from past, present and future times/ages : YHWH saves, the Anointed One = Jesus the Christ/Yehoshua ha Mashiach. I AM.

Prophecy 01.05.2018. The Candle.

Many people…

This says GOD YHWH, the Almighty Ruler of the universes :

Listen, ye people of the nations and of Israel and of the churches of Christ Jesus, I YHWH GOD AM the LORD GOD from eternity to eternity. I was always … and I always will be, allthough many often doubt this fact. Still I AM the ONE and ONLY TRUE GOD, the Creator and Sustainer of creation. Many people departed from me. Many are on the road that leads to eternal destruction/punishment. Many fell away from the Truth and the True original holy Words of GOD, who I AM. Many caused much problems and sorrows and suffering in their own lives and that of other people or animals or of creation, which I have to solve by means of My love and giving goodness and tenderness. I AM. Many deny Me… allthough I AM. All of creation glorifies Me. The works of My Hand glorify Me by day and by night in the heavens above… and in the earth. I AM. Many heard My gospel. Many learned some eternal values, but chose to love the world more than Me. In doing so, they hurt themselves and many other people and beings… and in this… ME. But I AM still patient… and try to save those, who left Me or denied Me… or caused much suffering in My heart of love. LOVE was and is the greatest gift in creation throughout all the ages, for I AM GOD… and I AM LOVE… and give love to all, but often they don’t recognize her as a gift of Me. If you need more love… than first seek Me… and ask Me for love, so that I can prove to you… that I AM GOD… and that I love you. I AM. Meanwhile accept the fact, that I loved you so much, that I gave My Son Jesus the Christ into the death on the cross of Calvery… to save your precious soul/life for all eternity. I AM. My judgement over your sin was on Him. I struck Him, with My fiery wrath and anger, instead of you. Now I have peace in His precious blood, that fled out of His wounds to make peace between Me and you. Now I can love you by day and night. Listen to My holy loving words/voice to your precious heart. I YHWH GOD AM your Saviour IN Christ Jesus… and His precious holy name and love and grace. I AM.

Prophecy 24.04.2018. The Candle.

This says GOD YHWH, the Almighty One : I will reveal The Truth …

This says GOD YHWH :

Soon I will reveal the Truth in such a mighty and powerfull way, that the churches and nations and tribes of the earth will be shocked.

For I AM GOD. No-one was god before Me, nor will there be a god like I AM.

Many are confused in these days, because of the lies and schemes and snares of satan and wicked people. But listen, ye people of the churches and nations and tribes of the earth, soon I will reveal HIM, who is the eternal TRUTH revealed in a human glorified Body of flesh and bones, called the Immanuel, the GOD of the heavens and the earth, the GOD of Israel, who I AM in the Living Son of GOD : Yeshua HaMashiach/ Jesus The Christ. I AM. For He is My Image, My holy Temple, in which I dwell with all My heavenly Godly eternal powers/energies, for I AM Ghost/Light/power/energy/fire/dynamis. I AM. I AM the Father of creation and of all that has spirit within it, so that it can live. I AM the Giver of all breath and life to all that has the energy to live on this planet. I AM. No-one advised Me how to create the universes, for I called them all into existence by means of My almighty Ghost/Power speaking in words, that immediatly were manifested in powers/energies, protons, neutrons, electrons, atoms, molecules… and by this in material visible worlds and things… and life-forms. I AM. All things were called into existence by means of My Word spoken in the power of the Holy Ghost in and through the Mouth of My Image/Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ. For He is the radiance of My glory, the expression of My Holy Being… and the bearer/carrier of the words of My almighty powers by My Ghost. I AM. Trust ME more than people, for they are often deceived by the old red dragon/the old snake/serpent/ satan/the devil/the diabolos/the evil spirit in the air, that influences their thoughts, feelings and will and actions. Be aware of the fact, that I AM GOD, the GOD of the heavens and the earth. I AM the GOD of Truth. I AM. Seek Me in prayer… and you will find Me, for I will reveal Myself to you. My eternal heavenly Truth will set you free from the lies and schemes and snares of the evil one… and evil ones. I AM.’  ;

Says El Shaddai- YHVH-Elohim, The GODhood/Deity of the heavens and the earth… and of Adam and Eve and their descendants, The One who was, is and always will be the great “I AM’ , who spoke and revealed himself to Moses, the shepherd, that He called to become the prophet/messenger of God … to deliver Israel out of the hands of Pharao in Egypt … and to lead them to the promised land of Canaan.

Prophecy by the Candle. 22.04.2018. / 19.09.2024. By GOD’s Hand …

J.M.P. Schoonbroodt. NL.  EU.

The GOD of revelation… and salvation.

This says GOD :

Listen, ye people of the earth, I AM the GOD above all gods. I AM the I AM, who appeared to Moses and many prophets and seeérs and apostles/messengers. I AM the One, who calls them and you by their and your name. I AM. I AM the GOD of revelation. I revealed and reveal Myself to many in visions, dreams or prophecies… or I appear to them in My visible human Temple, called Jesus the Christ. For I AM in Him and He is in Me. We are One. I YHWH GOD AM. Many know about My existence by means of what they see of My visible works in creation. Many by means of wittnesses and their testimonies and holy scriptures, written by My holy Spirit through them. I AM. Many preach My holy words and revelations. Still WE are in control, allthough many deny this fact. Many don’t understand Our ways with and within Our creation. Many seek to understand why things are as they are. And this is exactly what We want. For We want to reveal the truth to mankind, but many are blinded by the lies and deception of evil spirits and evil persons. Still WE are the True GOD’s of the universes. We are YHWH-Elochim : The Father GOD YHWH, the Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ… and the Holy Breath/Holy Ghost of YHWH. We are willing to set people free from the lies and evil schemes of satan and his demons… and of evil and wicked sinful people, deceivers and liars… and betrayers of the truth and of righteouss people. WE are willing to give people true eternal life by means of Faith in Us and Our holy Truth and Holy gospel. WE will set people free, by means of Our Spirit and words… which are One with Us. I said IN and through and with Jesus the Christ : I AM the Way, the Truth and The Life…. Nobody can find the real GOD… and how HE is… than just by Me and My Son and Our holy Ghost/Spirit and Our holy Words/Gospel/Teachings and Testimonies… concerning past, present and future times. WE are I AM. We are the Elohim above all elohim, the GODS above all gods, We are YHWH-Elohim, the Allmighty One. WE are the Father of creation. My Son Jesus, the True Christ/Messiah/Mashiach, said : I AM the Way, the Truth and The Life… and nobody can come to the Father than just by Me. I AM. WE, the Father and the Son and the Ghost, are One. Blessed are all who come to the knowledge of these eternal heavenly Godly/Divine and Spiritual facts. I AM. Many tried/try to understand who WE were/are, but couldn’t/can’t unless We revealed/reveal it to them. For We are the True GOD(s) of all existing things in the visible material worlds and in the invisible spirit-worlds. WE are the GOD(s) of the heavens and the earth. No-one is more powerful than We are. For We created all powers and energies in the universes, from past, present and future times. All things have their existence in Us. WE can create or destroy as We like or plan or decide. This power of Us is far greater than all powers of the universes. WE can call a universe into existence… or destroy it… as We want. No-one has this almighty power… as We have. We create life… or destroy it. Many fear Us when We reveal to them Our almighty powers, but We are LOVE. We created all things out of love… so that We could show and reveal Our heavenly love and care for creation. Many deny or denied this. Still WE are LOVE. Many dishonoured Us. Many blasphemed Us. Many destroyed Our works of love, because they obeyed satan and his evil desires and lusts more than Us and Our Heavenly GODly Holy Love and righteoussness. Still We seek to save people out of satans snares and lies and evil schemes and grip and web, by revealing the eternal Truth. I AM. Listen, ye people of the earth, I AM GOD… and I call you to seek Me in honest upright serious prayer with own words. Call on Our names and We will answer you… and will sent help to you and deliverance in Our holy names. I, YHWH-Elohim, AM the GOD of salvation in My and Jesus Christ/Yeshua ha Mashiach’s  holy name. I AM. And it will happen, that whosoever will call on Our Holy names… will be saved. I AM.

Prophecy 10.04.2018. The Candle.

Jesus Christ, the Tree of Life.

This says GOD YHWH, the Almighty One and Only True GOD of the universes :

Throughout all ages I revealed Myself by means of the words that I spoke to holy elected prophets and revelators and seeérs and apostles and holy anointed kings and priests and wittnesses of Me and My holy Messiah and of Our heavenly holy eternal Kingdom and Holy Temple… and eternal life for all who believe Our holy good news, concerning Our works of salvation IN and Through Christ Jesus, who is the True Tree of Life for Israel and all the nations and tribes and all generations of the earth, if they accept Him as their Lord and Saviour, who died on the cross of Calvery for the sins of creation, so that woever believes in him…shall not perish, but will have eternal life, by means of Our forgiving and merciful and gracious love… and the reconciliation, that We worked out in the crucified Christ Jesus, whose blood fled out of His wounds to reconcile creation with/to Us. Now We offer Our heavenly peace and love and grace to all that We love… and who are willing to accept her as a free gift of GOD. Allow Us to reveal Our heavenly love to you and your family… by means of faith in Us, so that we can give you eternal life and overflowing life and life abundantly in YHWH-Elohim’s and Yeshua ha Mashiach’s/Jesus the Christ’ holy love and grace and goodness. Trust Us… and Our gospel/word of God. Read your bible… and speak freely every day to Us and We will hear. Call on Our holy names… and We will help… and answer your questions, by means of Our Spirit and words and revelations and holy angels and messengers. I, YHWH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 04.04.2018. The Candle.

I, YHWH GOD, AM the GOD of creation.

This says GOD YHWH the Allmighty, the Source of LIFE :

In these days many departed from Me. They are lost and often feel depressed. Their choice, not to trust Me nor My love nor My grace nor My eternal truths, leeds to emptyness, for I AM the Giver of Life. Those who disconnect with Me will die in their spirit and soul… and will feel very unhappy and will even get mentally ill. Without ME all life and energy will leave them. For I AM GOD and the Source of Life and energy and love and wisdom and I AM the One and Only allmighty GOD in the universes. I AM the  One who calls people by their name and who is willing to give them overflowing Life, when they connect with Me by calling On My holy name and the holy name of My holy Son to get new eternal Life by means of Our loving and giving goodness/grace. My beloved Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ said : I AM the way, the truth and the LIFE and nobody can come to GOD the heavenly Father than just by Me. He had to die on the cross of Calvery to become the bridge between ME in heaven and you on earth. His suffering and death on the cross was the atonement for your sins, so that I and He can forgive you your unbelieve and departure from Us… and your sins, so that now WE can restore Our relation with you… and can give you LIFE abundantly if you accept this offer. I YHWH AM.

Prophecy 26/03/2018. The Candle.

This says GOD : I AM.

This says GOD :

I AM the GOD above above all gods from past en present and future times. I AM YHWH, the GOD of the universes, the GOD of Israel, the GOD and Heavenly Holy and Righteouss Father of creation and of My beloved Son Jesus the Christ/Yeshua ha Mashiach. I AM. No-one was god before Me. I AM the Source of all that was, is… and will be, now and forever. I AM. I created the visible and invisible worlds. I AM the GOD who was, is..  and always will be. My love is eternally to all of My beloved creation. Come to Me, ye people of this age, and accept Me and My beloved Son Jesus the Christ… and Our holy message of Our heavenly love and righteoussnes and grace and reconciliation. For We are waiting for you to return to us. Accept Our love and mercy. I AM.

Prophecy 22/03/2018. The Candle.