GOD speaks to the churches at Nairobi…

 This says GOD to the churches at Nairobi :

“You heard My voice in the past clearly. But now not anymore. Reason : You drifted away from Me. I AM. Many of you turned to mammon. And  in doing so to the world-wide-web, which stands for the mammon-banking-666-Beast-system, mentioned in Revelation 13. I AM. The Whore Babylon with her “Pharmakeia” turned  many of you away from Me. I AM “;

Says the GOD of creation, of Israel and the 7 churches. The great “I AM”.

Prophecy by The Candle / The Voice in The Wind of Ruach Hakodesh/Holy Breath of GOD.


GOD SPEAKS… to the leaders of the nations…

This says GOD YHWH :


‘Hear, ye leaders of the nations of this endtime, I AM GOD and I will bring further judgments upon you… if you remain worshippers of Lucifer/Satan and his sons and daughters and slaves. I AM.’ ;

Says the Almighty GOD of creation and of the visible and invisible realms/dimensions/spirit-realms.

Prophecy by The Candle / Menorah/ YHWH is GOD = EL-I-Yah.
