The Creator speaks to His creation…

“Hear, o creation, I AM your Creator. I AM the Eternal GOD and Father, who is Ghost and Light and Love and Truth and Righteousness. I AM the LIFE. I AM the Source of True LIFE. I AM the GOD who created all heavens and the earth. I AM. I AM the One who spoke throughout all ages. I AM. Do not doubt for I AM the I AM, the Living One, who speaks right here and now… and I tell you : Do not fear what mankind can do to you, but fear Me the Almighty One, for I AM the One who has the power to create and/or to destroy. I AM the One who has the power to save or to give over to destruction. I AM the Healer and I AM the One who sent all the men or women of Me, that were capable to do My works and to show who I AM and how I AM by their words, works or testimonies or prophecies or powers that I gave them througout ages to reveal that I AM their GOD and their Savior and the JUDGE of the living and the dead. I AM. Know this : I AM always the same. I never changed nor will I ever change. When you read My holy scrolls/holy scriptures of My holy anointed ones… than realise that I AM speaking to you by their words in the power of My Holy Ghost. I AM.” ; Say the LORD GOD, Adonai YHVH, the GOD of creation, the GOD of Israel, the Great I AM.

Prophecy by The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.


De realiteit m.b.t. de “injecties” en hetgeen er in zit… en de mogelijkheden en toekomst…

Schrikbarende realiteit, die ook mij werd geopenbaard in het verleden door God’s Geest in profetische uitspraken.

Jean Schoonbroodt.NL. / The Voice in The Wind / The Candle.
