The true prophets, the Whore and the Beast…

This says GOD YHVH to the prophet of the endtime, who will soon be at Jerusalem :

“Hear, o prophet of this Endtime/Last days, you are in a position that many don’t know you yet. Soon things will change very rapidly. I AM. For I AM the GOD who fulfills His prophecy and revelations according to My holy heavenly time-schedule/plan. I AM. Many heard about your prophetic ministry worldwide, but were not willing to accept it as being from Me, the GOD of My creation. Many hesitate… or even preach and teach that there are no prophets nor apostles anymore, nor neccessary, for they have all in the bible. Alas they don’t understand that I AM always the Same… and never change… nor My holy heavenly plan. Soon the two prophets/lampstands/olivetrees will appear at Sodom and Egypt/Jerusalem in Israel… to fulfill their holy task before I will return in great heavenly Majesty and Glory in My holy Son Jesus the Christ, who is the Expression of My heavenly glorious Being and the Radiance of My heavenly Glory and the Carrier of My holy words of My almighty powerfull Ghost and the fullness of My Deity. I AM. For He and I are One. He is in Me and I AM in Him. Soon He will come… and My holy lampstands will prepare the nations. For they will be exalted for the eyes of all nations by the powers that they will work in their days… to show who the True GOD is… and to bring temporary judgments upon the nations like is written in the Book of Revelation in the book of the bible, also called by many : The Apocalypse. I AM. Soon, yes very soon, My holy will and plan will be fulfilled on and in the earth. For I AM the Faithfull One, the GOD from past, present and future, the One who never lies and who is righteous in all his ways. I AM. Many were searching for TRUTH… and found Me… or I revealed Myself to them, even to those that didn’t seek nor asked for Me or for Truth. I AM. For I AM the Living GOD YHVH, the Almighty One, the Creator and Ruler and King of all of creation. I AM. Many follow and/or will follow the false anointed one/other messiah/other mashiach/other christ/anti-christo/anti-christ, who has now all power over the Beast, till the moment that I will break the power of the Whore Babylon and of its world-religious leader, this anti-christ, and his house of vipers and snakes and of wolves in sheepclothing and of hypocrites. I AM. Soon I will make an end to her power. The time is near. For many voices were and are heard in heaven and on earth, who demand righteous judgments over the Whore and its leaders. So I will bring judgment upon her. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, the GOD of The True Spiritual Israel… and of the True saints of past, present and future.

Prophecy 30.06.2021.

Prophecy received by The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / Jean M. P. Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.

To the inhabitants of this temporary creation…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of Israel and creation :

“Hear, ye inhabitants of this temporary creation and earth, I AM YHVH, the GOD of all. I AM. Many heard about Me, but didn’t seek Me… nor My holy Son nor Our Holy words. Still We are waiting for them to come. But know this… that there ist just a little time left. Soon I will pour out Our holy wrath and vengeance. For many are not willing to obey Us. I AM. We are the True GODS of creation and no-one else. We are the Ones, who created the heavens and the earth. We are the Ones, who have the power over life and death. I AM. Many will hear, that We again reveal Ourselves to people by prophecy and revelations and by apostles and prophets and revelators and seeers in this endtime. For We are the Living Ones. We are the Ones, who have all authority in the heavens and in the earth. I AM. My holy name will last forever and Our Holy Reign will last forever… for Our heavenly Kingdom is forever. I AM. Many will seek Us in very near future, when We will strike the earth with plagues and disasters and wars, because of the iniquity and wickedness of those, who live on the earth… and who deny Us and Our grace and love and truth and righteousness and who have pleasure in doing evil and wicked things. I AM. Our holy vengeance and wrath/anger will be poured out over many people worldwide. We are YHVH-Elohim, the YHVH-Gods. WE will reveal to all that We are. For no-one wil escape Our judgments, when We will bring them upon the surface of the earth over the (1) Whore Babylon and (2) The Beast 1 + 2 + 3. Let him who has ears to hear, hear what the Spirit of Me, YHVH-GOD, says in these last days to the churches and to the nations and to the kings and rulers of the nations. I AM. For I AM the KING above all kings and the LORD above all lords. I AM. Many heard about Me, but were not willing to seek Me nor My Son to really receive Our holy will and words for their lives or tasks. I AM. Many world-leaders were godless and were or are even evildoers and wicked persons, who I will judge on My day, when I suddenly wil come to them/visit them with My holy judgment. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, the Great I AM, YHVH-GOD, the Father of creation, the GOD of the heavens and the earth… and of all visible and invisible realms / dimensions / worlds, universes.

Prophecy 29.06.2021.

Received by The Candle/ The Voice in The Wind / Jean M. P. Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.


(1) Revelation chapter 17+18.

(2) Revelation chapter 13+14.

Word of GOD to the people of Israel…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation, the GOD and Father of Jesus the Christ, The Great I AM :

“Hear, ye people of Israel in the Middle-East, I AM GOD, the Almighty One of creation. Many of you don’t know Me nor My holy True Mashiach. But I AM the GOD of revelation and prophecy who speaks throughout all ages by My holy servants who are lead by My holy Ghost/Ruach Hakodesh/Holy Breath. I AM. Many of you heard My Good News, but rejected it. Reason : You all thought already to know much, but you erred and err in this wrong mindset. For I AM the GOD who was, is… and always will be. I AM. Although many of you studied many books and literature and many “holy writings”… still you are blinded and even ignorant of Me, The True GOD of all universes. I AM. Many of you even deny My holy everlasting name and even love idols more than Me , the Living GOD, the Great I AM, who spoke to Moses/Moshe the man of Me, the GOD that called him and Aäron to lead Israel out of the captivity and slavery in Egypt. I AM. I gave the holy feasts to remember what I did with your people in the past. I AM. Only your faithfull ones know that I AM speaking here… and not another spirit nor a human being. I AM. For I AM the One who calls men to the holy task of being My holy prophets or revelators or seeers. I AM. I call My holy messengers wherever I want… and how I want… and I chose and choose how I will reveal Myself to them in My almighty powers. I AM. For no-one calls himself to be a prophet or holy messenger of Me, the GOD of creation, the GOD of Israel. For those who want to be a prophet or holy messenger, but don’t have My call to this holy task, I will humble… and deny as being such… and I will even reveal them as being false prophets. I AM. My Holy House/True Temple exists out of Holy Stones, which are people who have life by My Holy Ghost, who indwells them by day and night and who leads them to glorify Me and My True Mashiach and Our work of saving grace and love and truth and of reconciliation by the blood of the Lamb of GOD, the Lion of Juda, who was already among you in the past. But your leaders of the temple at Jerusalem and of the synagogues in His days rejected Him, because of jealousy. For I filled Him with such a power and mercy and holiness and righteousness and heavenly wisdom that they couldn’t stand the light that was going out from Him… and they started to hate Him, because He confronted them with their hypocracy and evil and lust for power and their own thora-lessness, for they added many human rules to My holy commandments by which they falsefied My True Word of GOD/My holy commandments and holy teachings of My holy Thora. I AM. They rejected Him… and used a betrayer, one of His followers, and even paid him with 30 silver coins… and then they used false witnesses to accuse Him… so that they could deliver Him into the hands of the Roman gentiles, so that they would judge Him and condemn Him… although He was completely perfect and blameless and spotless and innocent in My Holy Eyes like a perfect Lamb, My True Pesach, for the sins of Israel, to lead them out of the evil one… and evil ones. I AM. His innocent life/soul/blood had to be shed as a ransom to purchase them out of the power of the evil one and evil ones/evil spirit and evil spirits… and as a reconciling sacrifice… to restore the relation between Me, The Holy GOD of Israel, and the guilty sinful people of Israel and of creation. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty, Adonai YHVH, the GOD of all visible and invisible realms/dimensions/worlds/kosmoia/universes.

Prophecy by The Voice in The Wind / The Candle / Jean M.P. Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.

A word to the nation of Iran…

This says GOD YHVH to the nation of Iran :

“Hear, ye nation of Iran, I know your distress. I see those who hate you… and know their secret plans. But I AM the GOD above all and I will lead the history and the present and the future of you, although many have their own ideas and wishes. I AM. My holy plan with you is revealed in holy scriptures of the past. Especially the, by many hated, bible/holy scrolls/ holy prophetic books of the Jews, tells much about your past and future. I AM. Alas, many in your nation are not really interested to know what My holy scrolls of the book of the Jews says… concerning your future. And even when they read it, than they often are not willing to accept it. I AM. Still I AM the Almighty One of creation. Stil I AM the GOD of My chosen people of Israel and out of the nations and tribes of the earth, who will be added unto My holy Place in heaven and on earth. I AM. Many heard this already before, but rejected it as a “wrong teaching”. But I AM the GOD who makes no mistakes. I AM the Perfect One. I AM the GOD who rules and reigns the heavens and the earth, although people often mess up in creation, because of their evil and evil selfish and sinful nature that is in rebellion to Me, the GOD of creation. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, YHVH-GOD, the GOD of creation.

Prophecy by God’s Ghost given to The Voice in The Wind / The Candle / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.


WORD of GOD to the Eagle of the West…

( On the 21 of June 2021 to the messenger… and by him to the Eagle of the West.)

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation, to the nation of The Eagle of the West :

‘Hear, ye Eagle of the West, I will ripp out all your feathers and I will destroy your arrows and I will make you to a naked bird, because of all your iniquity and deceit and betrayal of mankind by all your evil that you did and are doing as the world-leading nation. Your pride will bring you to shame, for you often used My name in your mouth but denied him in practice. Many of you are members of secret/occult societies and think that they have the “wisdom”, the secret knowledge of all ages represented in your meetings and secret holes of the earth, but I AM the GOD who leads the universes. I AM the King above all kings and the LORD above all lords and I AM the universal General with 7 stars, who is the LORD of all universal armies. When I will cause My holy war against you, than you will loose… for I AM the GOD above all gods and godessess. I AM the universal Ruler who reigns the visible and invisible worlds of matter and spirits and entities of light and darkness of all ages. I AM. I know who is really impressed by what or who… and I AM the GOD who is HOLY GHOST, HOLY LIGHT and HOLY FIRE and energy… and the Source of all universal powers of the past, present and future. I AM. No-one is capable to flee My holy Being on the day when I will judge him or her. I AM. There is no weaponry against Me, for I AM the Almighty One, the Creator of all that I called into existence by My almighty Holy Being and words. I AM. Many tried to deny Me and to erase My name from the earth, but I always brought them to their knees to admit that I AM. I always humbled the proud, because I love meekness… and humble people, who honor Me and serve Me in obedience and holy reverence and awe. I AM. My holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/ Jesus the Christ is My Beloved one, who I have exalted throughout all ages… for He was faithful till the end… and is The Expression of My holy Being, The Radiance of My Glory and The Carrier of the Words of My almighty Ghost and powers. I AM. He is the Anointed Savior of all who believe Me and Him. I AM. Soon He will come in My heavenly everlasting Glory to judge creation, the living and the dead. I AM. For I have given to Him all power in the heavens and in the earth. I AM. For We created them. I AM. For He and I are ONE. Soon, yes very soon, WE , “The aliens”, with Our heavenly armies will come to cleanse the earth from the evil ones/ wicked ones, who denied Us and remained Our enemies during their whole life. I AM. Woe to all who remain in the darkness and call light darkness… and call darkness light. Woe to those who shed innocent blood and the blood of the righteouess ones. Woe to those who called themselves “ministers of the light” , but were sorcerers and magicians and high priests of Satan/Lucifer and the demon-gods. Woe to those who denied Us and Our Reign in the visible and invisible universes. Woe to those who knew that We existed and exist, but willingly denied Us and Our Reign and Our holiness and who deceived and seduced and betrayed the common people, who taught that they had knowledge to lead and guide them and to help them with good intentions. Woe to those who are rulers and leaders and who are not willing to bow their knees before Me and My Son in their godless pride and haughtiness. I AM. Woe to those who knew the truth of Our Being… and who willingly resisted her in those who were or are Our true and faithfull messengers. Woe to those who resisted Our Heavenly Throne and power by doing willingly evil… without being concerned about the welbeing of those who were/are under their “control”. I AM. Woe to those who say that they know Us, but abuse their spiritual knowledge to abuse and rape and kill and murder. Woe to them on the day of the final/last judgment. I, YHVH-GOD, the King and Ruler of all universes… and of all universal visible and invisible powers and realms and dimensions and worlds… AM the Great I AM, who was, is and always will be. I AM. All of the heavens and the earth glorify ME by day and night to the eyes and the ears and the hearts and spirits and minds of those who still have eyes to see, ears to hear… and senses to recognize Our heavenly Reign and Eternal Being and existence. I AM.’ ; Says the LORD GOD, the Almighty One of creation, The King and Ruler above all that ever was, is.. or will be… YHVH-GOD.

Prophecy by The Voice in The Wind / The Candle / Jean M.P. Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.



The Supreme Head and Commander speaks…

This says GOD concerning those who hesitate to belief Me :

“Hear, ye doubters, I AM GOD. I AM the Supreme Head and Commander of all universal powers in the visible and invisible realms/dimensions/universes. I AM. “Says the LORD GOD Almighty, the GOD and Creator of spiritual and material worlds. “I AM GOD and My name is forever YHVH-GOD, the GOD who was, is… and always will be. I AM. No-one was before I was. I AM. I called and commanded, by My Almighty Being and Ghost and Person and by My Word, all things into existence. I AM. No-one will be capable to immitate Me perfectly like I AM. Even those who earn their money and wealth by producing moving pictures/images are not capable to see or show My universal almighty powers and heavenly glory. I AM.” ; Says The Almighty GOD of creation, the heavens and the earth, the universes/kosmoia/cosmos, YHVH-Elochim.

Prophecy by The Voice in The Wind.


Word to the Bear of the Middle-East…

This says GOD YHVH to the nation of Iran :

“Hear, Bear of the Middle-East, I know your challenges you are facing. I know your heart and mindset. I know your circumstances and see how you are suffering from the drought. I AM. I know that many are willing to war against you. I see that you are often threathening them, but in doing so you will increase their enmity which will again bring more and more pressure unto you. Quit threathening other nations. Your fellow-Bear will soon come out of His cave to attack the Eagle. I AM. But I will show you your future. Many will fall away from your faith, when they seek righteousness and mercy, but find lawlessness and corruption among your leaders. The time is near that I will raise a man among the nations that will judge you, because of your iniquity and wickedness and evil. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, The Ruler and King of creation.

Prophecy 15.06.2021. The Voice in The Wind.