Future Destiny…

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of creation to Israel and the nations :

Hear, o Israel and ye nations, I see and know about your struggles and battles and know your future. You know that I AM the GOD that revealed the future already from the beginning/past ? For I knew already all things from before foundation of creation… and I had a plan in creation, which I revealed to My holy prophets and seeers and revelators and apostles from the past. And I worked and work My plan out in the ages, according to My holy will and plan and time-schedule. I AM. For I AM the Almighty GOD of all existing things. No-one will ever be able to stop My work. I AM. Now, in this last age, I AM preparing all things for My visible return in My Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ/Christo Jesu, who will come down from heaven with the holy heavenly armies of holy angels and saints to make an end to the wicked world-system, that denied Me and My holy Reign and holy righteousness and love and holy Gospel of salvation. Many of you were even enemies of Me and My Son and of the word of the crucified Mashiach/Christ… and of the depth of what His suffering really meant for creation. Many of you pretended to be christians, but just were deceivers, whose real god was their belly and their Mammon, money/wealth/luxury and sinful lusts and evil desires and greed and worldly pleasures and sexual derailment. I know who are on the broad road to eternal destruction… and those who are on the small path to eternal glory. I know the true and faithfull ones… and those who are rats and goats and betrayers and wolves, predators. I know who are really willing to do good to glorify Us… and those who just seek their own honor or the honor of men. I know their/your future and their/your eternal end/final destination. I see and hear all things… and all things are registrated in the heavens. Every-one, who ever lived or lives on the surface of the earth, will be confronted on judgement day with all the aspects of their/your lives. Even the smallest parts of their/your thoughts, choices, words, writings and deeds will be revealed to the Holy Heavenly Court/Counsel and Our Holy Heavenly Judgement-Thrones/Seats. I AM. The scrolls/books of their/your lives will be opened to them/you. And all you ever heard or read or saw of Me and My holy Son or of Our holy words and gospel of salvation and of Our saints/wittnesses and their words…. and their/your choices and deeds will be brought into remembrance and they/you will be judged according to what was written in these holy scrolls, according to their/your works. I AM. If their/your name is written in the Book of Life of the Lamb of GOD, they/you will be saved. But if their/your names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb of GOD, than they/you will be cast out into the lake of fire and brimstone. I AM. Blessed are all who will be saved for all eternity, by means of Our giving goodness/grace through faith in Our gospel of saving love and reconciliation and sanctification and justification and completion and glorification in Us : the Father Adonai YHVH, the Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ and His blood… and the Ruach Hakodesh/Holy Breath/Holy Ghost… and Our eternal words. For the heavens and the earth will pass away, but Our word will never pass away. We are YHVH-Elochim, the Almighty Ones in creation in the visible worlds and invisible worlds, in all dimensions… and in this temporary universe… and in all future universes. We are I AM.

Prophecy 19.04.2020. Received by The Candle.