666, number, mark or name of the Beast…

This says GOD YHVH tot the new-comers in the EU :

Hear, ye new-comers, soon you will have to leave Europe. For My holy judgements are going forth all over the earth… and also over Europe. I AM. My holy wrath will come upon all, because of the wickedness of mankind and their godless and lawless attitude… and often evil mindset and works of darkness. I AM. Soon I will reveal, that I AM and that I will seek to destroy the Beast and its beast and the false prophet of the Whore Babylon. For these evildoers deceived mankind. Soon, yes very soon, all will be tested to choose for the mark, number or name of the Beast, which is 666… which is the number of a man. Those who take it… will go lost for all eternity… and will be thrown into the second death, which is the lake of brimstone and fire, where they will suffer in all eternity. I, YHVH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 20.03.2020. Received by The Candle.

The son of perdition…

This says GOD YHVH to the nations and Israel :

Hear, o nations and Israel, the time is almost fulfilled. Soon things will change very rapidly. A man has come, who strengthens the honorfull, but is the deceiver of mankind. He will sit on a throne and will proclaim, that he is God. He will reign just for a very short time. He is the son of perdition, who deceives and will deceive the whole world to honor/worship/glorify him and Satan/Lucifer, for he is one with them. Many will be astonished, when they will hear that he was out of the bottomless pit… for he is Nimrod, the builder of former Babylon. Many saw and will see how he will be honored and glorified/worshipped by all those, whose names are not written in the Book of The Lamb of GOD in heaven. I, Adonai YHVH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 18.03.2020. Received by The Candle.

God’s Power and Glory…

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD who said to Moses, the man of GOD, the prophet, who saw God’s glory : I AM.

Hear, ye nations and tribes of the earth, I AM YHVH, the GOD who was, is and always will be. My everlasting holy glorious name is Adonai YHVH. I AM the One and Only True GOD in creation. All other gods or godesses were or are fallen ones. I AM. No-one is My teacher. I AM the GOD who taught and teaches mankind throughout all ages to fear Me and My words and holy will and to accept My Way of saving people for their ages and future ages. I AM. Many promote their own godless selfish ways and seek fame and honor or adoration from people by which they deny Me, the GOD, who gives Breath and life to mankind. I AM the Source of Life and True Love and Grace and Righteoussness and Help and Saving and healing and blessing powers and of all good gifts. I AM. I AM the GOD who fears no man nor animal nor any spirit, for I AM their Creator… and I can do with them whatever I like to do or decide. Many hated or hate this fact and reality. Many are not willing to accept nor to obey an almighty GOD. No, no, no, they don’t want Me as their GOD and Ruler and Lord and their Judge. Therefore they rejected Me in the past… and denied Me many years, although they all heard about Me and knew that I AM. Still many remain stubborn, although I struck them with illness and deseases and disaster. Even when I showed them My love in Christ Jesus and My holy Gospel/Good news… they rejected Me and My heavenly message of love and My holy messengers and witnesses and holy scrolls/books. Still I AM seated on My heavenly Throne… and still I AM in control of the universes/kosmoia. I AM. My Son Yeshua ha Mashiach and I are the Ones who have all powers in creation in the visible and invisible worlds. WE have the power to bless or to curse, to give life or to take lives. I AM. Soon We will reveal Ourselves to all of mankind at a special moment… and all will fear and tremble when that moment arrives. For WE are the Holy Ones of creation. And all unholy people will be struck and consumed by fire by Our holy angels… and their souls will be cast into eternal darkness in the kingdom of death/scheol/hades. And only the righteouss ones will be saved… and will remain on earth… and will inherit the glorious Kingdom of Me, Adonai YHVH, and My beloved glorified Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ, who will sit on the throne of king David… and will be My holy Ruler over Israel and Jerusalem and Zion and all the nations and tribes of the earth… during Our Reign of thousand years. And glorious peace will fill the earth, for the nations and tribes will not learn nor teach war anymore, but will be taught by Us, in Our Way of Righteousness, and by Our holy heavenly glorified holy ones/saints, who will reign with Us in all eternity as holy kings and priests. I, Adonai YHVH-GOD, AM.

Prophecy 17.03.2020. Received by The Candle.

Word of comfort…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation :

Hear, ye nations, I AM the GOD of all that was, is… and will be. I AM. My holy judgements are filling the earth, but meanwhile I will remain the God of salvation in Jesus Christ holy and gracious name. Those who really invite Us to become their Saviors will experience Our grace and love and truth and renewing grace and powers in their hearts. I AM. Many will be healed, when We will pour out Our gracious Spirit upon and in them, when they are really willing to confess their sinfulness and evil… and are willing to be saved by Us… and are willing to be transformed in their ways of thinking, speaking and actions/deeds… and are willing to be born out of GOD. This means that We are willing to make them to sons and dauthers of GOD… to prepare them for eternal glory in Our heavenly Kingdom. Those who are really willing to be saved for eternity by means of Our grace and love and truth and gift of faith in Christ Jesus as their Lord, God and Savior and reconciling sacrifice on Golgatha/Calvery, will be saved and justified because of His saving work on earth and in heaven, where He is the High Priest, who prays for all who call on His holy saving name. Amen. I, YHVH GOD, AM. Put all your hope and trust in Us and Our saving grace and Jesus’ work on the cross… and His High Priesthood in heaven in My holy presence to justify and save all who believe in Me and Him and Our saving power and grace. Amen. Don’t trust in your “own righteousness” nor on your own religion nor on godless science, but only in US, The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit… and Our gospel/good news and Our holy promisses in God’s word. Start to read the bible, while asking Us in upright prayers with own words, to teach you the way to eternal life and glory IN Christ Jesus. I AM. For We are the Elohim above all elohim, the Gods above all gods, YHVH-Elohim, who can intervene in all situations… and who are Almighty… and always can do immeasurable more than you ever can ask or even imagine, according to Our almighty powers in creation and in your lives. Come to Us in honest prayer… and… stay with Us in future days to your blessing and eternal salvation. I, YHVH GOD, The GOD and Father of creation, AM.

Prophecy 15.03.2020. Received by The Candle.

The cross…

This says GOD YHVH, the All-knowing GOD of the heavens and the earth :

I AM YHVH, the GOD of creation. The heavens and the earth are My work. No-one was before I AM. Soon I will give the inheritance in My coming heavenly Kingdom to My beloved sons and daughters IN Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ. I AM. For they are IN Him and He indwells them by His Spirit. They are one with Me and Him and Our holy chosen angels. I AM. Blessed are all who have this hope in eternal glory by means of Our gift of faith to/in them, by which they are saved by means of Our grace and truth and love and work of salvation IN Christ Jesus on the cross. I AM.

Prophecy 12.03.2020. Received by The Candle.

Word of GOD to the tribes of the earth…

This says GOD YHVH to the tribes of the earth :

Hear, ye tribes of the earth, many of you never knew who the real GOD of the heavens and the earth was. For many of you were deceived by evil spirits and by those who were their slaves. I, the Most High GOD of creation, AM the Lord GOD YHVH. I AM the Almighty GOD. I created the heavens and the earth by My Ghost, which spoke words by which they came into being. I AM. All visible and invisible worlds are Mine. I AM. No-one saw them all, unless I revealed them to him or her. I AM. My holy scriptures, based on the revelations and prophecies of My holy anointed ones with Holy Ghost, reveal many aspects of the heavens and the earth… and concerning that was, is and will be. I AM. Soon I will shake the heavens and the earth by My almighty power and spoken words. I AM. For the earth and her inhabitants are not faithful to Me… nor to My word, that reveals who I AM and why I did and do things in creation. I AM. Many even don’t know Me nor My words anymore, because of the deception, which is going around the earth and is in the earth, by satan, the most evil spirit in creation, and his companions, the fallen evil angels, and the demons and unclean spirits, who are My enemies… and who try to make all of mankind to their slaves. I, the Lord GOD YHVH, AM. Many people, who are willingly or unwillingly their slaves, obey them… and deceive other people to do evil and cruel and wicked works… and in doing so, they even deny Me and My existence, although they all knew or know that I AM. Their selfishness and lawlessness and unrighteousness and pride and haughtiness of heart and minds and their evil lusts/desires lead them to harm My creation in all kinds of ways. Therefore they are, because of their godlessness and unbelief en hardening in their hearts towards Me and My heavenly Reign and Love and Truth and Righteousness, people who are dead in sin and transgression of Our holy Thorah and laws under the influence of spirits of darkness. They increase in evil… and even call evil “good” and good “evil”. They are enemies of Our holy eternal Righteousness and Holy Heavenly Good News, Gospel of salvation IN Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ, My beloved eternal glorified holy Son… who is My King above all kings and Lord above all lords and Ruler above all rulers in My holy almighty Powers and Glory and Wisdom and Authority. I AM. Yes, I have a Son. Many of you never heard this before. But it is a fact… and truth and reality. I AM. Soon He will come down from heaven, visible, in My holy eternal/everlasting powers and glory. For He is the Radiance of My heavenly glory of Light, Love and Powers, the Expression of My Being… and the Carrier/Bearer of My almighty powerful words, by which I can do all that pleases Me in creation. For I AM the Lord GOD Almighty. Adonai YHVH is My holy name forever. I AM.

Prophecy 10.03.202. Received by The Candle.

Word of God to the nations…

This says GOD YHVH to the nations :

“Hear ye nations, I know about your fight against the corona-virus and about the plans of the NWO, which is the Beast of Revelation 13. I know your intensions, spoken by those who speak in secret their global plans. I know that the super-rich and wealthy are in reality in control of this anti-Christ world-system, lead by the Whore Babylon, who is drunken of the blood of all saints from past, present and future days. I AM. Soon I will make an end to this, for I AM the Almighty Warrior and God of creation, The Righteouss One, who will fight the evil ones, who think that they can do whatever they want to do… to deceive mankind by their deceit, because of their “powertrips” and lust for money and their greed and their wish to control all aspects of life, so that all of mankind will become and remain their slaves. But all these evil and wicked sinners I will judge on My day, for no-one will escape that day. I AM. For I have all powers in the universes under My control. I, YHVH GOD, the LORD GOD, AM.” ; says the LORD GOD Almighty, adonai YHVH, the I AM. And the Spirit of GOD says : “Yes and Amen. YHVH is GOD and LORD… and Jesus Christ is Lord and God. Amen.”

Prophecy 09.03.2020. Received by The Candle.

HIS return…

This says GOD YHVH to the man who saw Jesus the Christ :

Hear, o wittness of Jesus the Christ, the time is near that He will return from heaven to the earth. For He is God revealed in the flesh, for He and I are One. Those who saw or see Him, see Me… the God of the heavens and the earth. I AM. Many saw Him in the past, when He revealed Himself to them in dreams, visions, revelations… or visited them, like He did to Abraham. I AM. In these days I will prepare the chosen ones, out of Israel and the nations and of christianity, for His return to their salvation. And the other people I will prepare for His coming to their judgement. I AM. Soon it will be fulfilled what My holy prophets and seeers and apostles prophesied concerning the end-time… and the coming Kingdom of God, where We will reign during 1000 years. I, YHVH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 08.03.2020. Received by The Candle.