To the house of Israel…

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of creation, to the house of Israel :

Hear, o Israel, I know you ways. I see and hear you thoughts, words, deeds. I know your ways amidst the nations… and see those who are filling their pockets with money, stolen from the nations. But I will exalt the faithful ones amoung you… and will humble the evildoers in future days, when My holy judgements will fill the earth. I, YHVH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 17.02.2020. Received by The Candle.

Why God hits nations…

This says GOD to the nation of Irack :

Irack, your country/nation is divided because of your iniquity, for your former Ruler Saddam Hussein tried to gather the Arabic nations/Islamic nations against Israel. Therefore I sent the USA as a “Hammer of the earth” to destroy his “kingdom”. Every nation that tried to destroy Israel I struck in the past… and so I will strike every nation in the future with heavenly “arrows”. For I AM the Almighty Warrior against all who try to devour My Israel. Every ruler who calls his nation or other nations to war against Israel I will defeat or I will throw their countries/nations in turmoil or will divide them against each other, so that there will be no harmony nor peace anymore in their countries/nations. I AM. For I AM the Defender of My Israel… and I even will strengthen My Jews and Israelites with such a holy fire that they will beat and consume their enemies that are surrounding them. I AM. And even if I allow the armies of the enemies to enter into My country/nation of Israel to attack the inhabitants of Israel, than I will do this to judge the wicked of Israel ; but I will defeat the armies of the enemies by My holy remnant of The Jews and Israelites that I will strengthen in those days. And even if many or even all nations would gather to destroy My remnant of Jews and of Isrealites, than I, Myself, will come down from heaven with My holy heavenly armies to destroy these wicked godless anti-Israel and anti-christ nations/armies. I, YHWH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 15.02.2020. Received by The Candle.

Turn around and get saved…

This says GOD YHVH to the nations of this endtime :

Hear, ye nations of this endtime, you are wasting your time when you are not willing to serve Me, for if you are not willing to serve Me than you will have to serve the flesh and satan. I AM. On the day of judgment I will reveal to you all your thoughts, words, choices and deeds/actions and their consequences and effect in creation… and in the lives of other people surrounding you. I AM. No-one will escape. I AM. Therefore I urge all to turn around and to accept Me and My beloved Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ as your Lords and Saviors. Accept Us. Ask for forgiveness for your sins/crimes/evil thoughts, words, choices and deeds. Accept that We want to change your way of thinking, speaking and doing, so that We will lead you on the Path to eternal life and eternal glory in Our heavenly Kingdom. For soon, yes very soon, the time will come that We will be revealed in glory to all of creation. Prepare yourselves for this moment. Accept Us and Our heavenly Message/The Gospel/Good News that can save your life and spirit and soul for eternity. I AM.

Prophecy 13.02.2020. Received by The Candle.

To the media and social-media…

This says GOD YHVH to the newspapers and media and social-media :

Hear, ye media and social media and newspapers, I know that you are all accepted by people as being bringers of news. My holy eyes see your motives. My holy Spirit and holy angels investigate your “news”… and all people, who We awaken, will also investigate your motives and your “news”. Many main-stream-media are lead by people who are not objectiv. They often even don’t honor real investigative-journalism nor proffesionals and their realistic view on the things which are going on in creation. Some are even manipulating the masses into a direction which will lead them to destruction… or suffering and aggression and violence and even rebellion and even revolutions and wars. Many are even the property of billionaires, who make them publish things… and even manipulated “news”, which are representing only their interests. Many of them dishonor truth-seekers and true and faithful and objectiv scientists and their scientific reports, which are facts. Many are even sometimes willing to quote false witnesses and false testimonies and to publish false or twisted scientific reports to fight the faithful ones. My holy eyes see and read… and My holy ears hear…. these evil and wicked testimonies and “reports”. My holy judgements will find you on the day of judgement, for I AM the Holy GOD of creation. I hate evil in all its appearances. No-one will escape, when I will visit you with My righteous judgement according to reality, truth and facts. I, YHVH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 11.02.2020. Received by The Candle.

I AM the Living GOD and will never change…

This says GOD YHWH :

I AM the GOD of grace and truth… and of chastisement and of judgement. I AM the Creator of all existing things. For I AM the I AM, who revealed Himself to Mozes, the man of GOD. Many prophets and seeers and revelators testified and still testify, by their scriptures and testimonies, concerning things that were, are… or will be. For I AM the Living GOD and I will never change ; although many churchleaders taught different, according to their sectarian knowledge. I AM. For I AM the Same, yesterday, today and tomorrow. I AM. In the same way I will lead creation, according to My plan and holy will and words/prophecies/revelations of My holy scriptures… and of My holy wittnesses and testimonies of the past and of the present and future. I AM. For I never stopped… and will never stop… speaking and revealing My-self to chosen ones. I AM.

Prophecy 10.02.2020. Received by The Candle.

Kingdom of Death opens its gates…

This says GOD YHWH :

Hear, ye nations, many nations are now afraid for the corona-virus-infection. Many are already suffering. Many already died from this desease/plague/pandemic… and many will follow. The death is going around the world in different ways… and the kingdom of death/scheol/hades opens its gates/portals/mouth to receive the souls of mankind, who are not reconciled to Us, because they rejected the gospel of salvation and the Savior Jesus the Christ… and His reconciling sacrifice on the cross and the sprinkling of His blood on the Mercy -Seat of the Arc of the Covenant. Many heard the message, but chose the world and its lusts to their damnation. I AM a gracious GOD, who wanted to save all, but alas many chose/choose for hell. I, YHWH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 09.02.2020. Received by The Candle.

What GOD hates…

This says GOD YHWH :

I AM the GOD of love and truth and grace and mercy. I AM. Alas, many don’t know Me. Therefore I will sent My holy messengers among mankind to reveal My heavenly True Message. I AM. Many are still seeking for life, but are caught up with the sins and snares and evil of this godless and lawless and anti-christian world-system. Soon I will make an end to this when My holy judgements will be poured out upon those who rejected Me. I AM. For I AM a holy GOD… and some already feel My holy wrath/vengeance towards their soul and suffer in their innermost being. For I hate it when people hear(d) My heavenly Message and reject(ed) her and chose/choose for another religion… or mix their knowledge of My Message with the false teachings/doctrines of other pagan religions… and by this mix their faith in Me and My Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ with the religions of satan/lucifer and their demons/fallen angels and unclean spirits, who dishonor Me and My Son and Our holy Message/Gospel/Good News concerning the work of reconciliation on the cross of Golgatha/Calvery in the crucified Christ Jesus and His precious blood/soul/life. I AM.

Prophecy 07.02.2020. Received by The Candle.

Christ’s second coming…

This says GOD YHWH :

Hear, ye nations and Israel, soon I will send My Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ. He will come very soon. Be prepared, for He himself will come down from heaven… and in command… He will call, His voice empowered by the voice of an archangel/majestic power-angel and while the Shofar/Trumpet of God is sounding, His saints. Than the dead IN Christ will rise first out of their graves. After that we, who are still alive on earth, will be caught up with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, so that we will be with Him forever.

Prophecy 06.02.2020. Received by The Candle.