Future Facts…

This says GOD :

I AM the I AM, the GOD who was.. is.. and will be… and is to come. Soon you will see Our glory. For the time is near. For WE will take Our beloved ones Home. I AM. The other will remain on earth and will have to go through the furnace of temptations and of persecution and of war and epidemics and deseases… and tribulations of all kinds. I AM. Soon the Anti-Christ world-regime will be revealed in all its total control-powers. Many will be slaughtered in those days, for they will not accept any resistance of any kind. Many, who will resist their authority or their chipping or marking, will be killed as an enemy of this World-Government and its World-Leader(s). Many people and christians heard about this “future” fact, but were not really willing to accept that it would happen in their own age. Many read or heard about the prophecies and revelations of the book “The Apocalypse/The Book of Revelations”, but didn’t believe that it really would happen. But now you are really living in the end-time… and in the days that these things will happen… in very, very, very near future. I AM. My call to all is : Be awakened! The time is very, very, very near. Repent and allow Us to save your souls for eternity, for death and hades/scheol/kingdom of death will go around to take souls away from the earth, like already happened… and will happen. I, YHVH GOD, AM. Blessed are all who are really willing to be saved for eternity… and who will get the opportunity, in these last days, to repent and to receive Our holy gospel… and the gift of faith… to their salvation for eternity. I, YHVH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 03.04.2020. Received by The Candle.

Soon all knees will bow….

This says GOD :

I AM the GOD above all. I AM. I AM the GOD who makes the most out of it, for I AM always active in creation by My Spirit and Holy Son and holy angels and holy ones/saints, according to Our holy plan and words and will and revelations and prophecies etc. I AM. Many have turned their back on Me. But soon they all will bow their knees before My throne and the throne of My Son Yeshua ha Mashiach. For the time of Our heavenly judgements have come, which will bring many to their knees on earth… or in the kingdom of death/scheol/hades… or in Our Presence on earth… or in heaven. I, YHVH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 01.04.2020. Received by The Candle.

The GOD of saving grace…

This says GOD YHVH, The GOD of all that was, is… and will be :

I AM the Great Master above all masters. I AM the Grand Master above all grand masters. I AM the Highest Authority in My universes. I AM. No-one is above me. I AM. No-one will ever be like I AM, the Almighty and All-knowing God of what was, is and will be. I AM. I AM the GOD, who gave life and breath to all that was, and who gives life and breath to all that is and will be. I AM the One and Only Almighty One in My creation, which is the work of My Hands and My Ghost and Breath and words. I AM. I AM the One who gives or takes lives. I AM. I AM the Almighty and All-Knowing and All-serving GOD, who works all in all… according to My holy will and plan and words. I AM. Although Satan/Lucifer and the fallen angels and demons and unclean spirits have powers to deceive and to chain people to their powers, to make them slaves and to make them suffering or to rob and torture and kill and destroy them, still I AM the GOD and King of the heavens and the earth, who has the powers to save people out of their bondages/chains. I, YHVH GOD, AM. For I AM the Great Savior in creation and no-one else. For I AM the One, who is the GOD and Father of creation… and I was IN Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ on earth, walking among the Jews in His time. I AM. His name was Immanuel, which is translated : GOD is with/amoung us. Hear, ye nations and tribes of the earth, I AM the GOD and Savior of all, who accept Us and Our work of saving grace and reconciliation IN Christ Jesus and His precious blood, that fled out of His wounds to reconcile the whole creation to Us for all eternity, so that whoever believes in Us and Our saving grace… will be saved by means of Our Life-changing work in his/her conciousness and heart, spirit and mind and soul and body in Yeshua ha Mashiach’s/ Jesus Christ’ holy saving name. Amen. Admit your unbelief… and all sin that came out of it… and call on Our holy names… and ask Us for forgiveness… and that We will change your ways of live by means of Our Holy Spirit and word of God/gospel/good news… and give thanks to Us, that we opened the Door to heaven… and to eternal life… to you in Jesus Christ’ name and His work of salvation on the wood/pole/cross of Calvery/Golgatha. Amen. Allow us to lead you by Our Spirit and word… to prepare you for eternal glory. I AM. Our Word says : The wages of sin is dead/death, but the great gift of GOD is eternal life by/in/through Jesus the Christ, the Living Son of Me, the living Almighty Gracious and Merciful GOD and Father of creation. I, Adonai YHVH, The Lord GOD, AM.

Prophecy 31.03.2020. Received by The Candle.

Soon a great change will take place…

This says GOD :

In these days I will turn all things for good for those who I love. I AM. For I AM a gracious and loving and merciful God to all on the surface of the earth… till the day of judgement. I AM. For I AM THE GOD, who endures people patiently, who even cares for those who are evil. For I always tried to bring them to repentance, so that they would turn around… and would accept Me as their Lord and GOD and Savior. I AM. Soon, yes very soon, many will be transformed, suddenly, when my Son will come with the clouds of heaven to take His beloved ones home. I AM. Those who will be left behind…. will fear and tremble and will know that the things will happen, that they heard about… by My faithful sons and daughters and holy witnesses. I AM. Soon, yes very soon, the secret of 1 Thess. 4 ; 13-18. and of 1 Cor. 15 ; 50-58. will be fulfilled. I, the Lord GOD, Adonai YHVH, AM.

Prophecy 28.03.2020. Received by The Candle.

The secret… and the heavenly Kingdom…

This says GOD :

Soon I will give My holy heavenly inheritance to My chosen ones out of Israel and the nations and tribes of the earth… and out of christianity. I AM. My holy heavenly Kingdom, which always was and always will be, will soon be revealed when I will come down from heaven to Zion at Jerusalem in Israel. But before this will happen… I will fulfill My promissed secret, that I revealed to all of My holy prophets and seeers and revelators and to My holy apostles and My holy and beloved children IN Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ. I AM. Adonai YeHoVaH – also called Adonai YaHWeH, also called the Lord GOD… and Father of creation and of all holy prophets and all holy apostles and saints of past, present and future – is My holy name forever. I AM.

Prophecy 28.03.2020. Received by The Candle.

The falling away…

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of creation :

I AM the GOD who loves righteousness and who hates unrighteousness. I AM the GOD who will judge the living and dead on earth. For some are the living IN Christ Jesus’ Spirit… and some are the dead in sin and transgression of God’s words/Thora/laws. I AM. Many will convert to Islam in future days… and many will return to Us. Many will fall away from the faith, because of the wickedness of those who will persecute them… and because of the false prophet, the anti-christo, the other christ, the anti-messiah, other messiah. For he will even perform miracles to deceive all of mankind, even the chosen ones… if it would be possible. But I will keep them shielded in My holy protective powers… and will give them the endurance to remain faithfull to Me. I AM. No-one will snatch them out of My holy saving Hands. I, YHVH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 27.03.2020. Received by The Candle.

The Almighty Ones…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty GOD of creation :

Hear, ye people and inhabitants of this world in these last days, before My holy return from heaven to the earth… in My holy Temple/ My holy Image Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ. I AM. Many heard My gospel in the past. Many rejected it in unbelief and disobedience and stubbornness. I AM. Now I AM the GOD who reveals His mighty powerful Arm in creation by doing as pleases Me. For many will go down into the kingdom of death, because they refused to repent… and chose to love the world and its sinful pleasures more than Me and My eternal glorious heavenly Kingdom. Many will go down on their knees in My Presence on the day of Judgement. They will have to admit, that Yeshua ha Mashiach/ Jesus the Christ is Despotes/ Ruler and Lord, to Our glory. Although they never accepted Him as such… they will be humbled in My holy Presence on My day. For We are Elohim above all elohim, the Gods above all gods. We are YHVH-Elohim, who created the heavens and the earth. We are the Almighty Ones and no-one else. I, YHWH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 25.03.2020. Received by The Candle.

Why all this… adversity ?

This says GOD YHVH/YHWH/the LORD GOD :

I AM YHVH, the GOD of creation. I AM the Almighty One. I AM the GOD of prosperity and adversity. I AM. Many heard this before, but didn’t acknowledge it, for they didn’t want to honor Me as being such an Almighty GOD. Many were proud and even stubborn to Me. But times can change very rapidly, as you are experiencing now. I, YHVH GOD, AM. Many searched for prosperity and did all they could do to become rich or wealthy. Many even lied and stealed to reach their goals. But now I show to all that I AM. For I decide what happens in creation. I AM. Although almost no-one in the mainstream media gives honor to Me, still I AM the One who can give life or takes lives. I AM the GOD who has the power to build or to destroy. I AM the One who has the powers to bless a nation or country or state or region or city or village or an household or family… or to curse them, so that they all will wither. I AM. Who, yes who is willing to acknowledge My Reign in My creation ? Where are the inhabitants of the earth, who really honor and fear Me… and who ask Me for forgiveness of their sin and sinful nature and evil and selfish attitude and corrupt and frauduleus and wicked and perverse life-style… and who really are willing to be transformed in their ways of thinking, speaking and doing… to be saved for eternity ? Did you not hear about My judgement, that I poured out in the days of My holy Prophet Noah ? He preached and build the Arc/Big Ship during 120 years… to save those, who would believe his message ? But the people in those days rejected his preaching, which was My holy preaching of My holy almighty Ghost through him… to save those, who would believe Me… and trust Me… and My holy life-saving message. But alas… mankind didn’t quit its godless and wicked life-style. So I had to destroy all of them by My worldwide flood. Only 8 people got saved, who entered, in faith and obedience to My call, the Arc/Big Boat/Big Ship : Noah and his wife and three sons and their wives. They… and all the animals that were in the Arc… survived the great flood of total destruction. Later… I again often brought judgments upon cities and regions and countries/nations. I always warned people. I always asked them to quit evil and to obey Me, but alas mankind always made the same mistake : They rejected Me, The Holy One of creation, and My holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ and Our holy prophets and holy apostles and holy messengers and holy witnesses and Our holy messages/words and holy scriptures and holy chronicles. Many rejected Our holy message of grace and truth and salvation, which is in My and Jesus Christ’ holy name and His atoning/reconciling/redeeming sacrifice on the wood of curse on Calvery… to save all, who believe and who are willing to be changed in their way of life by Our saving grace and love and truth. I AM. In these last days… you will see that My judgments will be poured out upon mankind, who was not willing to accept Our Reign. Since World-War II… We gave mankind prosperity, because of Our goodness and love and grace… and because of all the prayers, that came before Our Thrones in heaven. For Many called upon Our names in the days of distress of WW II… and We heard and answered, according to Our love and grace. But alas, when they became prosperous, they again left Us… and again they became godless and lawless and promoted godlessness and evil. This is the Reason why WE send adversity. Let him who has ears, hear what Our Spirit says by these words. I, YHVH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 22.03.2020. Received by The Candle.