Revelation 13… NOW !!!
Many were /will be / are tested… and tempted concerning 666… already now… and in near future…
This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of the universes, the Great I AM, the Almighty One, the GOD above all other gods and godesses :
“Hear, ye nations, today I declare that I AM in charge of all armies of the nations. When I will tell them : “Come and fight/war against the evil ones in that nation or in that arear or that Union, than they will come… and no-one will be able to hinder them, for I AM the Almighty One.” When My almight powerful holy Ghost comes down upon a king or ruler or several rulers or kings of the earth to war against other rulers or kings of the earth, than it wil happen that they will be one and united in their will to war… and to take over…. and/or to destroy that I want to take over or to destroy. I AM. Throughout all ages I was the GOD who ruled creation, although Satan/Lucifer was the Evil One, who thought and taught to many that he was/is in control. But I laugh in heaven and on earth about his pride, for I AM the One and Only True Almighty Ruler and King above all rulers and kings of the earth… and not he. For I decide, who he can have as his slaves for the time that I decide, for I can deliver every-one/any-one… that I want to set free from slavery to his powers of darkness and lies and deceit and seduction, whenever I want. I AM the Elohim above all elohim and the LORD above all lords and the King above all kings and I AM the Almighty One and not he. I AM the First and Last in everything, for I decide what happens in the heavens and in the earth… according to My holy heavenly plan and holy will and words and decisions and visions and prophecies. I AM in charge of all. I decide when earthquakes will happen or disasters or pandemics or not. I AM the Judge of all… and I decide what punishment they get, temporary or eternal. I AM. I AM the GOD who has all powers and authority in the heavens and in the earth, although many deny this fact and reality. Even this temporary- Beast of Revelation 13. and its worldruler and it false prophet/anti-christo/other christ/false christ/false anointed one, whose number of is his name is 666, are just allowed by My holy will to exist for a short period of time to test/tempt all inhabitants of the earth, so that will be revealed who are really My holy sons and daughters… and who are not, who are slaves of Satan/Lucifer. They may reign for a short while, but I will make them to dust again… and will give them their wages with an everlasting holy judgment in righteousness. I AM. Many will be tested and tempted to take the injections, related/linked to 666 and the false christ/anti-christ and the Whore Babylon and the momentary Beast-Global-World-Banking-Mammon/Money-system to their eternal suffering and destruction… and everlasting punishment in the second death, which is the lake, that burns forever of brimstone and fire. I AM. Woe to those who deny Me and My holy Son and reject Us and Our holy heavenly Reign over all… and who reject Our Gospel of salvation and Our prophetic and revealing warnings in this last period… and remain stubborn… to their eternal condemnation. I AM. Blessed are all, who are faithfull believers and followers and obedient sons and daughters, who are willing to take up their cross every day… and to deny themselves every day… to follow My holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ in obedience till the end, till they will see Our Glory and will be Our glorified holy Kings and Priests of Heaven, who will reign with Us in all eternity in Our Heavenly Kingdom, that will last forever. I AM.” ;
Says the LORD GOD YHVH, the Almighty One, the GOD of the heavens and the earth, The King and Ruler of the Universes/Kosmoia/Cosmos, who will come very soon to Judge the Living and the dead IN Christ Jesus/Yeshua ha Mashiach, who is the Eternal Expression of His glorious Heavenly Being, The Eternal Radiance of His Glory and the Carrier of the Words of God’s almighty powers, so what-ever He says… it will happen in creation.
Prophecy 19.07.2021. Received By God’s servant/messenger A Voice in The Wind / The Candle.
These days are the days of fulfillment of the propecies and revelations of The Apocalypse/Scroll/Book of Revelation of God and Jesus Christ. Now we are in the days of the fulfillment of Rev. 13. before our eyes, for all who can and are willing to see and hear it… and recognize it… and who obey GOD and Jesus Christ more than the deception, seduction, betrayal that is going around by Satan/Lucifer and their slaves. And God allows it… to test all…. to reveal the True saints… and the sons and daughters of Satan/Lucifer.
Please read Revelation 13+14. + 17+18. Attention, the Book of Revelations is not chronological written. This means, some parts are about the past, some are about the present time… and some are about future… and some are about things that were throughout many ages… or are even still now.
Update with new information about Revelation 13… and its fulfillment :
GOD speaks to Israel.. the True Israel… and to the nations… to all who have ears to hear… and eyes to see… and a heart to understand… God’s glorious everlasting LOVE… and work of saving grace…
This says the GOD of Israel and creation :
“This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of the true Israel that acknowledges Me and My holy Reign in creation in obedience to My Holy Ghost/Spirit/Breath/Ruach Hakodesh. I AM. For many are servants of “their laws” , which are often the opposite of My holy Thora. I AM. Many will go down in scheol/hades/kingdom of death, because of their evil and falsefying of My holy Thora and holy prophetic and apostolic scriptures and revelations and teachings and holy chronicles and holy testimonies. I AM. Woe to those evildoers and wicked, who call themselves Israelites and/or Jews but who in reality deny Me and My True Mashiach… who was already on earth among them in the past, during the reign of King Herod and the Roman Emperor. I AM. They rejected Him and accused Him by false witnesses, so that He would be judged and condemned… although He was complete and perfect and totally innocent. I AM. But it had to happen that way. So that He would become the ransom for their souls and the atoning Sacrifice, whose blood would be sprinkled on the Ark of the Covenant for the sins of Israel. For the blood of goats and sheep and of cows and birds could not really reconcile Israel and fallen mankind to Me. Only the blood of a Perfect human Being, who would be given as a Perfect Lamb of GOD, could reconcile them to Me, the Almighty Holy Living GOD YHVH, the GOD of the heavens and the earth, the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob/Israel. I AM. All the sacrifices of animals and birds/pigeons and their blood, by which the sinners/transgressors of My holy Thora were “reconciled” to Me in the Tabernacle, later in the Tempel at Jerusalem, were just shadow-images of the True Reconciliation to Me by My holy Perfect Mashiach… whose blood was shed from Gethsemane till Golgatha/Calvery and on the wood of curses, where He was hanging instead of the sinners of Israel and creation… to bear/carry the holy judgments and punishments that the transgressors, of My holy Thora/Law/Commandments/holy teachings, of Israel and mankind deserved… for all their unbelief, evil and wickedness and sinful nature and godlessness and Thora-lessness. I AM. The Innocent Perfect One, True Holy Mashiach, became MY heavenly Lamb of GOD, that took the sins and the punishment over all the sins of Israel and of all of mankind upon His precious, spirit, soul and body. He was made to sin… and I struck Him with My holy Anger/Wrath and Vengeance instead of them, so that I could find satisfaction in what He did to save Israel and mankind from My eternal everlasting holy Anger over their evil and unholiness and wickedness, so that I could and can forgive people their sinfulness and sins/transgressions and imperfectness… and can still give them eternal and everlasting life by means of My heavenly LOVE and Giving Goodness/Grace and everlasting mercy and holy Ghost. I AM. When they accept that the Mashiach had to die for them…. and all other people in creation… to save them all, than the sectarian and evil mindset will be taken away from them and they will experience New and Eternal Life… given to them by Me and My Living Mashiach, who is now seated and glorified at My right Hand in Heaven… and has got all power and authority in heaven and on earth… and is the High Priest in My Holy Presence, according to the Heavenly Order of Melchisedek, King of the Heaveny Shalom/Salem/Peace. I AM. The Mashiach died on the wood of curses on the day of The Passover/Pesach, was buried… according to the holy words, that I spoke and wrote down by the prophets of Israel… and was raised by My Holy Almighty Ghost from the dead and came alive and well out of his Tomb/grave on the third day… and appeared visible, with His body of flesh and bones and the marks, of His suffering/being tortured, in His body and in His hands and feet and left side, to His followers/believers/disciples during 40 days. On the 40 th day, after His ressurrection, He was, while talking to His holy disciples/apostles/messengers about the Kingdom of God and blessing them, taken up into the sky… and dissapeared before their eyes into the clouds. Now He is glorified by Me, the GOD of Israel in the heavens and in the earth, because of the work of salvation that He fulfilled to save creation out of the evil… that came into this creation after Adam and Eve transgressed in Paradise/The Garden of Eden. Now, after the shedding and sprinkling of His Blood on the place of reconciliation on the holy Ark of the Covenant, which was… and is still hidden… in a Cave in the Rock-bottem by My Almighty Hand under the place where He was nailed to the wood of curses at Golgatha/Calvery, the Door/Gate/ Opening/Entrance into Paradise/Garden of Eden is opened again to all… by The Holy Blood of the Lamb of GOD, My beloved Mashiach. On the 50 th day We poured out the Holy Ghost into the hearts of the disciples of the True Mashiach… and in this heavenly glorious holy Ghost and His power and love and truth they preached and prophesied and revealed Our Holy Heavenly Saving Message of Our LOVE and Grace and of Our Heavenly Reconciliation and Salvation of all who believe… by Our Grace and LOVE and truth. I AM. He is the Savior of all who believe Me and Him and His Good News, which is the Gospel of Salvation, and allow Us to show Our heavenly LOVE and glorious Grace and Truth and Mercy and fulness of Loving Heavenly Care to all… who believe Us and Our holy heavenly prophets and apostles/messengers and their followers, who spoke/speak and wrote/write and prophesied/prophecy and revealed/reveal and preached/preach and teached/teach these holy heavenly and earthly holy facts and reality and historical facts… and these present and future facts, till HE will come back from Heaven in MY Glory and Heavenly Authority and Holy Power and Majesty… to restore visible My and His Kingdom, The Kingdom of GOD YHVH, to Israel… according to the holy prophecies and revelations and promises that I gave to Abraham and his descendants… by My Voice/Words and by My Holy Ghost and My Holy Angels and My holy prophets and revelators and apostles in former days to Israel… and to the believers in Us out of the nations/gentiles/Goyim… as mentioned in Our Holy Scrolls. I AM. I made a New Covenant with The True Israel in the power of the Blood of the True Mashiach, sprinkled on the Mercy-Seat/Place of Reconciliation on the Ark of The Covenant, that I made with Israel in former days by the instructions that I gave to Israel by Moses/ the great man of GOD. Now He, the True Mashiach, has become in My holy Everlasting Eyes the True Everlasting Holy Heavenly Pesach… by whose Blood you will be saved from My holy Judgments… and will be lead by My Hand out of captivity of the powers of darkness/the evil spirits in the air… and the power of sin in your bodies. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, YHVH-Elohim, YHVH-Sebaoth, the GOD of Israel and of the heavens and the earth, the universes, the great I AM.
Prophecy received by The Candle / A Voice in The Wind / Jean M.P. Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
If people don’t remain in this truth… and are not willing to be renewed in their ways of thinking, willing, speaking or doing by God’s holy Ghost and words and holy ministers of God’s Spirit and words according to the apostolic teachings… and are not willing to be sanctified… or will hear and understand and than afterwards still remain stubborn or reject the Mashiach Yeshua/ Jesus Christ after having get to know the whole gospel, than they will be hardened and will fall away… and still wil go lost. John 15. + Hebrew 6.
The awfull reality…
This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of Israel and creation :
“Hear, o Israel and ye nations, I AM the GOD who will consume many with fire… when I will return from heaven in My holy Image and Son Yeshua Hamashiach/ Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ. I AM. Many were and are lost in their unbelief and evil and sins. I AM. They are on the road to eternal suffering and condemnation, for they rejected Our holy Message from heaven and Our holy angels/messengers who taught them Our holy words and Good News by which they could have been saved for eternity, if they would have accepted them. But alas, many were loving this evil world and its sinful pleasures and evil and wickedness and godlessness and denial of Our Reign and Majesty in the heavens and in the earth, by which they comitted adultery and idolitry and sorcery and magic and Luciferian/Satanic and demonic pleasures… to satisfy their fleshly lusts and desires to their eternal destruction… and to the deception and seduction of all who trusted or believed their lies about “freedom” , which was and is in reality slavery to the powers of darkness, who lead them to eternal hell/ second death/ the lake of brimstone and fire, where they will suffer in all eternity. I AM. ” ; Says the LORD GOD, the Almighty One of creation, Adonai YHVH-GOD, the Lord/Master YeHoVaH-GOD, the Only and True Almighty Ruler and King of creation, The Great I AM, who was… is… and always will be. Amen. Hallelu-YHVH-GOD. Amen.
Prophecy 16.07.2021. Received by Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU. The Candle / A Voice in The Wind.
The True GOD speaks to the people of the nations and tribes… and warns them…
This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of Israel… and the GOD of all nations and tribes of the earth :
“Hear, ye nations and tribes of the earth, ye are all tested, tempted and trialed when the anti-christ-Beast-system and the Whore-Babylon-religious-system wants to eradicate billions of people, because they want to keep total control. They will try to get you enslaved to their injections, so that they can prepare you to be their slaves in a way I allow them to do… to reveal who will serve Me and My holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ… and who are willing to serve the Luciferians/Satanists, who have at this moment world-control by their secret gatherings and secret-/occult-satanic/luciferian counsels. Their often repeated slogan “The world is overpopulated, we have to depopulate” is their “new” creed, that they used and use to destroy in near future billions of people, by their technology and medical and pharmaceutical input… and all other things and systems and organisations and possibilities that they infuence and/or control. I AM. Many people of these Last Days/End-time have had opened their eyes by means of My grace and love and truth and by their – by Me given – experiences and concerns… and the eyewitnesses of what was… and is… really going on right now on earth… and what will happen in future days, by what I showed or revealed or prophecied to them. I AM. Many are still blinded by the schemes of The Evil Spirits in the air and in people, Satan/Lucifer and their slaves / his fellow-workers and obedient followers. My holy servants, who honor Me and obey Me… and follow Me IN Christ Jesus and the true apostolic and prophetic words and teachings and revelations and instructions… will be Our holy Light from heaven in this dark age of the fulfillment of Revelation 13. I AM. Blessed are all who obey Us more than the spirits of this anti-GOD world-system, that is on the broad-road to eternal suffering and destruction and the kingdom of death/scheol/hades and second death, the lake of brimstone and fire. I AM. All who will take the injections and/or mark/sign/number/name/charagma of the anti-christ/other christ/false christ/”represent” of christ on earth, who dwells at Rome and has all power over all nations by means of His false church and the secret/mysteries of the Whore Babylon – who deceives by her Pharamakaeia/Sorcery/Magic… ( Also related to drugs-use to get in trance to receive “special revelations” of higher entities ” gods or godesses” or just to get into a trance and an a-normal “joy” and “gladness” and “happiness”, by which they loose selfcontrol or become so “peacefull”, that they are even willing to make contact with Satan… en join him in His plans to lead billions into eternal hell… by denying reality and God’s words and God’s holiness and holy judments… and get further under the influence of in reality fallen angels/evil ones/demons/unclean spirits.) … the whole world. You are now in this time where even young people and old people are so addicted to drugs and drugs-related…. and even by Satan/Lucifer/demons inspired… music and movies and media-deception, that they are on the road to eternal suffering in hell… without knowing… or without being willing to accept this fact/reality. I AM. I, The Living Almighty GOD of the universes/cosmos, YHVH-GOD, the Heavenly Father of all of My creation, will only intervene when people call on My holy name… or the holy name of My beloved glorified Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ… and are really willing to be changed to their eternal glory with Us. I AM. Those who are just willing to get their earthly satisfaction, but deny Our holiness and are not willing to become holy, will… or will again… choose for Satan/ Lucifer… and will go lost for all eternity. I AM. Woe to those who deny this holy eternal fact/reality. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, The Great I AM. the GOD of all universes and all universal powers in the visible and invisible worlds/realms/dimensions and in the new future universe… and its new heaven and new earth.
Prophecy received on the 14.07.2021. by A Voice in The Wind / The Candle/ Jean M.P. Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
Please read in “the Book of the Revelation” of GOD and Jesus the Christ, also called the Apocalypse, the last book of the bible, the chapters 13+14. Pray… and think about it… under the guidance of God’s Holy Ghost.
The Great Good News…

Posted on the 09.07.2021. by The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / Jean M.P. Schoonbroodt.
God explains what was/is going on…
This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation :
“Hear, ye nations and tribes of the earth, I AM the GOD above all. I AM. No-one was before I AM. I AM the Creator of all heavens and the earth. I AM. Many searched for the True GOD, when their lives came in danger or in great distress or in need. Many had to go/will go through that furnace of suffering, because they were/are not willing to listen to My holy Good News. I AM. Many suffer right now with eternal pains, because they were not willing to accept My Reign in their earthly lives. They chose the world and its evil and godless and lawless/thora-less lusts/desires and attitude… and in doing so the spiritual dead and suffering under My holy wrath and vengeance and under the powers of darkness. I AM. Many are on the road to eternal destruction and second death. I AM. Although I often warned them, not to reject nor to refuse My words of salvation and saving grace and reconciliation and sanctification and justification and completion IN Christ Jesus and His work… and in His name and True Body/Spiritual Body/True Members of His True Bride-Church/Temple, they still remained stubborn like goats… and even fought and humbled My True faithfull witnesses and servants, who told them My words and confronted them with their evil. I AM. These goats I will judge by My Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/ Jesous Christos/ Jesus the Christ/ Jesus Christus on the day of Our Judgment for them and they will be thrown in the second death/lake of fire and brimstone. I AM. But My True faithfull sons and daughters IN Yeshua ha Mashiach/ Jesus the Christ, who had/have overcome this evil world and its evil… in obedience towards Our words/Gospel of salvation… will reign with Us in all eternity in Our heavenly Kingdom. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD, YHVH-GOD, the Almighty One of creation… and The Holy One of Israel, the Great I AM.
Prophecy received by The Candle / The Voice in the Wind / Jean M.P. Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.